
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by kanderson

  1. hi leah, sorry to hear about your fall, glad all is ok and you were not seriously hurt. you did really good your 1st time alone and jerry will be very proud of you i am sure. next time leave the kitties to their own mess,LOL to not risk another fall. you will be so glad to have him home again, i bet.

  2. hi sue. good to see you are still up and running on the internet. you do sound busy in the days ahead. enjoy your free time away and have some fun and relaxation. we will miss you but know you will come back with a new lease on life and ready to start again. you always seem to enjoy your trips to camp breakaway. i wish there was something like that here in the US for survivors to go to.

  3. nicely written jan. i understand your sorrow and pain very well. i lost my mother just 4years ago myself and couldn't be with her either. i will always regret that for the rest of my life. my mothers death anniversary is next month. the pain and sorrow of my loss tears me to pieces each year. im sure our mothers are together, pain free and each telling the other how proud they are of theirs daughters and what they have made it through and survived, especially you. the love we have for others stricken down with a terrible illness and how we both are there to help others in our own way. a mother is a special honor that us women are given by god in our time here on earth. i know i have made a difference in my childrens lives as our mothers did in ours. have faith in knowing we will see them again one day and they will never leave us again. your poem was a perfect tribute to your mother. god bless you for all you have accomplished in this life. love n hugs, kimmie

  4. sue, bless your heart, i hear your frustrations in your writing. we are at the mercy of so many companies now. i know your computer is your window to the outside world. if only others could understand that, huh. to me thats terrible customer service. all you can do is complain. you are missed here very much. i hope and pray they get you fixed correctly very soon. retirement years, who knew, we all had our hopes and dreams of what they would be, but now just waking up to another day is the most we may get now. i still find myself thinking of what is yet to come in those retirement years, we can only hope for good things to come. which is what i hope for you and ray. we hope to see you back soon. hugs and love to you both kimmie

  5. hi leah, i too know you will be just fine while hubby is gone. you have come so far on your recovery and you haven't stopped yet. enjoy your alone time, it will be good for you and your fur babies. having a plan in place is the 1st step in planning your alone days. do check in with us so we know you are ok. now you can catch up on some reading and rest. go out to dinner with friends and just enjoy yourself. be safe and well my friend. kimmie

  6. donna, i too hope you two can call a peace treaty for awhile. teen years are the worse part of growing up for both child and parent. you have done a great job with kristina, she just needs to realize and understand a mothers love and concern for their child. she will someday have a child and really understand where you are coming from. life continues to give us challenges that we need to work through. hopefully things will now settle down for you. jan and i are always here to talk to you and help you through the tough times. don't give it a second thought. i love you and kristina with all my heart. i have been through the teenage years twice with boys and i know they are different in raising them. we are your friends and here for you, and i know this will pass, she'll be off on her own before to long. then you will sit back and wonder where the years went. please try not to stress to much and get yourself sick. that will be a bad thing. i have you both in my prayers.

    hugs n love,


  7. jan, i am so happy marymac was able to be with you to celebrate her birthday. she is truly an inspiration to fellow strokers. your walk was a BIG YAHOO FOR YOU G.F. something like that can be so scary the 1st time we do them. but you overcame and you conquered!!!!!!!! now hopefully the more you do it the easier it will become. your little friends made the walk that much more enjoyable for you. now with more practice, you can walk with wayne and harley which will be good for all of you. i am so happy and proud of you. i hope harleys birthday was a fun day for him, i know his mommy really spoiled him today. you are such a good mommy to your harley boy. love them and spoil them for as long as you have them. love n hugs, kimmie

  8. hello again everyone and thankyou so much for your kind and thoughtful replies. you have made me feel so much better. i hate to blog the woe is me blues, but i was about to come unglued, stress is not 1 of my virtues, i don't handle it to well, "stroke out". my dad is doing great and will be going home soon he says.my brother will follow up with doctors on that i am sure. stimpy is back home with us and back to his normal routine and doing great. i am so grateful for the extra time we have with him. the vet made it sound like he was on deaths door. hes eating drinking and urinating just fine, sleeping good and in no pain. this is probably the calm before the storm but thats ok i'll take it as long as god will keep him for me. my tooth gets fixed tomorrow. now my poor other son is having wisdom tooth pain, i told him its just his smarts trying to get out,LOL he did receive his LPN certificate today from school, i am so proud of him!!!!!!!!! my other issue hasn't resolved itself yet but it will bonnie have me a good tip today, thankyou dear bonnie. marc has not called me back to let me know how he's doing, so i'll just keep calling til he talks to me, mothers can be a pain sometimes, huh. thats ok i don't mind being a nag,LOL thanks again everyone for lifting my spirits. i do love my friends here with all my heart. i would be lost without them. hugs and love to you all. i hope your days are full of good things and great people who love you too. god bless you all. the three amigo's are one with each other. adios til next blog.


  9. wes, for goodness sakes, have you heard of pacing yourself? your body is not the same now. it takes a stroker 3 times the energy to do anything a non-stroker does, a therapist told me that. your lucky it only takes you 1 day to recoup. others might take 3 to do something less challenging. rome was'nt built in a day, comes to mind here. by all means, do what you enjoy, just do it at a slower pace, spread it out a bit. if i did what you do in 1 day, i would stroke again, LOL god forbid. take it easy on yourself. you can still have fun. just my thoughts from 1 strokee to another.

  10. hi katrina, bless your heart, you can only do the best you can. quit putting so much pressure on yourself. you do 10 times more than most of the students there do now. just study hard and do the best you can. no one can ask you for more than that. i am sure you will come through it all like you usually do with flying colors. i know all of us here are very proud of you for what you have achieved thus far. maybe you need a nite out with your boyfriend to have some fun for a change. college is for having some fun too, i think. i have you in my thoughts and prayers. i know you will be ok. keep us updated on how you are doing.

  11. hi gary, thankyou so much for directing me to your blog and kyle. i have read from start to finish. what an amazing story, kyle is one for the books, huh, the video was great too. this boy i have no doubt will get to where he wants to be in his recovery. he is a true inspiration to every BSS survivor. i will continue to look for updates from you on his progress. it was nice to meet you tonight in chat. god bless kyle and his family.



  12. donna, job well done gf. im sure you had the patience of jobe putting that together. LOL nothing matters except that you completed the task at hand and crystal is pleased with you and so was kristi. woo hoo. its a great feeling huh.

  13. mc, i'm sorry your parents are not mature enough to go with your wishes. i guess they are set in their ways and can't accept the fact you have made a new life for yourself and are happy with andre after your stroke. we can't choose our families as we can our mates. i would just forget about their negativity for now and just enjoy your happiness with the planning of your wedding. i wish you both the very best.

  14. donna i am very sorry to hear of your decision to resign. but knowing you as well as i do, i do understand your decision, i wish you well in whatever you decide to do in the future. you gave so much to this website and i for one appreciate all you did to help it run smoothly. you gave so much time here everyday. now you can spend more time with kristy and the fur babies and just relax for a change. it will do you good. i hope you continue to still be active on the site and we will see you often as time permits you to be. good luck dear and god bless you and watch over you. your friend, kimmie

  15. jan i am so sorry to hear about lindy's illness. she is in my thoughts and prayers for a new liver and a blessed recovery. you both are very fortunate to have each other in your lives for so many years through so many hardships. you both definitely define what true friendship is. i'm sure lindy knows your heart and how much you love her and are there for her. please try and not get sick yourself over this, lindy would'nt want that for you. you mean alot to me too. lindy can NEVER GIVE UP HOPE in her quest for a new liver either. please tell her we are praying for her.

  16. hi vi, i am so sorry to hear of the sad events impacting your life right now. i'm glad you will be there for your brother at matts funeral. such a tragic thing to happen. i hope and pray that you find the strength to get through the sadness in your life right now. i too send you lots of (((((((((((hugs))))))))))). take care of yourself too. depression is not uncommon in people dealing with so much sadness at 1 time. bless you dear. kimmie

  17. hi sue, i too offer my condolences on the loss of your friend. it never seems things happen at the proper time huh. sunshine and happiness will flow within you once again very soon. i toohope the phone gets fixed quickly and life gets back on track for you. i covered your chat last week and a very knowledgeable caregiver came in. neuro 1 is her screen name and carla is her name. she was a neuro nurse and quit to take care of her hubby after his massive stroke. it was a joy to talk with her. i hope she comes back when you are back to hosting. you have been missed. i am no caregiver but i try to fill in for you but im not you eitherLOL. so hurry back as you can. i wish you much better days ahead. love n hugs, kimmie

  18. leah, i am so happy for you that 2009 is working in your favor so far. i agree that you will do fine being by yourself, it does help our feelings of independence. i too am home alone alot of the time. saturday nights is my hubby's alone time from caregiving. i too was upset at 1st but i got over it realizing he needs a break and so did i. i am able to do alot on my own except drive, which is ok to me. happy anniversary to you and enjoy your night out. you sound like you are doing just fine. you keep forging ahead on your recovery, which is a great thing. i wish you the best in all you do. be careful and keep us posted on how you are doing.kimmie

  19. geez jan, thankyou for that in depth explanation of MG. you sure have done your homework, which would be expected i think. but your details were very easy to understand and explained it thoroughly. i am so sorry, you have to deal with this on top of everything else.you have accepted your fate with alot of grace and your faith in god will get you through your tough days ahead. you take each day as it comes and try to make it a good day. you put your heart and soul into everything you do. i pray that medicine makes great advances in this disease to hopefully stop it some day soon. i keep you in my thoughts and prayers daily for you to get better and healthier in this new year. god bless you for all you do to help others.

    love n hugs,


  20. kathy, you are to funny. i admire you for what you are able to do and you do make the effort too. im sure you will be fine in barry's absence, enjoy your quiet time. i bet your eyebrow is going to look great when it finally comes back fully. i bet you will not do that again,LOL i bet the water therapy is really enjoyable for you and you will work up to the full 30min in no time. just stay off the ice please. no ice skating yet for you!! i hope you enjoy your classes and we want to see your work once completed. keep up the great things you are doing to enrich your life. love n hugs, kimmie

  21. hi billie jo. i am so happy to hear from you, but so sorry to hear of your heart attack, not a good thing, but you are on the recovery road once again and i'm sure will do just fine to get over this bump as you have all the others. quitting smoking was the best thing you could do. i give you a bunch of kudo's for that one. stay well now and you will probably lose alot of weight on the diet you are on. hopefully that is a good thing for you. please keep us updated on how things are going for you. we have missed you. stay strong and confident. kimmie

  22. donna, i know you might not believe this but you will get through the teenage teens with kristina. somedays you think you will not, looking back i don't think our own teenage years were a piece of cake either. its all part of life. her hormones are in an up swing, like it or not. she is testing the waters, like they all do. she knows right from wrong, so you taught her well. stay strong in your decision making. one day like bonnie said she will understand herself what parenting is all about. so hang in there girlfriend. it will get better. the results of the biopsy will also be ok, since i already know,LOL thank god our prayers were answered in keeping you well.

    love n hugs.


  23. katrina, i couldn't be any happier for you. i hope 2009remains a great year for you. the picture is great, you both do look happy and glad to be with each other. so you've meet the family huh, do i hear wedding bells coming any time soon,LOL finish school though, you have your groove on with a 3.9. keep up the great job and hopefully the medical things will get resolved soon. keep us updated on how you are doing.

  24. hi wesley and nice to get to know you and your great family. a supportive family makes all the difference in the world post stroke. i too see you out riding again very soon. its a goal and you have the fortitude to get it done. there is life after a stroke, just in a different way for some. stay strong and determined and keep us updated on how you are progressing.