
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by kanderson

  1. leah, good job on your 1st blog, you did great. as lin said a wc is a tool to help you on the recovery journey. i use one for long distances even after 5 yrs out from a stroke. one day hopefully you will no longer need one. i'm sure your #1 angel is glad you are still with him in retirement. enjoy your ca trip, you sure deserve it. have a safe trip and wonderful time, we expect to hear all about it when you return. god bless you both.

  2. katrina, thats great you got settled in well and your roommate has a disability too. maybe you both can brainstorm together to find easier ways to do things, but as donna said, ask for help. you will be surprised. all of the walking around will only make you stronger, you will be a pro at it before long. you are a true inspiration to many, what you are able to do after a stroke. i will keep you in my prayers for the disability issue. good luck and keep up the good work. i know you can do it, you are a college girl now, wooohooo.

  3. phyllis, don't worry about the windows just play the best you can. i also took a few lessons when i was young but now wished i had continued. a piano is one of my favorite instruments. the music it produces is beautiful to me. how special for you to grow up with a musician. i think it would be very relaxing for you to start playing again and who knows you may play from memory instead of reading the music. go for it if you have time. i think everyone loves to listen to a piano being played. you would be a hit at christmas time, playing christmas carols.


    wow :]

    hi kristi, i remember my sophomore year was such a big deal for me, you are growing up and have the best years ahead of you. i agree with your mama, you are finding out about men and their faults, i understand your frustration though, LIKE NOW UNCLE, LETS DO IT. i'm sure he is happy that his family is there now,he has 2 more people now needing his time, patience is hard to learn with men. he'll come around i'm sure. tempt him with food, cook him dinner and dessert and sweet talk him. hang in there, you still have time before school starts.

    good luck.

  4. hi katrina, so good to hear from you. i think most of us feel you are our strokenet daughter. we love and care about you very much. i am tickled to death that you are getting out more and feeling like you belong because you do. driving again is a big deal, just be careful and safe,so your strokenet moms and grandmas don't have to worry,lol. i'm sure you will have fun with all of your new college friends you will meet. please try to get into chat sometime, we have loads of fun in there. i wish you much more better days ahead instead of bad ones. keep us posted on how you are doing. be careful using your teeth,like most of us do when we only have 1 good hand, as i broke off my front tooth once using it to hold something. take care sweetheart and be well.

  5. oh donna dear, how funny to read 1st thing today. i bet you 2 were a sight. crystal was smart to stay out of the line of fire, although she probably would have enjoyed a lick or two. we all have to learn someday,huh and its always better when mom is around. i'm glad the cake turned out ok. it tasted better i bet because all of the fun put in to making it. i hope kristi has a great birthday party with the family. enjoy yourselves. keep us posted on any new and funny events happening in your new life in pa.

  6. fred, sounds like alot of fun there, enjoy your vacation and win lots of money. be safe as crime is up everywhere it seems lately. your room sounds great too. i agree about survivors getting out more, the scooter is the answer to independence i think. i've never been there either, don't think i want to. i'll stick to ariz and vegas casino's. have fun. good info about the 7th floor, i never knew that. thanks.

  7. sue, wonderful news, congrats to your family, alex is adorable, glad tori is ok too. you are surely blessed with your family. i can't wait for my grandbabies. so far i have grand nieces and a nephew due in october. get some rest i'm sure its been hectic around there lately. as soon as you can we want a picture of the baby.

  8. sounds like kitty has her favorite spot in closets. my cats do react to their names, cheech and chong, brothers of same litter i took in off the streets. they both love getting in my closet on top of a dresser for sleeping and hiding. i have always had cats and i love all of the big cats in the wild. they are very affectionate creatures , big or small, animals are smarter than we give them credit for. so enjoy kitty in the closet, as lin said they are gonna do what they want anyway.

  9. hi cathy, it was so nice to meet you the other night in chat. we always have a good time and i hope to see you around more. your dinner party sounds like a huge success and you should be so proud of yourself that is a huge accomplishment. hopefully all will work out with your disability issue, i wish you the best of luck. hang in there.

  10. donna, the pictures look great and what alot more room you have now. sounds like romance might be in the air for kristi ,huh. she will make more friends when school starts. as for maryann she will be company for you when kristi starts back to school and will watch over you. its great you are getting out more with your family and having fun. looks like things are going well for you both. i am so happy for you both. keep us posted on how things are going, they sound great so far.

  11. it has been storming everyday for this week so far, the critters don't like the thundering, they just find a bed to crawl under till it stops and whimper alittle and then they come out to check that everyone is ok and still here. its funny to watch them until they settle down. bless their little hearts. i don't know what i would do without my little friends, they are the world to me. lets hope we don't float away, the way it floods out here,LOL. the cats try to get in a payback slap as the dogs run pass them on their way to find the bed when the thundering starts. never a dull moment around here lately. lets see what the rest of the week brings.

  12. katrina, i am so sorry you feel so blue, we all have those days from time to time. you are so young to have to experience this but i too cannot use my arm and my leg and foot don't work all of the time, i wear a brace and don't drive, nor do i want to. living with this disability is bad enough and i wouldn't want to hurt someone else in an accident, so i choose to accept my limitations now but that doesn't mean i won't get better someday with all the research going on now about stroke and recovery. NEVER GIVE UP. try and improve what you can. hang in there little one, things will get better, enjoy what you can do. look into trying to get a motorized scooter so you can get out more on your own.

    i wish you better days ahead.

  13. bonnie, sorry to hear about your shoulder, but i'm glad it is starting to feel better. take it easy for awhile and let it heal. BTW, great bp reading also. your mother in law will be in my prayers and i hope she recovers more of her sight. boy you have been busy with your computer too, i know how aggravating that can be when they don't do what we want them to do, go figure, huh. take care and get better.

  14. donna, i am so happy for you and kristi and crystal, that you are settling in ok, great news on the railing for the stairs, i bet that takes a load of fear off your mind. the weather there sounds wonderful except when it gets cold,burrrrr. its still toasty here in az with the monsoons here now. your brother has done a great job getting you re-located. once school starts kristi will be to busy to miss arizona. take care and keep us posted on life in pa.

  15. hi katrina, i was so happy to hear you are getting out more and you should. you are a beautiful girl with her whole life ahead of you. you will have so much fun in college, so enjoy every moment. i bet the concert and laser tag will be alot of fun. enjoy yourself and take care.