
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by kanderson

  1. hey girlfriend, sorry i haven't replied sooner, but then i think i did, lol fuzzy brain lately. i bet crystal enjoyed the flight and was feeling no pain. i am glad you all made it safely and you are back up and running. i hope you have bathroom downstairs to use instead of having to climb stairs all the time. once the new rail is up you will be a pro and alot of worry off your mind. be careful. i'm sure you are enjoying the cooler weather,though. take care and keep us posted.

  2. bonnie, believe me i do understand how you feel about your puter. i am the same way,puters gotta love them huh. but boy we get cranky when the don't work right. i made sure i got a service contract when i bought my laptop for moments like those, for i am no puter whiz either. i hope you get yours back up and running like you want real soon. my motto is if it ain't broke, don't fix it. don't get so angry that it ends up across the room,perhaps brice could help you out. good luck.

  3. hi rich, i am sorry to hear you have not been happy with the results at that facility and its services. you are braver than most to even go out of our country for treatment. i also pray the next place is a better one and you achieve better results. please take care and keep us posted on your progress. i wish you the best.

  4. bonnie you have been busy. glad you are ok after the fall. i know how scary those can be. the goat story was funny and at least you got her wrangled to a good spot. growing up, we had a few cows come up to the door, but none made it inside. i hope you have a great visit with your family.

  5. hi katrina, what a tough day you had but it will get better, you have been given some great ideas. i am sure there are other handicapped people there, find out how they cope with their difficulties. each day will be alittle easier, rest as much as you can if you need to, there will be plenty of time to socialize with friends, after all this was just your 1st day. chin up girl you can do it. i hope you have better days ahead.

  6. bill, i am so happy that bud is doing so well, you as his master has done a wonderful job in caring for him. he looks so good, i wish i was a dog, lol. he might be ready for a nite out with the ladies, huh. keep up the good work and give bud a kiss from all his lady friends at strokenet.

  7. donna, i'm glad things are coming together for your move, sorry about parting with the cat, i know how hard that is, but i am sure she will go to a good home. being closer to family will be a big help for you and kiddo. a new adventure all the way around. just don't stress out to much over the move, it will all be ok.

  8. hi sue, i wanted to thankyou for coming to chat today, thinking it was stephen's day, i enjoyed getting to know you alittle, anyway. i too am so sorry to hear about your mom's health issues. you have alot on your shoulders, hopefully the family coming will brighten your day. and remember, you are 60 yrs young,not old. i am trying to improve my memory and get into the other chat hosts chat, so i hope to visit you soon. i hope you have a great visit with the family, and i pray your mom has better days ahead as well as you. stay strong and the sweet lady you are. my best wishes to you.

  9. i know how you feel and once was there myself. that was 5yrs ago, now its not so bad but i do have those thoughts again sometimes but then i try to think of something else. a stroke has ripped our lives away as we knew it, so now we have to adapt and move on or else nothing gets better. this is life, we didn't ask for it but we have to deal with what is thrown our way. you have a family that loves you, do the best you can. we all understand how you feel, but being strong is a gift. i hope things get better for you, smile it helps.


  10. bonnie, i know the memory thing, but its nice to look at old pictures to spark those memories. kids grow up faster these days it seems. you are right about living today, though. one never knows about tomorrow. the move sounds like a good thing for your family. good luck with your garden. sounds like you've been busy alright. take care and be well.


  11. katrina, i am so sorry for the pain and heartache, you have endured in your life. but it was not your fault. parents make mistakes just like everyone does. you need to get over these feelings you have now, it will only make you feel worse, the past is done, work on making a wonderful future for yourself. you have your whole life in front of you, make it mean something. as bonnie said, look for transportation in your area and a counselor to help you work through your anger and hostility.

    life is what we make it, so work hard on making it happy for you. i hope you feel better soon, and remember its not your fault.

    my best wishes to you,


  12. bill, i am so happy bud is doing so well. you are a great master, the pictures show how much he loves you. give him big hugs from all of us.

    to bad he isn't sharing the girls, hopefully someday soon that might change for both of you. take care and bud will be back to his old self real soon. good luck with the therapy.
