
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by kanderson

  1. janice, just remember the good you both have in your heart to help others. i used to work for a doctor who had a couple as patients and i got very attached to them. they invited me over to their home numerous times to visit, he was a retired police officer with no family here. he had a on the job injury and was disabled, she was his caregiver for years. when he died, i realized how lonely his wife was, so i imposed my self on her to take her where she needed to go. she had no car and could not drive i took her shopping and out to eat every chance i got, invited her to my home for holiday dinners, took her out for mothers day etc. she was so funny, i really enjoyed her company, we always had a good time. now she is gone and i miss her terribly. i wasn't able to attend her funeral, i felt really bad about that, i loved her alot. prior to her death she had a stroke and i would go see her after work and feed her. sometimes we feel that people like that are disruptive to our lives, but put yourself in their shoes for a moment. i knew she appreciated all i did for her, but i felt she loved me as much as i her and my family did too. try and find some patience with her. you are helping another in need, isn't that why we are here on this earth. maybe you could talk to her about her timing or schedule certain days for taking her places. i am not trying to be mean, by what i said. only trying to help you see the good in what you are doing for her. god bless you both and i too pray for patience for you. for me its kinda like the loneliness i have now post stroke by friends that have left me.

  2. deenie, i know you have hard times to face ahead of you. but you will get through them with your family with you. its very hard to lose our parents, but now they are together again and will be watching over their family. i wish you comfort and peace in the upcoming days.

  3. donna, congrats on your anniversary. you are a very valuable asset here at strokenet. i for one appreciate all you do for everyone. you are one in a million. i'm glad you had a great easter weekend with your family and friends. you have done a great job in raising kristi on your own, she is a great kid. i too understand about them growing up to fast. they will always be our babies though. you still have a marriage and grandkids to look forward to. i hope your weather warms up soon so you go scooter riding.

  4. congrats bonnie, you are carrying alot right now and you amaze me. the smoking is a huge accomplishment during this hard time with your m-i-l and john being gone. i pray your m-i-l continues to improve. get the rest you need to keep up with all you are doing.

  5. fred, i agree with donna and yourself. god is in charge. tiger is a wonder child is all i can say. no the word credit is not in his vocabulary i bet. he has worked very hard to get where he is and his dad would be so proud of him. as far as basketball goes. i am still trying to figure out why the suns traded for shack (sp). i don't see the excitement so far. just me i guess. enjoy the games.

  6. another well said blog sue. what a nice thing to say. it got me to thinking about my own hired caregiver who didn't think i was important enough. i thanked her for everything she did for me and i was always buying her things cause i knew she couldn;t afford them. i did everything i could to show her how much i appreciated her. i guess it wasn't enough. i too would always help my parents when i could and now i wished i had done more, since my mom passed, i feel so bad i wasn't there for her more. what i would give now to do things differently again. you provide alot of support to others here too, so i say thankyou sue for all you do and being the kind person you are. ray is so blessed to have you care for him.

  7. rich, i am so sorry to hear this. putting your trust and money with this man and then this happens. the almighty dollar is always the bottom line. what a perverted soul to do that to stroke patients, when stemcells are their last hope. i can think of a few other words too,lol. what is wrong with people, how cruel. i'm glad you found out now. i bet he was sweating bullets when you went to kiev, fearing he would be found out. don't let him stop you from continuing on with your recovery. good luck and keep us posted.

  8. poor tootie, i feel so bad for her. i'm glad something is being done about this. kids will be kids, but this needs to be stopped immediately. its dangerous and let alone the terrible germs it spreads. it probably makes tootie scared and mad. bless her heart. give her a kiss from all of her aunties here. keep us posted on how she is doing.

  9. hi katrina, what a great job you are doing in college, you amaze me with your strength and determination. i too am proud of you,your grades,the dinner and helping the kids. don't worry about the driving test, do the best you can and i'm sure you will ace the test. i hope your family is as proud of you as we are here. enjoy your dinner and let us know how it went. keep having fun with the kids, you are doing a great thing for them.

  10. hi vi, sounds like you had a good day that day. i also cook roasts that way and add a can of cream of mushroom soup over the top. yummy it makes a nice gravy for the roast and veggies. now i'm hungry. lol i hope spring comes soon so you can enjoy the outdoors more.

  11. donna, i agree with sue. we don't want you leaving the country. just change your phone numbers so she can't call either of you. kristi is learning the hard way how family can act towards the people they love. you are doing the best you can and god knows this too. i hope the weather gets better for you, so you can take a nice long ride on your scooter in the sunshine. that will do you a world of good. hang in there spring is coming. at least you don't have to deal with the outrageous temperatures in the summer anymore, like you used to in az. hopefully joe will come around soon.

  12. molly, i too am sorry to hear what you are dealing with right now. its never easy at any age to place our parents in a nursing home. i was 48 when i stroked and my youngest child was still at home. he is now 26, married and going to nursing school. i was able to come home after my rehab hospital stay and have done well considering. nursing homes, hopefully are caring for your mom, since you can't. one of our members donna straugh has a young daughter that is her caregiver and she was only 12 when donna had her stroke. you could pm donna, if you want to. her daughter kristi is a member here also. i think she is ks_2010 as her display name. just know you are not alone in this. there are others out there, who hopefully will respond to you. perhaps you should post on the message board to ask your questions. you have to make the best decisions to help your mom now and i know its not easy. hang in there, it will get easier. be sure to take care of yourself too. i hope things look better for you real soon.

  13. rich, good to hear from you and your recent experiences. i sure hope you get some great results from the stem cells. all of us here really follow your blogs and are so hopeful for your continued progress in your recovery. you are truly a person who NEVER GIVES UP in your recovery journey. god bless you and all you do in this journey. be safe and well. you are in my prayers for continued success. keep us updated on how you are doing.

  14. hi stu, i agree with donna, it was a very bumpy ride in those suitcases. customs were a bit rough on us, but we made it through it. i thought i saw you eying some of the pretty girls quite a bit everywhere we went,lol but kathy saw you and was looking too. all in all, sounds like a fun trip. next cruise we get to pick and you get to pay, ok, glad you are back safe and sound.

  15. maria, i never wanted my boys to leave home either, i loved having them around. i can't wait for my oldest marc to move back here next month. our job is to raise them to be on their own and to do well. i'm sure your son will have a great time in france and what an opportunity for him. you will worry and miss him. i bet the phone bill will be higher than normal,lol. did you get any info on the family he is staying with, i'm sure they will watch over him well. i think thats the way it goes for exchange students.

  16. kathy, you do sound excited and i am so happy for you. you have been doing so much these past few months , so you need to take your time in getting settled in your new home to make it just how you want it. what fun you will have. it sounds like the wii game has been good for you. yes we do want pictures of your new place. i bet the snow is lovely but i will let you enjoy it, lol

  17. sue, you have a strength within you that few people ever get to experience. you have chosen to care for your loved ones for many years and will for many more i am sure. you are truly a special angel to do all that you do. i do believe we are tested daily to show our strengths in getting through life. some fail and some do what they must to get by. just like survivors, no one can understand how we feel unless they have walked in our shoes, caregivers are no different in that respect. we can only imagine your daily struggles and what you have given up to care for ray and your mother. i think of you alot when my helper is here to help me, but i also get angry that i can no longer do these things myself, but i know i have taken some of the load off my husband who works full time and has had to do alot of what i used to. your attitude makes all the difference in how you manage it all. i too am glad everyone was safe from the flood. god bless you dear lady. thank you for your thoughts. your blogs are so sincere ahd heartfelt.