
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by kanderson

  1. hi john, sounds like a fun day for you. yes having support from a loved one is very important after a stroke. your wife sounds like a great lady. you can catch up in other chats. today we had a new host hostkathy and she did a great job, you would have had fun though, it was all ladies today, men watching football i guess. enjoy your day with your grandson and daughter.

  2. hi billie joe, i do understand how you feel. i look forward to any outing i get, but when its over and i am back home the depression and loneliness sets in. i to am alone alot of the time but i do have someone come in 3xweek to help me do things i cannot do and for the company. but its not family. i try to keep busy on my puter with my volunteer work. and doing things i can do but i miss my old life and me the way i was so i have those moments once in awhile. it does pass quickly, then i go on to something that makes me happy. please do try and come into chat more often it does help the moods.

  3. bonnie, you are one busy lady post stroke. my hat goes off to you. i to do not like to accept my retirement, but i tried going back to my job and my bosses were very accommodating but i just couldn't do it. my damaged brain wouldn't let me do what i needed to do. now just cleaning up the kitchen exhausts me. so i understand how you feel. we just have to accept our life now and do the best we can, regardless how big or small the task is and be happy with ourselves that we did it. you already accomplish alot more than most strokees can do. now sit down in your new chair and relax for awhile. i'm happy the zoo is doing well too.

  4. hi bonsai. it is good you went through all of that research to find a new dr. sorry you had trouble finding him but you did and had a good visit with him and thats what counts. just remember to wear your seat belt. maybe that question is to see if you are a responsible person or something like that,lol anyway lets hope your relationship with him is a good and long one.

  5. hi john, i too enjoyed meeting you in chat last nite, i hope we made you feel comfortable and welcome. you did great for your 1st time. i to like bonnie was so elated when i found this website. it has helped me so much to know i was not alone out there and i have met some great people. i hope you continue to join us in chat as we have a great bunch of hosts. as stated fridays with host denny are alot of fun. we are so happy to have you with us at strokenet.

  6. kristina, i am tickled to death to hear how well you are doing in school. your mom must be so proud. as for the bimbos as bonnie called them. they are just jealous of you, so let them talk what goes around comes around i think is the saying. they don't have the class that you do. i agree all of the canes and walkers will be right there with you. being a survivor is a more powerful force than being a victim and we do have the power!! stay strong and you will come out ahead of all of them

  7. hi fred, i am so happy you are back home where you belong. i guess there are some things doctors cannot figure out, (ie practicing medicine) and it sure sounds like they practiced on you,lol. maybe you just over did it that day at work. but i am so thankful it wasn't another stroke. stay well my friend and take it easy, we all were so worried about you.

  8. hi leah, i too was wondering how your vacation went. sounds like you had a good time and it was great to see your sisters as well. i also just had a vacation with my sister and we went to sedona for a few days. did me a world of good but tired me out, so it took a few days to recuperate but it was worth it. we're glad to have you back safe and sound. now you can start planning next years get away. congrats on your pool therapy, i'm sure it will be good for you, work at it the best you can. it will help make you stronger.

  9. donna, i'm so sorry about your fall, that had to hurt. get rid of the throw rug before you kill yourself. yes we have to pay attention when we walk. i can only focus on 1 thing at a time now, damn stroke. at least you got a book and subway out of the mishap. your mom is just trying to start trouble. i don't think your brother would have wanted you and kiddo out there if he didn't want to help and watch out for you. mom is just trying to make you feel bad and cause probs between you and your brother, don't you let her win. ignore her and her comments, shes mad you left her and took her grandaughter/slave from her. blow her off. stay safe now, now i have you to worry about!

  10. anne, i'm sorry dave had to go through that. its not worth getting upset over what ignorant people say to us. it just shows you how stupid some people are. next time just take the phone from him and hang it up. i hope you both have better days ahead.

  11. pat, i understand perfectly what you are dealing with. i too have weight issues since stroke but slowing i have begun losing some, just by walking more outside. it does help. i'm sure ww will keep you focused so you can lose the weight. good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing.

  12. hey there donna, it was a good game, you didn't lose by much though. i bet your towel was flying everywhere though,lol. i guess your visitor is bored maybe, she's just trying to get a rise out of all you, i bet for excitement.


    as far as your other problem, i am so glad you brought that up, i was to embarrassed to talk about it, for i to have the same problem and i hate it. i am constantly taking stool softeners etc to help it along since my stroke, i guess my meds are a contributing factor and not being as active as before. hopefully it will get better with time, i'm glad your problem resolved itself.


    so now you know i wasn't the cause of our sewer problems,lol. it wasn't me i bet your brother had a good time here, the weather was cooler for a change

  13. marty, i am so sorry to hear about your cat, to young. hopefully your trip will brighten your spirits again. you never said how your flight to visit your grandson went for his birthday. i do hope you have a fun trip and be careful. our job as parents is to raise them, boot them out on their own then harrass them to death,lol

  14. phyllis, bless your heart, you crack me up. i can picture you out there trying to do this job. you have alot of spirit and spunk. can you not find something safer for your person. i agree with bonnie, you want to finally be able to move into your home in one piece. granted it is close to home. are the signs able to come down where you can put the new ones in sitting down, without trying to balance up there. please be careful and try a higher step stool,or a ladder. good luck

  15. phyllis, all animals are smarter than we give them credit for. they have emotions and can be smarter than we are regardless of brain size. they just tend to slow down some as they age as we do. just enjoy the time you have with snooty and pamper them alot, they are our best friends for life. dogs love to walk and its good for them, it relaxes them and makes for a better companion. whether they walk or ride,lol.


    A New Start

    kristi, its good to hear from you finally. we all have been waiting with baited breath to hear how things were going for you. the right boy will come along, girlfriends will always come and go in high school. if they are to snobbish, you didn;t want them as friends anyway. just concentrate on your studies for now and i hope elizabeth can come out to see you. that would be a fun time. i agree with the other ladies, don't carry so many books if you don't need to. or get a bag on wheels. hope to hear from you sooner next time.

  16. your blog brought tears to my eyes again for i too lost my best friend this year. i feel for you as i know how heartbreaking this is to go through. yes our best friends will tell us when its their time to go. our pets are amazing in that respect. i too have my friend ready to be buried with me. she was my heart and we will miss them and love them forever. and see them again at the rainbow bridge. they will look up one day and see us coming, they will be running, whole again to come to us and never leave our side again, giving us alot of kisses,tails wagging endlessly. i yearn for that day, as you will too.

  17. donna dear, i send you congrats for your win today but next week is another story,lol. today was 1st day of fall here in sunny az and it was a really nice cool day for a change. just remember kristi loves you because you are you and not your mother. you cant change the past nor predict the future. your mother has no clue about strokes or how they affect people. all you have to worry about is you and kristi, not your mom, she is her own keeper. kristi is growing up and sees things for herself, so don't worry so much. enjoy your games, your towel and crystal &kristi in your new life. go cardinals and cowboys............. lol

  18. rich, i am so sorry you are having a bad experience with this facility. i remain in high hopes for you that you reap the rewards you are looking for from the whole experience. i stay strong in always receiving treatment in the good old usa for that kind of money, but i do understand your reasons for going in the 1st place. china is not high on my list of treating americans to kindly lately. i hope your acupuncture sessions go well or you. then get back home and deal with the other financial issues. i wish you luck as always

  19. katrina, you are really fluttering around now, like a butterfly. how excited you must be, sorry about your fall, but glad you are ok. i hope the therapy and brace are helping your arm. it will be worth the pain. you are really busy now and having fun and i too want to hear about the date. do be careful and safe, and keep us posted on everything. all aunties and granny's here need to know all,lol. keep up the good work.

  20. bonnie, i am so glad you are doing better. please don't do that again. always check with your dr first before taking supplements or otc drugs. sometimes you don't know what is in them and yes allergies can surface at any time. as we age our bodies do not tolerate things to well. having benadryl around is always a good thing. stay well. we don't like to have our friends in the er,lol.

  21. doug, i do understand the small dog terrorist theory. i have a small breed also and i think they know no fear. thank goodness you got teddy under control so you didn't fall and injure yourself. they are very protective of their masters, inside and outside. so beware on future walks that no one sneaks up on you again.

  22. hi there donna, happy to hear bro got a good report card. i bet it is chilly back there. you just need to get acclimated to it again, hopefully. i'll just keep telling you our heat stories out here to warm you up and vice versa to cool me down,lol. i'm glad kiddo is making friends, the newbies tend to flock together to get settled in. which is a good thing i think, for them to feel comfortable. i bet you are having a ball with your towel and football games. just don't get to excited and throw something hard at the tv,lol. stay warm and don't catch cold. i bet crystal will snuggle up with you more now, at least mine do when the blankets come out.