
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by Robyn

  1. Absolutely Bonnie. That is really the conclusion I had in my mind as I wrote that...we can't and I wouldn't want to for many reasons, those you listed above. But we want to help them from feeling that pain.


    I spoke with Margaret about that tonight...that even though people may hurt us, we have to continue to love and find love. I think she understood!!!

  2. Oh my gracious you guys are TRULY TRULY the best!!!


    I'm not leaving Phyllis...I will continue to be here and love and support all of you! I hadn't thought of things the way you put it...I'll reflect on that. Perhaps in the end you are right. But I need to sit with that for a while!


    Jean and can cut and paste each other in my complaints from me!!! :lol:


    I'll come back later tonight to blog about my weekend and the impact this has had on my mess with my kids, you cross the line...

  3. No doubt she was prompted by her therapist who I know used to regularly talk with her on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Yesterday was Thursday...


    I'm not holding out hope we'll talk again...perhaps, if she returns to academia, we'll see each other again at a meeting or conference or something. But I won't reach out to her...


    I don't understand it either...but basically NOW by making me the scapegoat it gave her an out...can't blame her, she's not well...must've been that ROBYN was the bad person...ROBYN didn't care enough...ROBYN wasn't there for her...yeah...that must be it... Honestly, she might be dead right now if I hadn't sought out people to find her. If I had been with her in the hospital when her BP went sky high, I never would've let her leave and had said so to her at the time...but none of that mattered to her. She said "I'm not running away or toward you...just walking on my own path can't understand because I am seeking the only care about yourself and what you need, you don't care about what I need." HUH???????


    Again, I assumed the relationship was strong before this...strokes don't make you fall OUT of love...if this is how she feels now, then she was lying to me before... I feel sorry for her, but I have NO interest in ever talking with her again, personally or professionally.


    I'm a good person...I deserve to be treated better...

  4. thanks everyone!! You guys DO mean the world to me and we've only known each other a few weeks!!! your continued support and insight have truly kept me afloat and inspired me over these last couple of weeks.


    I know the Lord has beautiful things waiting for me...beautiful beautiful things...I just need to heal right now and learn to trust again...


    Ann...I love you are exactly right...that is what intimacy really is...all that and more. And she just couldn't go there. My feeling is, from what everyone has told me, is that the stroke doesn't make you fall out of love with someone, but just lays bare your true feelings...and it DOES make me feel like all she said to me, all she pledged was a lie. Sorry I still feel that way but it is all I have right now...and it works for me...


    I will stay in the blogging world here...but I don't think I can return to the least not right now. So I will post here and comment on other blogs to stay in touch with everyone!!!


    I'm heading out this weekend...taking the kids camping! I'll be back Sunday evening!



  5. Thanks Fred...I know I will go on and probably love again. RIght now I just have a lot of healing to do and I have to learn how to trust again. To trust when someone says they love me and that I am their family they actually mean it.


    The accusations she made are painful and hurtful and I have a clear and clean conscience regarding my actions in this relationship. I am angry and sad...

  6. I think you know it, without a doubt, although you may not think of it by that name. It is about reaching out, making yourself vulnerable to another...allowing yourself to fall in need someone in your life. Sharing your deepest, innermost feelings...allowing yourself to be engaged even if you are uncomfortable... The normal stuff one would see in a committed relationship.

  7. No Jean...she never had issues being in a lesbian relationship, she had issues with any kind of emotional intimacy with people...sharing emotions...vulnerability, allowing yourself to "need" someone in a healthy way. She came out as a lesbian long before we met and had been in several relationships before me. Being a lesbian was something she embraced and was comfortable with. Its the emotional intimacy that's an issue... She always put up walls, in past relationships and in the pre-relationship days of our relationship.


    This is really about her emotional intimacy issues...

  8. Thanks gang!


    Sam is 4...last year of PRE-K. He actually LOVES the violin lessons as does my daughter. If they didn't I wouldn't make them! Yes, its Suzuki. I teach at a school -- Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville -- that has a Suzuki instruction program that is 40 years old! The founder of the program was the first American music teacher to bring the Suzuki method to the US. The students in the program travel the world touring...they are VERY talented!!! My daughter is VERY musical...its her strength so as long as she loves it I support it!!! I'm sure having a dad that loved this instrument had its benefits and disadvantages!! Do you at least enjoy listening to the violin? Personally I prefer the cello but I can't convince either child to do the Suzuki Cello lessons!!! :lol:


    Sam needs some "good attention" for positive things so yesterday was a good day. We'll see how it goes today, too!!!

  9. are incredibly sweet! I am VERY familiar with the 12 steps. No, I don't go to meetings, but the essence of them are what my spiritual work is about. My coach is a recovering alcoholic so we basically walk the 12 steps without calling it that. On top of doing coaching with her, I've been involved with her in two spiritual retreats so her experience and her guidance have been valuable. I quit drinking almost 3 years ago. I don't consider myself an alcoholic but I can see how it could be a possibility when I'm feeling like I can't cope so I decided to stop.


    In the intense work I have done the last year I have finally acknowledged my need for control can drive me starkraving mad as well!!! With everything I've experienced in the last year...losing my job, moving, now Jane's stroke...UGH...I realized I was sinking! So I began working to get at my control learn how to sit more comfortably and at peace with those urges to go starkraving mad!!!! This last month has been absolutely amazing to me...watching and really understanding my journey through this. I think this is the first time in my life I've actually been able to recognize and work myself out of that place of madness. I finally understand it...finally. It is still a challenge but I am understanding it...and the work I've been doing REALLY WORKS!!!


    As for the essence of Insanity...YES!!! Pema Chodron, a buddhist nun, says we are doomed to repeat the same patterns over and over again until we FINALLY get what we are supposed to learn from that experience. I think I'm finally approaching this after years of work...years of therapy...years of spiritual seeking.


    So now that I've learned my lesson...can I have Jane back???!!! Just kidding...sort of... :rolleyes::wink:


    Yes...I can emote and NO you are not alone!!! :hug: Let's do what we can to support each other!!