
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by kanderson

  1. vi you have a great bunch of grandkids to brag about. how wonderful for you. i don't have any yet, but i can wait til the time is right. what a wonderful thing your children did to adopt brandon and give him a great and loving home. you just keep on bragging about them. i love to read about them. congrats to the track star too.

  2. great job donna. i know about the dentist too, i broke one of my front teeth,using it so much, i got a lecture, but we do what we gotta do to get the job done. just be careful with those pearly whites,lol. alot of what we have had to learn is frustrating but we have to do them to get through our recovery process. and dear lady you have learned a great deal.

    some things i haven't mastered yet but i will in time. your determination and spirit is your driving force. you are amazing.

  3. donna, you know how happy i was that all went well for you, i couldn't wait to call you and check on you. i know kristi did a good job nursing you back to health,lol of coarse you came back online as soon as you felt like it. i hope i did things correctly for you here on the site. yes the giants won, tonya was ecstatic of coarse. now phoenix is back to normal. the hype is all gone for now. you take care and rest. we did miss you.

  4. hi kathy, i am so relieved to hear from you and that you all made it safe and sound to cape cod. i hope you find your new home quickly so you can relax and stretch out yourselves. we have missed you here at the site. take care and enjoy your snow,lol. keep us updated on the house hunting. good luck and happy hunting.

  5. hi katrina, its good to hear from you and i agree with the other ladies. you have come so far already. we all are proud of you. cutting back alittle on your classes might help you more than you know. i too hope the botox works for you, i have been thinking about it myself. yes i do think about how i was alot when i look at other people going about their day and not fully appreciating what they are able to do and it could be taken away in any minute. i then try to think of something else, like how i was able to relearn alot of things again in my rehab. it could have been worse. like donna said we all have had that thought at one time or another. focus on what you can do,which is alot more than most. keep us updated on how you are doing.

  6. hi rich, its good to hear from you. i'm glad you are doing so well in your current therapy. keep up the great job and keep improving. i too hope your 2008 is the best year in your stroke recovery. you still have alot to look forward to in the new year. be safe in your travels and keep us updated as you can.

  7. sue, i couldn't agree more with what you and others have said. you are a special lady and definitely an angel for ray. you deserve whatever time away you can get, don't feel guilty about it. you need to care for yourself as well, you know this better than anyone. none of us ever ask for what life throws at us, we just have to get through it the best way we can, and continue on. you cant sit on the pity pot forever. bless you for all that you do.

  8. bonnie, you are just the woman thats gets around,huh. thats way cool you have met so many other members. i think thats great and fun to. i wish we lived closer to each other and i'd be there in a flash, well maybe not that quick,lol. ROAD TRIP might be in order,lol. i'll let you know if i'm coming your way anytime soon .

  9. hiya bj, i was wondering about you. sorry to hear about your tia. that sucks, hopefully the coumadin will stop the clots., i too have to be on blood thinners 2 of them. whatever it takes to prevent another stroke, huh. its a shame about your stepdad. but he no longer has to suffer with cancer now. you have your memories for the rest of your life and so do the kids. it is tough to lose a member of the family. i hope you and your family are doing better now. i'm sure your determination and hard work will get you recovered from this setback as well. keep us posted in how you are doing. come to chat when you feel up to it. we have missed you.

  10. cathy, your blog sounds so cheerful and that is a good thing, congrats on getting off of the meds and your working on your weight. eating nowadays is an art,huh. be sure to share what you are learning with us. alot of us are having the same issues. i'm glad you had a good time on your visit. that helps to cheer us up too. i'm sure you will look great at rachels wedding. keep up the good work you are doing. keep us posted on your progress it was good hearing from you again.

  11. donna, bless your heart, i am so happy for you that your houseguests left before your get out date. how rude of them to even be there. i know how hard it is to quit smoking. try not to think about them. hopefully each day will get easier for you. i know it will be better for you to quit. its good you asked the dr about the patch before you tried it. sometimes the stress from not smoking is worse i think. i know you can do it if thats what you need to do. just think you have your home back now, enjoy and relax and laugh at your girls, you will feel better. i am thinking of you and wishing you the best of luck.

  12. hey there kristi, good to hear from you. i too am glad your houseguests have left. you both didn't need the added stress. they need to get a life of their own. i'm sure you did well on your finals. you are a smart girl. you need to have more faith in yourself. i agree with the others about your uncle. he loves you very much. maybe hes jealous that you grew up so well and his own kids haven't grown up as well as you have. just a thought. i would not worry about your mom's test, she has so many people praying for her. lets be grateful they have found her problem and will fix it so nothing major will happen. its good that she has stopped smoking though. she is stronger than i am. you both remain in my thoughts and prayers. i bet your hair looks good too.

  13. wendie, i too feel for you on this issue. but you need to remember its the best for both parents right now, your dad needs a break. i too had to agree to put my mom in a nursing home when dad was recovering from pneumonia, he had taken care of her for years and let himself get sick. it is never an easy decision, so i send (((hugs))) your way. you can always take her out for visits and maybe she can come back home someday. my dad was 80 and mom 75. i hated having to do it since i promised my mom she would never have to go to a nursing home. she picked the one she wanted to go to since she had worked at both of them in their small town. hopefully your mom will be well cared for and make new friends there and be involved in alot of activities there to keep her mind busy so she doesnt dwell in thinking about going home. sometimes we can't always bring our parents home with us to care for them. you do alot already and you need to care for yourselves first. if your mom has dementia, she would be safer at a nursing facility that is designed for those type of patients, especially if your dad works at night and she is alone. do not feel guilty over your decision. it is a stage of life. my parents bickered also. so i do understand how you are feeling. pm me if you want to talk about this with me. i wish you the best and try not to worry.

  14. bonnie, i'm glad you got it fixed. hair coloring is an art it seems. i too have colored my hair since i was a teenager, i remember being told years ago about silver drops. not sure if they still make them. they help tone down the red in hair coloring especially if you have red in your natural color. i had to use them in my younger days. i am a light brown with reddish highlights in my natural color. i now and for years let my beautician color my hair. i have for over 25yrs just hade it frosted, streaked, weaved with the blonde highlights to cover the gray mostly now. in fact i'm due for another session. thanks for reminding me,lol its good john approves of it too.

  15. kathy, i'm sure you feel excited and panicky at the same time. having traveled with cats myself i understand, i hope the trip goes well for you all. i used to make a bed in the back seat for my critters and they justed curled up and went to sleep after the initial vocalizations,lol i will pray for good weather and a safe trip. its hard to leave a comfort zone but now you get to make a new one. i wish you the best in your new adventure.

  16. hi bill, its good to hear from you. sorry about all you have had on your plate lately to deal with. hang in there, it will get better soon i hope. as long as bud is with you, you will be ok. we all miss youand care about you. never forget that. keep us updated as you can on how you are doing. give bud a kiss from all of us too.

  17. donna dear, bless your heart literally, sometimes family can be a big pain in the rump. hopefully they will be gone before the 2wks are up. you don't need these problems on top of everything else you are dealing with. i know in my heart your number is not coming up. your work here is not finished yet. please try not to worry. the doctor sounds like a good lady and is going to help you through this as all of us here are. your chair sounds way cool and you'll get the hang of it real soon i bet. have fun and be careful and watch for tails around the house,lol. you know i think of you everyday and have been saying extra prayers for you and kristi. try and keep your stress level down. i know easier said than done. i know kristi will watch over you and keep you calm, or else i'm coming out for a visit, lol. be safe and well my friend.

  18. hi jet, i'm glad you decided to blog, it helps get you through the road to recovery, or it did for me. i just passed my 6th year mark. a great attitude is needed and you have that already. i know some days you just want to say to hell with it all, but you can't you have to keep going forward even on those bad days. i still have them just not as often. a stroke doesn't mean we can't do anything we want anymore, we just have to do it differently. i wish you the best ever on your recovery and the things you want to be able to do again. you will get there, it just takes time. keep blogging and i too use music to help me on this journey. i grew up in the 60's, boy did i have fun when music was changing so much. i hope to see you in chat sometime, we have alot of fun in there. so stop by sometime.

  19. great blog bonnie, very nicely put into words.thankyou for sharing your thoughts with us. i don't like where i am due to a stroke, but it is what i am now and i can't change that. i'm sure most of us survivors don't either, but accept it we must and move on with our lives the best we can now. i feel bad that my spouse has to carry so much of the load now, maybe that might change someday. but for now i am content to be where i am.

  20. donna, bless your heart. you have had a stressful week. family can sometimes be the worst of problem starters. i agree with the others, you don't need the stress or the loss of your personal space. sounds like he needs to grow up and not burden family anymore. i bet brother will get this all sorted out. i hope your cardiologist has good news for you today. congrats to kristi too on her election. lili will now have to find a new plaything to occupy her, which i'm sure she will, lol i'm sure you will be approved for the transportation. please don't stress over anything right now. you need to take care of yourself and kristi, no one else. let joe take care of this. i hope you have a better week. i will be checking on you.