
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by kanderson

  1. hi billie jo, i also am glad they found the reasons for your strokes. hopefully the diet can be amended as you go along. remember our bodies make cholesterol so the less we add from food , the better, i am on 2 blood thinners and cholesterol meds. hopefully you can have a bite every now and then of a candy bar. you will be alot better if you follow your doctors wishes. good luck

  2. hey there bubbleman, shopping at those places is the best, the food is the biggest obstacle to get through but you can do it. go for the tires and you'll be on your way. enjoy the outing. your trip in october sounds great but i don't get along with the cold either since stroke. go figure.

  3. ann, i agree with others have said. this decision you made was the right one for now anyway. i used to work in snf's and that is why they are there to help families with caregiving and therapies. a respite break for you so bill can continue to get the care he needs right now. its never an easy decision to make just a realistic one. i will keep you both in my prayers, that bill gets stronger to come home again.

  4. hey there girlfriend, sounds like bro needs to listen to his sister,lol i have read that siblings have a higher risk of stroke if one sibling has had one, god forbid. i understand your problems in the kitchen, i go through the same thing, sometimes i figure its safer and cleaner just not to eat, lol. i have thought about many times of complaining to company's how hard the packaging is to get into for handicapped people. the tab opening on products is terrible with only 1 hand. i can magage to get it started but then have to use a towel to grab the sharp edge of it to complete the opening of it, can't risk a cut with all the blood thinners i'm on. most of the time it ends up everywhere. i'm happy kristi is getting better acquainted with things at school. good job mom on getting issues resolved with her transcripts. i hope you continue with many good weeks as things start to settle down.

  5. hi billie joe, welcome to our blogging world. boy you sure have had a rough go of things, sorry stroke entered your life also but thank goodness mom's know when something isn't right,huh. my stroke 5yrs ago from a clot sure got my attention in a hurry. now i walk with a brace and cane but left arm/hand are not doing much these days. it sounds like you have recovered well. so keep up the good work. i hope they are able to find a reason for your strokes. please do not hesitate should you start to feel funny again. they are serious no matter if a tia or full blown stroke. you might want to go the asa(american stroke assoc) or nsa( national stroke assoc) and sign up for their free subscriptions to their stroke magazines. they contain alot of good info and stories. the asa's is called "stroke connection" and nsa's is "stroke smart" i wish you a great recovery journey. keep blogging to let us know how you are doing.

  6. donna, i agree with the others, kristi just needs to settle in alittle more at school and she will be to busy to call grandma. i know how teenagers can play sides, thats human nature, it seems. in her heart she knows you both are better off there in pa. where you have family to ease some of kristi's load in caring for you and you getting out more and being with family and friends. sounds like your mom is just causing trouble, so blow her off and don't get yourself upset, its not worth it. what goes around comes around. kristi knows how she is, you have taught her well. your mother is who she is and you can't change that. i wish you much happier days ahead. enjoy your cool weather and new home and new life with kitty and daughter.

  7. i'm happy you both got to get together, i know bessy was looking forward to it. sounds like all of you had a great time. its so nice to put a face with a name, especially here at strokenet. i thoroughly enjoyed getting to meet sweet donna before she left az. members meeting members is a great thing, i hope more people are able to do it.

  8. phyllis, sorry to hear about the dr problem. my pcp is RNP under a MD, she really listens and her bubby is paralized from a work injury, so she understands how i feel. i like female drs better after working with them and how they treat their patients. but we all have our preferences, i do hope you get your situation resolved with the dr and meds. good luck phyllis. its an aggravating thing to deal with.

  9. hi kristen, souns like youv'e been busy lately, glad you had a good trip. money is always a motivator to teens. good luck with it, it is harder for kids in high school i think. peer pressure is the worst. great news about the diet and weight watchers. be sure to focus on you now and a few lbs at a time, they all add up in the end. i wish you all the best, i know how hard it is but you can do it. i had lost over 50lbs before my stroke but now they came back,AARRGG. but they are slowly dropping off. i hope the bioness works for hubby also. keep us posted on how he does.

  10. hi katrina, congrats on the new addition to the family. you have alot to be proud of. you are doing so well and settling in. yes get the therapist to adjust the brace or you could end up with a terrible wound from the rubbing which will make things worse. i'm glad you are back in ot as it will help you, keep your grades and networking up. everything is coming your way now. us aunties here are very proud of you. have a fun weekend with your family and new baby. be safe and well. i hope the new brace for your wrist helps you alot.

  11. thankyou to everyone for your kind replys. dawson is better this weekend and thinks he is all healed, they put his xrays on a cd for us to look at and you can clearly see the 3 discs they are trying to heal. dawson is in his crate out in the front room with me and is now sleeping on his back with his feet up in the air, what a life, huh. he is so funny. i guess the meds knock him out good. he's comfy at the moment,lol his mom and dad are over at her mothers so i am doggy sitting for awhile. the cat is quiet now, thank goodness. so maybe i'll catch a few zzzzzz's myself. have a good labor day.

  12. cathy, no wonder yoy are tired, you are very busy, i envy you as i used to be the same way prestroke, working, family, etc. i'm happy you are seeing improvement in yourself and i hope it continues for you, just don't stress yourself out to much and get plenty of rest. my youngest son and new wife live with me so they help me out alot. we will miss you in chat, come back when you can. i wish you well on your new projects you have taken on. take care.

  13. c athy, thats great that son is home safe and sound. i bet you are really happy now. i also lose interest in reading at times. my eyes are'nt what they used to be, post stroke. its good you can get out to run errands and help your mom. i don't know who luann is, but i 'm sure you will enjoy her visit. have a great time. i understand your feelings about company though. i get very lonely and try to find things to keep me busy but its not the same. i need to be around people, since i am alone all day everyday except for my critters. then when family comes home, they are tired and have things to do so i don't get alot of interaction with them before bedtime. try and stay out of the heat, rest if you need to and just take each day as it comes. be good to yourself.

  14. katrina, bless your heart, i'm sorry you fell. thankfully help was there for you. i would go with velcro shoes, alot safer, especially with walking so much. hooray for you doing as well as you are. i bet the ot will have some helpful ideas to make campus life alittle easier for you. keep smiling it will get easier with time. remember you are new at this college thing. continue to have fun and take care.

  15. lady k, what a mess huh, sorry you had to go through that c___. i don't understand how these companys get away with how they treat people, especially disabled ones. anyway its over and you got through it, you are a superwoman. kitty will come around, she just wants to make sure she has you to herself again. sorry if kitty is a him, i forget,lol

  16. donna, the furniture sounds very nice and i'm sure it helped to fill up some space in your bedroom,so it sounds like the house is starting to look like home,huh. i bet kiddo is so happy she got to go school shopping, that's important to a teenage girl. especially since she is at a new school. they have to look good, don't you know,lol. i truly understand about being by yourself during the day, it can be lonely since you have had her around for the summer. if crystal is like my critters, she is alot of company to you. please be careful with the stairs, though. if you get real bored or lonely give me a call. take care my friend

  17. hi phyllis. i'm glad you are back and the computer issues or whatever has resolved themselves. so you are the new kudzu killer,huh, you go get em girl. it sounds like a nasty plant,one of which i have not heard of. i too hope your problems are about to end with your property. what a nightmare huh. you are that much closer to your piece and quiet, i hope everything works out for you as you have hoped.

  18. donna, the pictures are great and it sounds like the party was a smash. looks like kristi raked in the goodies. if chuck is the one with kristi in the picture he looks like he is having fun, kristi doesn't look to sure though. i'm glad you all are settling in well except for the ac, but i envy you getting to enjoy the autumn season, i really miss that. the colors are so pretty and the temps cool down. as you know phoenix doesn't really have a fall season to speak of, not like up north. anyway, i hope kristi doesn't have to walk to school, thats a long walk. she"s a smart girl and the 2 of you will figure something out. i bet she's getting anxious now for school to start. yes our babies grow up way to fast. you both are a great team, a great mom and child. keep us posted on how school goes. stay safe and well.

  19. bonnie sounds like a good summer for you so far. i remember my mom's garden and her pickling, it was a big job but great rewards. i'm glad you found a chair to your liking, there are so many these days. i live in mine so it has to be perfect and comfy. your grandson's football regime sounds like my nephews too. enjoy your new front yard and garden. its so nice to live out in the country with acreage to spread out on.