
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by Robyn

  1. Your therapist is right. You will have more and more good days...I swear! None of us really have control over ANYTHING...stroke or no stroke...the Universe...God...whatever you call it, is in control!! I've spent the last year working very very hard on that gets easier over time!

  2. That was great! I took out death/dying and put in breakup and I could TOTALLY relate to the phases of grieving and its relationship with time! I'm going to copy that, if you don't mind, and send it to my life coach who's mother died about 3 weeks ago!

  3. YAHOO!!! You took control...that is figured out a solution to your situation and it worked out perfectly. You could've easily have just crawled back into bed but you said "how can I solve this?" you walked towards the problem...towards the fear...and did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I think part of it, Sue, is that women feel guilty when they take time for themselves, stroke or no stroke involved. But I've learned for myself that when Momma is happy and healthy, EVERYONE is happy and healthy. Taking the respite will give you a chance to recharge and be that much more engaged with Ray, making that time together all that more pleasant!


    Take care of deserve it!



  5. Yeah...the MJF commercial I've seen as its part of the Missouri/St. Louis politics here. Doesn't affect me as I live in more liberal Illinois but I see the commercials. Limbaugh...well...don't get me started. Can you say VIAGRA dude???!!! I think Limbaugh had his 15 minutes of fame...time to move on.


    Mark McEwan is/was the weatherman for the CBS Early Show out of NY, nationally syndicated. I'm glad he's taking the mantle on for stroke awareness!!! Bravo!

  6. I know this is hard but I'm happy to hear you are slowly able to focus in on what is causing the anxiety for you. As you are able to focus on it and face it you will slowly be able to conquer the fear. Pema Chodron, a Buddhist monk, tells us to walk TOWARDS our fears, not away from them. Walking towards them helps us to confront them and conquer defuses the fear and makes it more manageable!


    Asha is a goddess and she is right...when you start believing in the power of goodness and tranquility, that will help as well!!!


    You are making great strides my friend! Believe it!! :hug:

  7. Here here, gang! I couldn't agree more!


    I am so unready to get involved with anyone else. I am THRILLED to be making friends with people and am really enjoying that. It is so important for me to be whole first because as long as I am still mourning an old relationship I can't give myself to a new one. It is not even a consideration right now. This only came up for me because I've met someone who seems to be strongly interested in something more and I'm SOOO not interested and had to make it very clear that would not happen. I was talking to my therapist about that and she thinks its great I am reaching out to make friends and agreed with me that anything else is WAY too premature!! LOL!!! I agree Sue...I've known too many people that dragged their old baggage with them from pillar to my ex-partner in fact!! LOL! I don't want to be one of those people. I'm so glad I'm being supported by my therapist and coach...they take good care of me!


    Gracious, I haven't casually dated anyone really in about 17 years! I dated/was married to my ex-husband for 14 years and then was in a relationship with Jane for 3 years right after that. I need a little "Robyn time" right now.


    I am also glad to hear y'all say that this is a process...because that is what I've been feeling as well. Each day it is easier!

  8. Jean...I never thought of it that way. That helps. I suspect that's why I'm not ready QUITE for forgiveness yet. I'm sitting comfortably in the anger phase...licking my wounds and feeling aggrieved, know what I mean? I think I need to feel this way for awhile. But I know I'm not one to hold this sort of anger for long...I can't as I feel it is destructive so when I'm really ready...when the head and heart are in alignment, I'll forgive and move on.


    Sherri, I agree, I do think it is a gradual process and you don't really notice it in increments.


    Asha...I know forgiveness brings happiness which is why I know I am not ready to completely move on and begin a life anew with someone else. Until I can go to a place of forgiveness I know I won't be able to give myself to someone else in a loving manner. I agree with your hubby...and I know these things intellectually...just waiting for my heart to catch up!!!!


    Thanks all!



  9. It was NOT terror related, sweetie! In fact, it was a NY Yankee of all the weird things.


    hang in did great processing your experiences in your last entry!!! Keep it up sweetie...sometimes the only way to get over the experience is to walk right through the pain and emerge on the other side! :hug: