
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by kanderson

  1. donna, i couldn't be any happier for you. you boogied too, this move is what you needed to be back with people who love you and kristi. even though i miss you terribly. sounds like you had a great time at the party. even with the spirits, awww what the heck, you haven't done this in 13yrs. sounds like the cats are doing well together. i can see your happiness in your blogs. you go girlfriend. lili is adorable too.

  2. hi billie jo, good to hear from you. i'm sorry to hear about your moms companion. i t sure sounds like you are keeping busy. thats ok just don't get stressed out. your upcoming trip will be good for you and i hope you have loads of fun. have a safe trip and fill us in when you get back. happy birthdays to the kids too.

  3. donna, i am so tickled for you. being with family after so long has been good for you, i see it in your blog entries and posts. kristi is getting to know her family. you did great getting out and around to all of the get togethers. especially in the rain and uneven ground. i too hate walking in the rain, uneven ground and grass, i get very nervous. but you did it, woohoo. you know i will keep you in my prayers for the scooter, you do deserve one and it would be so good for you. i bet you are turkey stuffed, no more for awhile huh. your new dr. sounds like a good one, i'm glad you got a good exam. be safe and well my friend.

  4. katrina, i have to agree with the other ladies on the driving issue for now. tackle one thing at a time. you have so much going on now and school is more important. sometimes we have to wait for what we want. congrats on the ssdi, and good luck on your finals. be safe and well.

  5. doug, my dog too has a weight problem, i think the smaller breeds. are prone to be overweight due to the parents, who are always giving them a bite cause they are so cute and are our babies. treats do have alot of calories in them. we have started feeding our dog boiled chicken breast with veggies mixed in. he loves it and the vet suggested this diet. he has to take meds twice a day for his asthma, so he is fed alittle am and pm. hardly any treats anymore and he is loosing weight too. we used to live in aurora while my hubby was stationed at lowry in the 70's. i love colorado.

    we too are huge fans of monty python. its good you got your meds from the va, that helps save you some money. good luck with teddy's diet, it is for his own good but their sad eyes can get you everytime, try not to look is what i do

  6. phyllis, you crack me up!! sounds like you got your groove on and got your moneys worth which is what buffets are for. were you to stuffed to hit the stores on friday as you had mentioned in chat. if so i hope you got what you wanted and had a good time. just think you have 4 weeks now until the next feast arrives. hang in there bonsai. it will be here before you know it, lol

  7. kathy, bless your heart, ouch on the needles, but you did it and you got the house ready. you have come a long way since you started to blog. i'm sure the house selling will go good for you, so you can be closer to your family. all of us here are happy you found the site and became part of our family. you are doing a great job in chat, we are lucky to have you. keep searching for your coins, as shirley said you might find the BIG one someday. you could use your coins to buy the lottery tickets and win big, wouldn't that be the best of it all. good luck, have fun and keep us posted on how you are doing. be positive about the house and it will happen.

    be safe and well my friend.

  8. rich, that is great news. i tried the walkaide system, which has the same concept but as you said the ankle needs to be functional to correct use the device, i have to much tone in mine. i wish you the best on this new step in your rehab. keep us posted on how things are going. stay strong and be well.

  9. ann, i am so excited for you and bill. you'll have your bill home for turkey day, so you have a great deal to be thankful for. i hope when he gets home and settled in, you both can start a new routine, and that bill continues to improve. i bet you enjoyed your shopping spree and everything looks real nice. don't tire yourself out to much hopping around like the bunny to keep going and going. god bless you both, be safe and well.

  10. donna congrats on your new addition. i'm sure the girls will get along in time. you have done a good thing by providing a good home to a critter that would have probably ended up in a shelter. her name is a good , strong one, i'm sure each day with her is something to look forward to, as is your holidays with your family after so long apart. kristi's report card was a great one. i bet you are so proud of her. i hope you both have a great turkey feast with the family. have fun and be safe. gobble, gobble to you too. sorry about your team's loss but there is always the next game. good luck.

  11. bonnie that is great news on your tests. keep doing what your doing it obviously is working. your grandson sounds like a pro in the making, congrats to him. could you send an extra banana bread my way,lol i hope you and your family have a great thanksgiving, sounds like you will be eating well.

  12. kathy, just keep saying to yourself it will all work out. i understand how you feel though about not being able to do now what you used to be able to do. my hushand wants to sell our house also and move back home, but has been saying this for 2 years now. everything will get done that needs to be done i'm sure, just takes time. try not to stress about it, easier said than done, i know. i'm glad barry is ok, you both need to have some fun time together to relax. great news about the money you are finding, it all adds up. take each day as it comes and do what you can to get the house ready. we are alittle slower now, but thats ok. be safe and well.

  13. hi dale. i agree with the others comments. you can NEVER GIVE UP HOPE on your recovery journey. patience, hard work and determination is needed to get you through it. some days are tough ones to get through, but you can do it. try not to be to hard on yourself either. any improvement big or small is worth the hard work and celebrate those times, you will have deserved it. good luck and keep blogging.

  14. hiya rich, good to hear from you. i too have looked into the advanced recovery program in ca. seems like a very good and rigorous program. alittle pricey for me though. i wish you the best in this program, just remember to do your homework, lol. keep us posted on how you are doing. yes this website is the best, we all thank god for steve everyday.

  15. donna, you have a pretty and talented child, i'm sure you very proud of her. working with autistic kids will be a great experience for her. congrats on the stairs, thats a big accomplishment. i'm sure crystal is keeping her eye on you from somewhere in the house,lol. enjoy your game tomorrow and i wish you luck. my cowboys did good tonight so we are happy. have a great week and be careful on the stairs.

  16. hey phyl. i'm sorry you had such a bad day and things weren't going right for you. hopefully the compensation system does work correctly. but you can chalk it up to experience now, huh lets pray the next job you take is a pleasant one without the complications. good luck and take care of your leg.

  17. ann, i'm so happy bill will be going home where he is more comfortable and will be getting the best care possible for him. i know some snf's don't provide the best care due to staff shortage and budget issues. but if a care issue is serious enough, you should complain to the state and to the administrator of the snf. i hope things go well for you when bill comes home. i bet he is very happy about this too. good luck

  18. bonnie, we are alot alike, prestroke i was always trying to fix things when they broke as hubby was to busy and not that mechanically inclined. i did alot of mt car repairs the ones i could do safely. i grew up watching my dad fix things all the time on a farm. i too had to replace my dishwasher a few months ago. our water here is terrible very hard water and when the hose came off the old one it was full of sediment. yuk. sounds like the motor may be shot on yours. we got a new one from sears fairly cheap and its great so far. if you go to sears online they will explain about tips on dishwashers, maybe you could find some answers there. i hope mindy's bloodwork is good also. the grandkids make you proud i can tell. have a great visit with your daughter and a great weekend.