
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Everything posted by Robyn

  1. Robyn


    I loved "What Dreams May Come" with Robin Williams and Annabella Sciorra. I also love the classics. I LOVE anything with Humphrey Bogart...The African Queen is one of my faves as is Key Largo!
  2. WOW...I can totally relate to your should read through mine. I had a long distance relationship as well. Sadly, my partner decided she didn't want to continue the relationship...still not really sure why...I don't think she knows either but nonetheless, I hear me in your blogs. If he loves you and it is meant to be, it will be. The distance is hard but as long as the lines of communication are still open and he still wants it, it WILL work out...have faith! Folks here talk about the "new normal"...I know how much you miss the nightly calls...I missed them as well, but you will develop a new normal between you...weekly calls...but he needs his time to heal. I'm here...PM me if you like...I am standing right beside you COMPLETELY understanding what you are going through...COMPLETELY!!! :hug: :friends:
  3. Robyn

    I feel alive again... was my ex partner who had a stroke and I'm just trying to heal from the breakup that happened right after it. She left me...I didn't leave her...weird eh?!! I've come to the clear conclusion it is her loss... But it doesn't help the hurt. Thankfully the hurt is minimizing every day...
  4. Robyn

    Three Years

    Your wife is one lucky woman! I agree with warmed my heart! How incredibly wonderful to love someone so much!!! May you have great blessings the rest of your life together! Cheers...R
  5. Robyn

    I feel alive again...

    Thanks Donna...looking forward to getting to know you through your blogs!
  6. Robyn

    I feel alive again...

    Bonnie..that's what someone said to me...making new memories! I liked thinking of it that way! Sam and Margaret are great. They adored Halloween...had tons of fun! Margaret did GREAT in school and got all A's and an A- on her report card. Sam's behaviors have evened out and now we are dealing more with typical 4 year old boy stuff rather than a child that is truly disturbed about something. Life's good!!! I am going to a week long spiritual retreat over Christmas and New Years and I think that will complete my circle of healing in some ways...but I'm still just taking it one day at a time! Here is the link to the retreat I am going to during my time at my retreat house...
  7. Robyn


    BRAVO!!! Congrats on the improvement!
  8. Robyn

    I feel alive again...

    I got my flu shot the other day. It was OK to do it because I didn't have a fever!!! Bears winning the superbowl, eh...we'll see...we'll see!!!!!!!!! Thanks everyone...I'm not leaving...not any time soon!
  9. Mel...I guess I'm NOT surprised at the number of things we have in common! WOW...I'll have to elaborate more on that another time. Maybe I'll do my own "100 things you don't know about me" list too! I'm so glad you feel safe here...that's awesome! :hug:
  10. I haven't been here...sorry! I'll look at it some time soon! Happy Samhain to you too my dear! May the Goddess guide you over the coming year!
  11. Robyn

    What a week!

    So how was your trip abroad?!!! I missed hearing from ya! Good luck with the Marathon...what an experience for him!
  12. Robyn

    I feel alive again...

    Not to worry...I'm not going anywhere. I just may not post every day but I'll try to get here a couple of days a week! I really care for y'all and I love blogging here. It feels safe and protected and I feel very supported!
  13. Robyn

    I feel alive again...

    Why THANK YOU Dr. Sherri!!!!
  14. ...OK...and a little tired too! LOL! Gracious, I had a great weekend with my friend, Roxanne! We met lots of new people and just had a grand time. I realized I need more sleep than I gave myself this weekend, especially since I'm STILL trying to battle off my cold. Guess I'm not as young as I used to be...! This is all part of the process, right?! Returning to LIVING...enjoying life and being with people and just reconnecting with myself again. It felt glorious...first time in months I felt whole again! I sent her stuff back FINALLY along with a long letter sharing my feelings and pain. It felt great actually to just move forward in the process by getting rid of two boxes of her things hanging around my house. Another step in my closure...I'm almost there. I still feel like there is something still left to complete...unsure what and I'm unsure its actually something I have to do, but perhaps I'm expecting to hear from her one last time to not just close the door, but to also lock it. I don't know so I'm just staying in the moment and letting the universe give me what it needs to give me. I have learned after this weekend, in case it wasn't clear to me before, that the universe DOES is amazing!!!!! It's ALL GOOD!!!!
  15. ACK...I hope it wasn't me??!!! I don't think so BUT I figured I'd check in!!! :hug:
  16. Robyn


    Your therapist is right. You will have more and more good days...I swear! None of us really have control over ANYTHING...stroke or no stroke...the Universe...God...whatever you call it, is in control!! I've spent the last year working very very hard on that gets easier over time!
  17. Sherri...YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS...especially on having NO REVISIONS! HOW FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats get used to it after a while and actually enjoy it when people call you DOC!!! I'm very very proud of you!
  18. PERFECT!!! Thanks...that really was perfect. That is exactly what I am trying to do for myself! :hug:
  19. Robyn

    OK - This blew me away....

    That was great! I took out death/dying and put in breakup and I could TOTALLY relate to the phases of grieving and its relationship with time! I'm going to copy that, if you don't mind, and send it to my life coach who's mother died about 3 weeks ago!
  20. Robyn

    a "good day"

    YAHOO!!! You took control...that is figured out a solution to your situation and it worked out perfectly. You could've easily have just crawled back into bed but you said "how can I solve this?" you walked towards the problem...towards the fear...and did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I think part of it, Sue, is that women feel guilty when they take time for themselves, stroke or no stroke involved. But I've learned for myself that when Momma is happy and healthy, EVERYONE is happy and healthy. Taking the respite will give you a chance to recharge and be that much more engaged with Ray, making that time together all that more pleasant! Take care of deserve it! :hug:
  22. Yeah...the MJF commercial I've seen as its part of the Missouri/St. Louis politics here. Doesn't affect me as I live in more liberal Illinois but I see the commercials. Limbaugh...well...don't get me started. Can you say VIAGRA dude???!!! I think Limbaugh had his 15 minutes of fame...time to move on. Mark McEwan is/was the weatherman for the CBS Early Show out of NY, nationally syndicated. I'm glad he's taking the mantle on for stroke awareness!!! Bravo!
  23. Robyn


    Great ideas, gang!
  24. We had a great time and a great visit with my parents!