
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by Robyn

  1. I miss my parents and they live quite a ways away from me. Thankfully they are considering moving back to the midwest to be closer to us three bro and I live in Illinois and my sister lives in Wisconsin.


    I can understand missing your family...I'm sorry. Don't give up hope for the future...!!! :hug:

  2. Thanks Mel!!! :hug: :D I'm DEFINITELY feeling much better and more at peace. I'm going to blog about this stuff and what I'm feeling right now some time soon...I'm just swamped right now with other things, including cleaning my house before my parents arrive!!! ACKK!!!!! :lol:


    I know there are beautiful things ahead of me!

  3. Getting it out is the first step to healing from the experience! :friends: Every time I repeat my story it gets easier and easier...never EASY, but easier. I've learned to live with the pain...its just a bit dulled now. BUT YOU DID IT!!!!! CELEBRATE!!!!! The first beautiful steps to healing!!!!!!!!!! :hug:


    You were WAY closer than me. To this day when I hear major booms like that I still think its 9/11 all over again for a moment...Then rationality kicks in and I realize that moment has passed and I am safe and OK.


    Thanks for sharing, Mel...Love ya sweetie!!! :wub2:

  4. I'm SOOO PSYCHED that you are feeling ready and crisp and excited about this process!!! That is so WONDERFUL!!! I'm THRILLED for you!


    As for getting committees together...sigh...its like herding cats! Hang in there!


    Loving and wanting the attention is only natural. There is SOME advantage though to being treated "normal"...just like one of the crowd again, you know?!!


    But keep coming here...we'll treat ya special! :wub2:

  5. I can't speak from a stroke survivor's point of view but I know for me, particularly from this past experience with my breakup with Jane that when I was in the midst of my pain and trying to figure out what was going on and why, I felt like I'd never feel any joy or happiness again. seemed so far away. But as I did the emotional/mental/spiritual/physical work to come to acceptance of the situation, the joy returned. It may take a while, but I think it can/will return if you want it to. But that means one has to work on acceptance of what you have in front of you, realizing you are powerless to change the circumstances you've been dealt and now you have to create happiness within the new context. If that means therapy or anti-depression drugs or WHATEVER works, strive to find a way to come to that place to bring joy back in your life.


    I know this is REALLY REALLY easy for me to say, not having been in a stroke situation, but from what I've read from other survivors who are in a positive place, they work hard to recover from their deficits, accept there is a new "normal" and have worked to bring joy back into their lives. This all takes time...give yourself that time to mourn what WAS and accept what is NOW! I'm SURE the joy and happiness will come back into your life!!! :hug: :wub2:


    Sad, Mad, Bad Day

    I echo what everyone has said. Your daughter is going through her own issues as a young woman...she loves you!


    Always keep the dialogue open...bringing her to therapy will definitely help and will help you too. Keep pushing to find methods that will help you deal with your depression. Therapy, drugs, non-traditional sources...whatever will work my dear!


    If you are willing to share, I'd love to hear your experiences with 9/11. I outlined mine in my blog from that day. I have always found talking about it helps me to deal with my issues from that day!!!


    :hug: :friends:

  6. Continue with the meditation! It DOES help. Find a method that works for you. Do you meditate to music? I find meditating to Deva Premal helps. Anything that can help you focus is worth trying. Some people can do walking meditation or meditation in silence or meditation with a mantra. Music works for me!


    Eckhart Tolle's book is wonderful but sometimes is difficult! I recommend "The Wisdom of Yoga" by Stephen Cope...its a wonderful, accessible read!


    Good luck and I'm sorry that your employer is such an A**!!! :furious:

  7. Here here Jean...I just missed that generation. But I know many women, older friends of mine, who have broken free of that vision of their lives! You CAN do anything if you put your mind to it, you know?!!


    As soon as I hear from her I'll get the info and get back to ya...I'll PM you.

  8. My coach has taken a course and gotten "certified". I'll ask her and get the info to you about it. I think you'd be GREAT have the right sensibilities to do that well AND you can do it over the don't have to be face to face!!! She charges me $100/month for 1-30 minute phone call and unlimited emails during the month. Her normal fees are $200/month, 3-30 minute phone calls and unlimited email. I just can't swing the extra hundred right now until I have a better sense of my budget and ease up on the therapy which is also costly!

  9. The colonoscopy procedures scares me MUCH more than the mammogram...go figure. Why does the mammo scare you?


    BTW...colon cancer runs in my family, not breast cancer so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it. Plus the notion of medical procedures in my posterior is far more invasive than pictures of my breasts...I dunno!!