
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by kanderson

  1. hi rich, good to see you back blogging with all thats been going on with you. i bet you really are enjoying the beach and the house, sorry to hear about another issue you are having to deal with in your recovery process. walkaide makes pretty much the same thing as bioness does and cheaper i've been told. keep up the great job you are doing in your recovery journey. you have gotten further than most due to your persistence and hard work woohoo

    keep us updated on your improvements. kimmie

  2. karen, i feel bad about your fall. but your determination will not keep you down. i know you will continue on with the trip you have planned, which is a good thing for you at this point. you need alittle get away time. i know your grandson will be in good hands with his upcoming surgery. life does give us many obstacles to get through and we manage them most of the time. like you said a knee is nothing compared to a stroke to manage, huh! all of us are here to cheer you on. you will manage all just fine. enjoy your trip and take lots of pictures, i hope to be able to see you while you are here, members meeting members, woohoo. kimmie

  3. donna, i am so happy for you with all the progress you are making. i think i would have tears in my eyes all the time if it were happening to me, knowing you never thought you would get to this. after so many years but as you say, recovery never stops and we know how hard you have been working to get where you are i am so proud of you and i bet kristi is too and the fur babies as well, now they will really have to run to keep up with you,LOL jut don't trip over them! all of this improvement will help your self esteem, as sue mentioned. your on your way girlfriend to a better life for you now!! woohoo keep updating us on your progress too. i know having this coming week off due to no fault of your own, you will continue working on your improvement even harder probably. love n hugs, kimmie

  4. wow sue, i would get dizzy trying to keep up with you. i don't know how you do it all. you have a busy week ahead of you. but you will enjoy your visitors and maybe they can help you with ray alittle. well we are very fortunate to have you with us for those 3 years and hope you stick around for as long as you can. we all enjoy and love you. chat with the lady down under. i hope ray is able to enjoy his visit with his friend. maybe you can get some rest soon, you are going to need it,LOL have fun with your company.

  5. hi sue, it was so good to read you and ray had a great day on his birthday. i bet he gains a few pounds from the cakes, but it would be worth it. birthdays are special in many ways, so we should enjoy them whether we are old or young, sick or well, its nice to be fussed over once a year. i hope you gave ray a big and kiss from us here at strokenet. now he can look forward to next years big day.

  6. hi martha, welcome to the site and to blogging, you did well on your 1st blog. its great you have a big family for support. grandchildren are the greatest huh. i just saw mine for the 1st time in june and i have another due in october, both boys also. do try to join in one of our chats sometime to meet others and have some fun. you might want to talk to your doctor to see if he can help you to get some sleep. rest is very important to us survivors, to be able to function well the next day and for our brains to heal. my stroke was in 2002 which affected my left side. i hope your recovery continues to improve, so keep working on it and who knows, you might be able to get back on that motorcycle with your hubby again one day.

  7. good job karen, you go girl. im sure it will get easier each time you do it. i hear water therapy is the best. i have a pool but im not able to utilize it, my family thinks i could not get out, no handrail. they think the force of the water would prevent me from lifting my legs up on each step. you don't know unless you try. apparently they are not willing to help me try. now with summer almost over here, maybe next year! i know i can get in by falling or sliding in from the side,LOL oh well maybe they know better than i. keep trying karen and enjoy.

  8. awwwww bill, i am so sorry to hear bud has to go through this again, but he has the best dad in the world. you take such good care of him and he knows it. i wish you both the best and i'm sure bud will come through the surgery like he did before. don't worry. good luck with the house hunting too. it was good to hear from you again. i will keep bud in my doggie prayers. let us know how it all goes for you and bud.

  9. donna, teenager years are the worst. kids think they know whats best for them and they are mature enough to know it all. kristina is testing the waters, knowing you can't come after her to check up on whats shes doing, i agree with jan her circle of friends are'nt friends at all. she will come to realize that soon enough. i know you both love each other very much. you have done a great job raising her, she will appreciate it one day when she has kids of her own! if its any comfort to you, you only have another year to go through this,LOL getting her through high school is a major job these days. we can only love and teach them the rights and wrongs, then pray they make the right choices. never give up hope on them either. i know the stress and tears they can cause. her working has opened the doors to independence for her. it does get better, believe it or not. its good you can come here to vent and know others here will understand and listen. hang in there are my words of wisdom,LOL.

    you know i love you both very much and you both are in my thoughts and prayers.

  10. lenny, what a great story and thankyou for sharing it with us. i imagine you and joseph have helped each other in your stroke recoveries. joseph is lucky to have someone who knows about stroke. mentoring is a very rewarding and fulfilling job. you have done very well it appears. if it brings you happiness, that is the best feeling of all. keep doing a great job lenny. someday maybe joseph can do the same for someone else and you would have taught him how.

  11. wow lenny, what a cool holiday you have planned. i am sure you will have the time of your life and make many new memories. i too like baseball and have years of practice watching the games whether little league or the big league games. take pictures so you can show us the fun you had. have a fun and safe trip to the game, remember to eat hotdogs and drink beer for the full baseball game experience,LOL

  12. hi leah, i am behind on my blog reading, i too would hate for you to stop blogging. you have always made me feel good with your updates and knowing how far you have come. you enjoy everything around you and the joy is expressed in your blogs. i bet your upcoming trip will revitalize you. and you will have to blog and tell us about your trip anyway,LOL you, i and donna would have had a great time had we met before donna moved. i wish i had the way to get down there and meet you myself, maybe another day. keep getting better in your recovery. you are an inspiration to many of us here.

  13. i should have added my happiness in coming home was also having my memories and my chance to see jake, i smile everyday when i think of him. i also know the new grandchild coming in october is another boy. tiffany has already had several scary events in carrying this one too. she is to have a hysterectomy after this one is born, her mom and i are happy with her decision on this,LOL our nerves can't handle much more of the ups and downs of her pregnancies. another miracle child will be born. life can be challenging even in the womb.

  14. hi karen, bless your heart, its just not fair is it, the ups and downs we experience after having a stroke, then add the family issues on top of it, its just to much at times. you are a strong gal and will get through anything life throws at you. i hope the dr finds no new clots, i know hubby and you are dealing with some new problems and i pray all goes well with you and your family. hang in there dear girl, it will get better. i have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  15. mc, i am happy to hear that you met with your son after a long absence. hopefully with time issues will be resolved. as adults we need to forgive and forget alot of times with our children and move on. they are'nt perfect angels like we wish they would be and people say things in anger too. so hopefully hard feelings will be set aside and you and your son can resume your relationship.

  16. hi doug, sorry teddy had a rough go of things lately. they do make doggie steps for pets to get up onto the bed, i ordered mine online for my min-pin, who was to fat to jump up on the bed. (my fault totally) it looks like teddy has dark nails, i never would cut those either, you cant see the quick plus pushing down on the nail hurts them too. i did order a pedi-paws that grinds them down, painless to the pet and it works great, you ought to look into it for teddy. just wanted to give you some ideas. i'm always looking for things to make life easier for our critters.

  17. hey bruce, sounds like you had a great time and got away from the routine for a bit which is always healthy for survivors. i hope you can get out and away more often. yes our critters do miss us when we leave them. yutani was happy to see mommy and daddy return for treats and attention, huh.

  18. hi there girlfriend, i am so proud of you in what you have accomplished thus far. i'm praying you qualify for the walkaide system, then there will be no holding you back!! just be x-tra careful til then to not go boom. thank goodness kristi and joe came to the rescue on your trip to the store. you are a great mom to kristina to get her the help she needs for her issues. she is a good, smart and good looking gal that just needs some guidance. i'm sure all will be better soon for both of you. i can't wait to see the new you. i do know how you feel after a trip to the salon, it really helps our self esteem, huh. who knows you might get picked to be on the cover of a magazine, woo-hoo, you go girl.

    love n hugs to you and kristina. and the fur babies too. keep us updated.


  19. hi bruce, its great you decided to blog so all of us can get to know you better. congrats on being able to drive again that really is a big accomplishment. keep up the great work and who knows what all you will be able to do in your recovery. by the way your 1st blog was a great one. i'm happy you decided to start blogging now, it does help in how you feel. take care and be well. see you in chat.



  20. hiya phil/webby. you did an awesome job on your first blog. just tell it like it is, or whatever you want to say, we are not picky around here,LOL. my hat is off to all brain stem stroke survivors for what they can contribute to this great site. that is the worst stroke to have i think. not to single out BSSS, all survivors are special regardless of type of stroke. we are one with our strokes. we survived the darn thing. it brought alot of good people together though, to help others. i too will look forward to your other blogs so keep 'em coming. kimmie

  21. sue in my opinion you are a true angel on this earth. your heart and love for ray is unquestionable. he is a very lucky man, but im sure he knows that already when he wanted to ask you to marry him 40years ago, you both are a true inspiration to others in health,love and devotion. i pray you have many more years together. just remember to care for yourself too along the way. we don't want anything to happen to you either.


    love and hugs,


  22. hi katrina, congrats on the sorority. you are a very pretty girl tired or not, the boyfriend is a handsome dude too. i have seen you accomplish many things you put your mind to. i have no doubts that you will go far. i am extremely proud of you, you are an inspiration to us all. keep doing the exercises, they do help. i wish you the best in all you do disabled or not "you show 'em how its done to overcome so many obstacles you've had to face. keep up the great job you are doing. your aunties here are behind you all the way.

