
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by kanderson

  1. ellen, how great to see you back blogging. congrats on the new baby, your job, and denny's continued progress. having the kids closer will be good for both of you. i too hope your dad will do better where he is at now. i have thought about you often,wondering how you both were doing. i bet denny was so excited about his new bike too, it opened up the world for him again. you both make a great couple who loves each other very much. take care and keep blogging, we love to read them. you have been missed.

  2. ann, the house sounds so nice with the colors you have chosen. i hope it all comes together for you, how nice it will be to get into it very soon. a new house for spring, how wonderful is that, both new and fresh. its great bill is so involved with all of this. sorry to hear about his tia's, though. yes we do want pic's of the house. i hope you both have better days ahead.

  3. elondie, i too am getting wet eyes here. our tootie is a wonderful child and i know she loves all of you and couldn't wait to get the words out herself. i pray daily for her continued improvement. i know you have waited along time to hear those words, they will now be said alot i am sure. god bless you and your family for being a great family for tootie to be a part of.

  4. jean, that is great that you both are at the ymca, i think you and don will benefit alot from it. keeping busy helps me too to starve off the depression. maybe cooper can go for a swim too. it might do him some good, tire him out so he will leave the charmin alone. lol he just does'nt squeeze it, he mutilates it. i don't think mr. whipple would be to happy with him. but he does have fun it seems. it was good to hear about don's improvement with his speaking too.

  5. sue, bless your heart, you are only 1 person. i agree with the other ladies. i think trev would help you more if you ask him, or your other family. you are not THE SUEMENATOR, lol i hate to see you so stressed out aftetr the break you had. maybe alittle tough love with the kids to get some help. after all ray is their dad, i will pray that things get better for you soon. we all love our sue.

  6. anne, great news to hear about dave. he is so lucky to have you as his advocate. as donna stated his diabetes is a dangerous thing to not take care of. i hope his antidepressant meds get worked out too. dave needs to be enjoying life as much as he can, he has been through so much. maybe he just needs a good day sitting in the sun and feeling the warmth on his face . i hope you both have better days ahead. spring is here for some areas.

  7. bill, sounds like you had a fun weekend, good food, exercise, scratch and dent sale that paid off for you,lol. what more could you ask for,lol all that was sure to tire you out, now you can look forward to the next one, since you did so well. keep having fun post stroke. keep us updated on your excursions, ok that was very nice of you to leave a note too. are you parking in the handicapped spots,i hope. sometimes i think people expect little dings to happen with doors and getting equipment out of the car in those areas. i know i've made a few on accident with the door.

  8. kathy, i agree with the other ladies. this rough time will pass. i would expect your move to bring back memories of a prior you. be thankful, you are able to be back home with your family after all these years. you can do whatever you want or you are able to do now. if you think you can go back to work, try it out. i wouldn't rush into anything though. when i went back a few years ago to visit my sister and family there, i was overwhelmed with memories of my prior self in school and the house i spent many years. i cried everywhere i went, so i do understand where you are coming from. please try and enjoy your new home and life now. let grumpy be grumpy, i understand that too. i live with one also. i wish you better days ahead.

  9. well doug, that sounds scary to me too,lol i never got the honor of using the torture ball in therapy. but as donna said, the more you do it, it will get easier i would think. keep practicing. i bet teddy enjoyed his double treat day. what our pets won't do for a treat, lol. keep us posted on how you are doing in therapy.

  10. elondie, i am sure our tootie will get better with her motor skills. look how far she has come so far, she can only get better. especially with all of her aunties here and family cheering her on. i pray she finds the right tool she needs to master this next step. please keep us posted on how she is doing. all of you are in my heart and prayers

  11. hooray doug, on the standing. if i tried that, my leg would crumble and down for the count,lol. the more you do it the stronger the leg will become. keep up the good work. i hope spring shows her face to you soon, so you can get outside again.

  12. leah, how wonderful for you to go on a great vacation to a pretty place. have a great time. please do try and slow down so no more falls, you gotta watch out for broken hips, etc. you will get wherever you are going, it just takes alittle longer now. be sure to fill us in when you get back, how the vacation was. i never feel guilty about sleeping in when i can. lol its good for you to get the rest you need.

  13. howdy bill,

    congrats on starting a blog. i think you will always have something to blog about, good or bad. thats what it is for.i like all of you, never thought at 48 i would stroke either and i used to work with stroke patients. go figure, huh. its a terrible thing to happen to a young person especially. but you did survive and now must follow a different path in life. you sound like you already have, which is great. keep up your spirit and determination and you will do well. its great to have someone by your side through all of this. good luck and keep blogging.

  14. thankyou all for your kind words and ideas. my sister is going up next weekend to start going through things for daddy. she also reminded me that this is the 1st time in 100years that no one has lived on the farm. that tells you how long our family has had it, but i have many pictures and memories that i will hold dear for the rest of my days. daddy is comfy and safe where he is now and doesn't have to worry about tornadoes and bad storms anymore, that is a big relief to all of us. the storm cellar there is not functional anymore unless you don't mind snakes. my son did go up this past weekend to get some things for me, now i just don't know where i will put them, lol. those pieces will definitely flood me with memories and comfort.

  15. kathy, remember the old saying, rome wasn't built in a day. you will get it all done when you feel up to it. i am the same way but since my stroke, i had to let it go, it got easier with time though. don't let it get to you. maybe family can come over sometime to help you. you are over working yourself into a tizzy. get your self settled in first and enjoy your connor. your new home sounds lovely and you are back home again. thats a good thing. take each day one at a time. get some rest, be lazy if you want to. lol

  16. vi, you go ahead and get into it again, it would be fun for you and gives you something to look forward to. i don't quilt but my sister does and she loves it and really gets into it. she has made quilts for everyone in the family i think. its a great hobby. boy you sure had loads of the fabric, now you can utilize them into something good. have fun and we want pictures too.

  17. katrina, i agree with the others. you are an adult away from home going to college now. dad is just concerned for you i'm sure and wants you to be safe, as all parents are. one day you will understand that when you have kids of your own. i understand you not wanting to be told what you can't do especially after you have worked so hard to get where you are at. sometimes our bodies reach a plateau and wont improve anymore at that time, but don't give up its not in your nature. i agree that you need a break and have some fun, it will do you some good. please just be careful and think smart. try not to worry so much about things and enjoy your life. you are here for a reason, like donna said. i liked your poem, it was well written, you are very talented.