
Stroke Survivor - female
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About CathySapp

  • Birthday 03/22/1968

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  • Interests
    Staying active. I choose to die living. I want experience all that I can, meet wonderful people and live life to the fullest.
  • How did you find us?
    Google Search

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  1. Happy Anniversary CathySapp!

  2. Happy Birthday CathySapp!

  3. Happy Anniversary CathySapp!

  4. I am trying to set up a Sharegivers Peer Visitor Program at my local hospital. Looking for some advice or helpful tips on how to get through the barriers. Thank you in advance for your guidance.

  5. CathySapp


    Post stroke
  6. CathySapp

    My Love, Tommy Fergerson

    I have found the most amazing partner to share my life with following my stroke. Just when I was ready to give up. My knight came in and rescued me. He, too, knows the fight for survival. Please read his story at or pick up a copy of his book, "What the freak did I hit."
  7. Happy Birthday CathySapp!

  8. I believed I could and so can you!

  9. Happy Anniversary CathySapp!

  10. loves March Madness - Go Red Storm

  11. CathySapp

    My wonderful daughter

    ....the reason I have the strength to keep going
  12. Hi Cathy! Hope all is going well in your world :) Things are going pretty good for me. I am anxious for summer to get here LOL.

    Take care,


    Billie Jo

  13. Hi Cathy

    haven't been on in a while, how r u doing??

  14. I love the picture.

    Keep up the good work!.

    1. bella


      thanks Cathy! you look like you're doing great,too.

  15. Hello Hiedi

    Welcome. I hope that you find this site as helpful and inspiring as I do. good luck in your recovery.
