
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by kanderson

  1. marty, what a precious moment for you. i'm glad you had a good time too. elmo wanted to make you feel better. the love that they have for people is amazing whether they know you or not. how very sweet and touching, a great story for you to tell for years to come.

  2. bill, i am so sorry to hear about your losses. i know how hard it is to get through this but you are a fighter and this sorrow will pass with time. they are your angels now and will be watching over you to keep you from harm. i'm sure bud is trying to comfort you during this terrible time. you have your memories to help you also. i'm sorry about all of the insurance woes on top of this. you are a fighter and will get through this. let bud help you, he loves you so much as we all do here at strokenet. take care and be well friend, god bless you.

  3. doug, i understand that very well. my last blog explained about my pooch too. table scraps are the worst for dogs, let him lick the plate if you want to. we have taken to feeding our dog just boiled chicken and veggies, and he seems to be losing weight and its easy on his digestion. we to like bonnie have cut the treats to half now. i hope teddy will use the doggie steps if u get them. good luck.

  4. i bet it is chilly there donna, brrr. keep bundled up. i bet its a change for you and kristi for sure. i bet you are happy that the steelers won and enjoyed the game. the towel can take the abuse so don't worry,lol. does crystal run for cover when the games are on,lol. mine do when my team is on. stay warm now and be safe. hope you have a great week.

  5. thank you all for the helpful information. its more than i was ever told. hopefully i can remember it should i have to use it. and bonnie thanks for the heads up about the bladder issue. i will definitely talk to my dr about it, i'm due for my check up soon anyway. i was in such a sour mood yesterday but you guys made me feel better cause you care and that means so much to me. thankyou

  6. bonnie, bless your heart, i'm happy you are ok though except for your hand. those critters of yours can be a handful at times,huh. no pun intended,lol i bet yetta was having a good laugh too. take care now and be careful. good thing the dogs were with you. i think you need a few snakes around to help with the mice problem,lol

  7. donna, i feel better now that the railings are in and you can go to basement safely with pretty kitty leading the way down. just be careful. i often have thought about complaining to manufacturer's about their packaging and how hard some of it is to get into for people with only 1 hand to use. so now i keep a small pair of kids scissors in my kitchen drawer. to use on things like that. you do need to try and get out more, i understand where you are coming from for i too am confined 24/7 in the house, its not good for us and its a shame family/friends don't understand that we need to get out too, its not healthy to stay cooped up all the time. i can get out onto my patio but thats about it. i'm happy your night alone was good also except for the chicken. i don't know what to say about the steelers, maybe next week is better. the cowboys are doing well though,lol

  8. katrina, we all do love you, my heart is breaking that you would even think that, boo hoo. i am so pround of you and what you have accomplished so far. you are so strong and determined, those are great qualities to have in a person. your upcoming homecoming parade will be sooo great, and we want pictures too. great news on the meds, i hope it works well for you and get your brace fixed so you can get the full benefit from it. keep those grades up and keep smiling pretty girl.

  9. phyllis, i am so sorry to hear about BW. we all had such high hopes for a favorable outcome for it. perhaps the autopsy will shed some light as to what caused its demise. how sad. but there's always next year. RIP my friend. hopefully he has gone to the big watermelon heaven garden and will once again thrive as he was meant to do. just remember to keep your eye on the sky,lol.

  10. donna, its good to hear you had a better week. keep your real mom at bay for awhile, you don't need the upset. i bet it is starting to get chilly there, i do not envy you, just stay bundled up, especially when you go outside. you don't want mommie dearest phyllis getting on to you, lol. so sorry to hear about the turtle, how sad, yes everything needs to eat, duh. i would get your xmas wish list together soon as its right around the corner and don't spare the expense either, they are family, they know you and kristi need things after relocating there. after all its christmas. be safe and well my friend and warm.

  11. hey doug, glad you got to your appt ok despite the evil looks from the bus driver,lol. i think plastic was the best choice myself. i hope it works well for you once you get it. i bet teddy was pacing the whole time you were gone, waiting for you to return safe and sound. bless their hearts, you gotta love them, huh. but you got out for alittle while which probably was good for you too.

  12. howdy john. i agree with donna. my pets are my sanity at times. they show me so much love and are a huge comfort to me. they don't care that i am different now and have to watch out for my cane. i also hope you can get another dog in the near future. they keep me at a peaceful state most of the time. my son is taking his dog when he moves this weekend and i will miss them both terribly, changes do have to happen at times in our lives. i'm glad you had such a good visit with your daughter and grandson. that always makes you feel better and forget your troubles for awhile.