
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by CathySapp

  1. I love the picture.

    Keep up the good work!.

    1. bella


      thanks Cathy! you look like you're doing great,too.

  2. Hello Hiedi

    Welcome. I hope that you find this site as helpful and inspiring as I do. good luck in your recovery.


  3. He is blessed to have such a wonderful wife by his side. This is a frightening time for everyone. Don’t give up hope.

    If you need someone to talk with….I am here.

  4. Though, I am proud to say that I am doing great today. Yes, I continue to have memory issues, some visual concerns, slurred speech when fatigued and chronic pain but I am grateful to be alive. I had experienced limited movement if any on my right side, unable move let alone walk, and unable to swallow or speak. I spent several months in extensive therapy and am proud to day that walking, talking,

  5. was told that there was nothing that could be done. I think that is one of the hardest parts. One is not knowing what caused this and two knowing that there is nothing that they can do for me.

    In 6/07 I experienced limited movement if any on my right side, unable move let alone walk, and unable to swallow or speak. I spent several months in extensive therapy. On 11/25/07 I had a TIA. T

  6. Hi Amie,

    I suffered from a Bilateral Carotid Artery Dissection 6/27/07 with no known cause. Though for 3 weeks prior to my stroke I suffered from severe neck pain which got progressively worse to being debilitating. I believe the neck pain which radiated down my shoulders and into my back were either a TIA or the clot moving through my neck. The clot lodged into my cerebellum. I too w