
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by Robyn

  1. I like how our blogs link together as well. It is nice that we all support and feed off of each other's energy.


    Enjoy your time away! I love my children beyond measure but I also enjoy having moments to reconnect with ME...ROBYN...not mom, or sister, or daughter, or partner, or lover, or professor...just ROBYN. It gives me energy to go back to those other roles

  2. I can totally EMOTE re: the "STILL MARRIED" I've been legally separated for 3 years but can't get my ex to move his posterior to get any paperwork done and I really can't afford to make my attorney richer right now...UGH... I would've had this done over a year ago but unfortunately I had to make child custody changes and didn't want to get divorced until that was actually done...still not done...he's a PUTZER...putz putz putz over everything!!! GRRRR!! :Tantrum: