
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by kanderson

  1. jamie, good news that both carotids were clear. the defibrillator sounds good to me if it stops a heart attack. i'm sure you and your dr's will decide whats best for you. keep us updated on what you decide to do. i just hate hearing you might need another surgery. when my husband has his heart attack i got him quickly to the er, they gave him tpa for the clot and said alot of his heart muscle had died. he continued to have little ones but thought it was heartburn and never followed up with the cardiologist, then had the big one that killed him 3 years ago.because both carotids were severely blocked. he didn't like drs obviously! so our heart muscle is very important. do you have a history of heart issues in your family?

  2. hi leah, i'm so glad you had a nice visit with your family, your sisters are beautiful, just like you! i can imagine how tired you got, but your sisters understood. now all is quiet again, so rest as you need to. and you can get back to your routine. thxs for blogging and the pictures about your sisters visit. take care and be safe.



  3. sue, there is definitely global warming happening. even our president commented on it in his inaugural speech yesterday. its great you have other widows to do things with and chat with. the heat i understand as well, i hope the wildfires have stopped, i heard about them on the news, i hope you get to see your family soon, that is a good way to have some fun. i hope your nephew's surgery goes well when ever its rescheduled. i hope your week is cooler and more comfortable for you. the heat can actually drain a person. the aerobic class sounds like a good idea, for fun and socialization and exercise.

  4. congrats debbie to the both of you. what a exciting day. you both waited a long time for this day to come and it sounds like it was a beautiful day. you amaze me will all that you do to make your new lives happy and organized.

    i wish you both many happy years together with good health and making many new memories to remember forever. i can just imagine the smile on bruce's face, while reciting is vows. god bless you both. kimmie

  5. thankyou all for your understanding replies. we had a nice thanksgiving with my sister and marc was on his good behaviour, because he knows my family knows about his prob. the grandkids came with us and we all had a really nice time, food and weather was great. matt and i take it a day at a time for now. marc knows we aren't going to remain in this situation any longer. tough love is just around the corner after the holidays. thankyou for listening to my troubled heart.

  6. wow lenny, how exciting for you to be able to see that concert. the beatles were my favorite band back in the 60's, paul was my favorite with his beautiful voice. man playing for that long for a man his age is something these days. i'm so happy you and your wife had a great time, it probably was a once in a lifetime event for you. makes for great memories and your great recovery got you there on your own. you must have been very happy about that. you rock lenny. thankyou for sharing this experience with us, wish i could have been a fly on your shoulder! LOL

  7. debbie, i'm so sorry i haven't sent you my congratulations on your upcoming wedding, i am so happy for you and bruce. now the loose ends will be brought together at last. you have worked so hard with bruce and his care, now its time for you to have some pampering on this most important day for a woman. don't stress to much, everything will work out ok. enjoy your day and look beautiful, like the person you are. i will be there in spirit and wishing you both the best in your new lives as husband and wife. remember we will want loads of pictures when you can post them.

  8. sue, sounds like it was a wonderful service for your mum. if others didn't show thats dis-repect as fas as i am concerned and saddens the family members. paying last respects is the proper thing to do, if you care for someone. you have dealt with 2 big blows in a short amount of time and i'm sure your emotions are all over the place and you still have alot to do. i am praying that peace and comfort fill your heart after all of this is over with what you have left to do. i am sending you lots of love and hugs. please take care of yourself too.

  9. yolie, i am really sad to hear this. your tootie has been through so much as her family has too. bless her little heart. god knows his plans for her and hopefully those plans will keep her safe and with her family for a long time to come. she has been an inspiration to me for what she has been able to accomplish with her small body, and young age. she has a great family behind her enouraging her all the way. i have tootie and her family always in my thoughts and prayers. god bless.

  10. susan, you are amazing. you do your best with what you got, but for goodness sake. do what you can, when you can based on how you feel. dealing with the dizziness, has to be so frustrating. vacuuming for me is still a fearful thing. i wish i could get over this fear of falling, i hate it. but other things i can do, some light cleaning, cooking sometimes and i do dishes every day. i get exercise around here as best i can. anyway keep up the good job you're doing.

  11. ok jamie, you've heard it from the other reply's. take it easy and be a good girl.LOL you said it yourself. you might feel better and thats a good thing, but don't get yourself back down by doing to much. i hope the blood tests come back with good results. our bodies need us to listen to them. just say NO whenever you think you need to get busy with something. it will wait for you, when you are back to your oldself. now be a good girl and listen. we all care about you and your health.



  12. leah, your strength and wisdom say alot about you, considering what you've through. having lost my husband of 40 years, 2 years ago now. and the loss of my home to foreclosure,my stroke 10 years ago, along with the death of my dad last year, the falls i've had also. breaking my ribs in 1 fall, i have questioned god's plan for me. how much pain and sorrow do i still have to endure. my grandsons releive alot of my sadness these days, as do my critters. i take antidepressants, but some days, my motivation, goes right out the window. i wish i had your out look on life. i'm

    inspired by you and thankful you are where you are today. your picture is

    a beautiful one of you. you look healthy and happy and the baby is adorable. keep up your hard work to keep you in the place you are now.


    love & hugs,


  13. susan, good job on the waffles, boy those sound good about now!. right after my stroke, my sister bought me several bibs i call them, but more like cobbler aprons i guess. they go over my head with ties at the sides and 2 big pockets in front. i can carry things from room to room with the pockets, including a drink. i get food on me too, but the bib catches it all, then i can just wipe the spot off. i wear 1 everyday. not the most stylish apparel, but hey, we do what we need to. don't worry about it, enjoy your food and efforts.

  14. bonnie, you have always been a inspiration to me, since i joined the site. i know exactly how you and leah feel. this month will be 2 years already since i lost my hubby of 40 years.the time has passed quickly. some days i don't know how i get through the day. but my oldest helps me, since he is just like his dad was, LOL i miss him terribly. i moved back to tx, hoping his family would be a support connection for me, but they are not. i call his dad every fathers day, since andy can't anymore. its appreciated but i'm never asked how i am doing. makes me just really want to let him have it, but i don't. loosing a spouse is a big hurdle to get over, i still am struggling with it, but having you and leah to talk to, has helped me, more than you both know. bonnie i thankyou for the widow site link, i havent visited it yet, but i will.

    i admire your strength to get through all that you've had to. you are a dear friend and i love you. be safe and well, my friend. kimmie

  15. kelly, you were a wonderful daughter to your mom. i know how hard you worked to keep her in her own home after her 1st stroke. it saddens me too, knowing she has passed, i felt like i knew her too from our many conversations you and i had. loosing a parent is so hard. i lost my dad last year to a stroke. my mom many years prior. she no longer suffers but she knew you were with her up to the very end. the pain and loss you feel gets easier with time. this might sound stupid, but i talk to my folks everyday because i know they are watching over me and can hear me. it gives me great comfort. my sincere sympathies to you and your family. i have you all in my prayers. kimmie

  16. fred i agree, you will gt them all wrangled up. they can have a good time, just make sure they know the rules in your home, family or not. i'm sure your wife is really excited about this special event in her honor. you do well with what you are able to do. don't get yourself worked up into a tizzy. just enjoy the time you have together. family will usually all pitch in to help.

  17. lenny, i am so sorry to hear about your friend's passing. you were meant to be in each others lives and for you to be there for him after his stroke. you were a good friend to him. he will be missed , but you have many good memories, to keep in your heart. my condolences to you and his family. hang in there and don't let this tragedy stop your recovery, you have come so far.



  18. jame, that is great news!! sorry i'm so late in replying to this blog. i never seem to find the time to read the blogs, nor have i myself blogged in a very long time. keep up the great job you are doing in your recovery. i laughed when i read, about the sign. he will have to pay you for advertising, LOL stay strong and be well.

  19. hi kelly, i know mom has had bad hired caregivers in the past. maybe shes worried or afraid these new ones might be like the others, not caring for her properly, so she only wants her family there. since your moms stroke, you have been there for her. you are an amazing daughter. i'm sure after some time she will adjust to her new caregivers. i just pray they treat her right. you do need time with your own family and a big break, from your work, mom and your stress. your own health is very important. keep us posted on how things are going with mom's new caregivers.


    lots of hugs and prayers,


  20. susan, i agree with jami, talk till someone listens. if you really think something is wrong, survivors seem to get blown off so easy with our drs. when we tell them something is not right. we know our bodies better than anyone. panic/anxiety attacks are the worst, or for me they are. tak to your dr about them. you do need to try not to worry, that only makes things worse. being an alarmist is being proactive in your health. take care and keep us updated.

  21. yolie, iyou know i have tootie and her family in my thoughts and prayers. she is such a sweet little angel, i know god will have the bigger angels watching over her. she is undergoing very serious surgery. she has been through so much already and i pray this surgery fixes her seizure problem. i can only imagine how worried the family must be. i will be praying for god to guide her medical team to have a very successful surgery. please keep us updated as you can. all my love and prayers.

