
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by kanderson

  1. hi sue, sorry to hear about your puter problems. we have missed you. i wish you and ray a healthier and happier new year. its good you are able to socialize with friends, that is very important for both of you. you are a true angel here on this earth, god bless you for all you do. i hope the puter is fixed soon and you are back with us. be safe and well. give ray a big hug from all of us.

  2. donna. we had so much fun at our party chat. yes, you east coasters stayed with us west coasters to celebrate. i'm happy you had a good anniversary, i definitely was thinking of you all day dear lady. my 6th yr anniversary is coming up too on 1-5, i'm sure it will be a quiet day for me too. i bet kristi looked great in her new sweater you got her. tell that bro of yours, what was he thinking. hes very lucky he got home safely. its good you stayed home and out of the weather, relaxing and watching movies is always fun. i hope this year is even a better one for you and kristi and critters.

    be safe and well my friend.

  3. lorri, i too think things happen for a reason, whatever the reason, it has helped you and your daughter to mend some old wounds. it does take time and hard work on both your parts. your resolutions sound great, get it into your mind to complete each task as best you can and keep it up and before you know it you will have succeeded. i'm happy you got a christmas with your grandsons. i wish you a happier and healthier new year for your entire family. good luck on your goals and like you said NEVER GIVE UP

  4. leah, bless your heart for doing what you could. i think you did just fine, just differently than you used to. thats why we have family at these gatherings to help us out. keep up the pool therapy and working with your trainer and you will get stronger. the naps are a good thing. i wish you a happier and healthier new year. it will get better especially as hard as you are working at it.

  5. donna, it sounds like you had a blessed and loving christmas with your family. i am happy your day of tests showed good results. i bet you are exhausted between being so busy for 2 days. but i bet you'll agree it was worth it. sounds like you received some great gifts and kristi liked her sweater was a plus. now you need to rest up for the new year day celebration. i'm glad for safety sake there was no snow for you to contend with. have a great rest of the week. and rest up.

  6. donna, sounds you are ready to enjoy the holiday with your family and critters. i bet kristi was so proud to have her family there at the concert and you were probably beaming ear to ear also. i know about the ornaments and cats. they are so proud when they swat them across the room to you. have a wonderful christmas dear lady with your family. take pictures for us. stay safe and well. i will be thinking of you and kristi.

  7. yes vi, he did write that song after nbc asked him too for the kentucky derby. he also wrote leader of the band in tribute to his dad, which was played alot on the radio. i could talk about him for days so i better stop now. his talent was god given, i will miss him terribly as will many others. if you go to his website, you will see how much he was loved. thankyou for replying to this post. i also hope your brother does not have to suffer as he did. i will add him to my prayers.

  8. katrina, i know how anxious you must be to be able to drive again. but all good things come to those who wait. i would check into donna's suggestion about looking into medical transportation there. and as donna said a car is expensive to maintain. but as you said you are 18 and a adult now so hopefully you will find a solution that is good for you. i would give the botox a try. good luck on whatever you decide.

  9. hi kathy, i agree with lin, you will need to be patient, it takes time for the things we want in life, i'm sorry about the teeth issue but that will work its way out also. maybe you could get some of the fake teeth they use at halloween to help you get by. lol just sit back and enjoy the holidays and relax. i am still thinking on my 100 list. i have to many things right now on my mind, so it will have to wait for abit. i'm glad you posted your picture, so now i have a face to visualize when i'm talking to you. its a great picture too. have a good week ahead

  10. kathy, you crack me up. just relax sweetheart. everything will fall into place about the house and moving. but please dont go into your new neighborhood with a metal detector strapped to your butt, i'm afraid you and barry might be looked upon as weird,lol just relax and enjoy the holidays.

  11. vi, how sad to hear about your family, the loss and the illness. i hope your brother does not have to be in pain, hopefully the doctors can help him somehow. i too always watch the dog shows. i will look forward to the february show. i wish you and yours a very good holiday season. i hope this bad weather passes soon for everyone getting it. so stay warm and safe and be well. see you in chat soon i hope.

  12. fred, i am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well and aren't getting any answers from the doctors. it is hard i would imagine not knowing what is going on. remember they practice medicine so they dont always have the answers. i hope they are able to figure it out soon for your piece of mine. do take care and know you are in our thoughts and prayers daily.

  13. lorri, thankyou for sharing this with us. we are not perfect,we learn as we go. i was 17 when i had my 1st child, i knew nothing about raising a child, i married the father at 16 and we grew up real quick to say the least. we both did the best we could. that child is 37 now and has had his mistakes in life but this makes us who we are. you have love for your children and are sober for them now. build a new relationship on that. the kids will have to let the past go and work on the future with their mom. you were there for joey and i know he'll never forget that. i wish you the best christmas with your children. you have many happy years ahead, so enjoy them with your family god bless you all. i hope your daughter finds her way to being sober also. be the mother you were meant to be.

  14. stu, thats great news about your niece and son. i once worked for a orthopedic doctor who made a note up to put on people's cars when the parked to close to him . he also passed it on to his patients to use, since most of them used crutches, canes etc. the note read

    THANKYOU IDIOT FOR PARKING SO CLOSE, WHY DIDN'T YOU LEAVE ME A CANOPENER TO GET OUT. just thought i would pass this on to you. lol i hope you feel much better soon.

  15. donna, you did have a great week except for your team. oh well. lets hope next game is a good one. i'm so happy you got your house decorated for christmas. i think it helps to cheer us up during the holidays. you sound like you have gotten your shopping done really well. i wish we could be together to celebrate our 1st christmas of knowing each other. we would have so much fun. has lili pulled the tree down yet? lol

    i hope to get decorated this week myself. have a great week and good luck on sunday.

  16. bonnie, yes i have been watching the news and the terrible weather that the pacific northwest has been getting. i don't like the crowded stores either, so i do my shopping online with an occasional trip to walmart or target to finish it up. gift cards are the best received i think. stay safe and warm up there. i don't do well with the cold nowadays either.