
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by kanderson

  1. hi susan, sorry to hear about your dog and what he is going through. my pets are like my kids too, they mean everything to me. 12 teeth is alot to lose for a dog at one time. poor baby. hopefully the work you had done on him will resolve his issues. bacteria from dental problems can cause alot of problems so i have been told, we just had our dogs teeth cleaned too. and he is 12 yrs old. i pray gatsby is feeling better when you get home today. baby him for a few days and let him know everything is ok, plus his hormones have been affected from the nuturing. he just needs sometime to get back to his old self again. i wish you both the best.


  2. hi kelly, i know how one can worry about something like this, i do not have a pfo but i feel it is something you need to do, to ease your fears, i wish you best and a speedy recovery. i am sure they will take good care of you. so care care and let us know how thins go.


    kimmie anderson

  3. Hi Kimmie,


    Glad you had a good week except for the surprise from the malpractice suit. There should have been something in your original contract with your attorneys that stated if you were going to get stuck paying costs whether you got a settlement or not. Our original contract with our attorneys says they get costs (which are well over $40K now and building daily until we go to trial in May), plus a percentage of settlement. I have been prepared all along that if we lose the case, we will have to pay the lawyers costs and court costs, so we are hoping and praying daily that the jury will rule in our favor. If that doesn't happen, it will take the last of the equity from our home to pay off that debt.



    hi sarah, thx for your response. i do hope and pray, your case is decided in your favor, what is your case about, if you don't mind me asking? it was an experience thats for sure. stay strong and hopeful. i wish you the hest.



  4. hi smiley, i am so sorry about your dad, you and your brother are alful young to have to go through something like this, i was 48 when my clot caused a stroke and my son was17 and yes it is hard but it is very important to keep talking to your dad,even if you tell him a joke, your whole family has been turned upside down. keep up your hope and try and find someone to talk to. it will help, i will keep you and your family in my prayers. Good luck in your dads recovery, things will look brighter soon, i hope kimmie