
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by kanderson

  1. sue, i cannot agree with the others more. you have done a wonderful done in caring for ray for all these years. but i too have worked with dementia and alzheimers patients. it is a very demanding job, stressful and heartbreaking to watch a loved one go through. you need help and if you can't get that help with family or friends. maybe ray does need to be placed somewhere for that help. i wish i didn't have to say that. definitely get an answering machine too.

    i too wish i was there to give you a great big (((((hug)))). a dr visit is a good thing for you right now. we cannot always do everything ourselves everytime. you know how much you are loved here at strokenet and we hate to see you this way. you do need some pampering big time. god bless you and ray, please do take care of you too. keep your chin up. love and hugs, kimmie

  2. thats great MC. the ice has been broken open,so now hopefully the lines of communication are there for you and your mom now. i agree with donna to proceed slowly to give yourselves time to get back into a relationship with her i hope she really took note to see how well you were doing now with your new love in your life. i too hope things go in a positive direction for you now.

  3. donna dear, you have had to deal with alot lately, but you get through them and come out smelling like a rose. i have faith that the biopsy will be a piece of cake for you. god has meant for you to be back home with your family and your loving daughter at your side. you and kristi are always in my prayers. i loved the message from S.C. too. i hope you both have a great christmas with family and friends. and your new year is filled with good health. happiness and peace and the lottery,LOL. i love you both very much.

    love n hugs,


  4. jan, as others have said, you just have to get through each day as best we can. hang in there it will get better. life never goes as we want it to, some things we have no control over. so let bill fix your computer and it will be back before you know it. focus on losing the weight right now, you have a new computer to look forward too. DONT WORRY, BE HAPPY as the song goes, LOL. everything will work out. you just need to believe it will. i hope you have a better week with many things to look forward too.

    love n hugs,


  5. kathy, you are too funny. sorry about the eyebrow vanishing!! it will grow back. i'm sure you are as pretty with a eyebrow painted on, as you are with a natural one,LOL i gave up along time on plucking them anymore. kinda wish i never started that womanly chore. just keep enjoying the rum for the holidays and after while you wont even miss it anymore. LOL i wish you and your family a blessed christmas. i hope to see you at the new years party with eyebrows or not.

    love n hugs,


  6. sue i honestly don't know how you do all that you do. you are right also in saying the things you plan don't always work out the way you planned it. i am sorry to hear about your uncle passing. bless your heart, you have had alot going on lately and now the car needs things to help it keep going. but how about you too, to keep you going, do you need servicing now to keep you going?LOL i think so. dear lady i think you need to put a few things on the back burner for a bit, so you can rest while ray is gone. you are only 1 woman with only 24hours in a day. you are going to get yourself down before to long keeping up this pace. you need to rest. let people help you for a change. no one understands what a caregivers responsibilities entail unless they have done it themselves, i think you would agree with me here. i am just worried about you and i would be more than happy to get subs or myself to do your chats for awhile if that would free up some time for you to do whatever you feel you need to do. all of us here care about you and ray. please let me know if i can help you out. please get some rest.

    hugs n love,


  7. kathy, i think you do so well in all your endeavors post stroke, baking getting out and enjoying your new home with connor being close to you now. i have only shopped on black friday a few times all pre stroke of coarse. the craziness is to much for me. i will stay home and shop online to get my shopping done. i hope you enjoy your holidays, just slow down when you need to and rest, don't get stressed again and get down for a few days with your folks there.

    i'm glad you enjoyed the movie but i feel bad that you are hurting these days. enjoy your baking and i will sample anything you need.LOL i wish i had the motivation to try and bake again but i do not. have a great holiday kathy.

    hugs and love,


  8. hi sue, bless your heart you have had your share lately of problems. i am glad the assessment will happen very soon for you and that it goes well for you and ray. as donna stated they do make great surge protectors these days to protect your computer. i have always unplugged mine when i am going to be gone for awhile. it serves no purpose to remain on, the TV'S either for that matter. my dad is an electrical engineer and always preached that to me as i was growing up. it only takes a few seconds to unplug them before leaving. forget yesterday as a new day is approaching and it will be better. i think you miss your friends here as we miss you. to chat with. they would make you feel better, i know it. we look forward to you getting back with us as soon as you can. we love you and ray and i hope your days are getting better, take care of yourself. you have been an angel for ray for a very long time god bless you for all u do.

  9. elondie, what a scare for all involved. i am so thankful that our little tootie is ok. except for the food caught in her throat which could have been a major worry. i agree her food needs to chopped up or something so this doesn't happen again. i do hope you are able to find out about the anoxia. please keep us updated on how the tests go and how tootie is doing. she is our special little girl. love and hugs to both of you

  10. well folks i spoke to soon. i am a grandmother now, the baby not was moving to much this morning so mama tiffany called the doctor and he had her come in the sonogram showed the cord around his neck so an emergency c-section was performed and out pops a baby boy weighing in at 8.5 lbs and 20 inches long with chubby cheeks. mother and baby are doing fine and my son is happy as a clam. i wish i could have been there but he was early, i just thank god he is healthy and his momma and daddy, are happy,they have waited for this day for so long. i'm not sure yet of the name they decided on, i was to excited and forgot to ask. i am so happy i could bust, but i wanted to share my news. thank you all for your replys and well wishes. now i can shop blue sorry maria no pink this time, next time maybe. i cant wait to see him and hold him. i called my family to tell them the great news. great grandpa now has 4 gg kids to play with.

  11. vi, i do understand the many things you have had to overcome. i detected happiness in your blog. i am so thankful you are here with us. your humor and knowledge are a blessing to us all. you have much more than most and you inspire others with all you have accomplished. i pray you continue to gain more as time passes. as donna said we do love you. so keep up the great job you are doing. god bless you in all you do.

  12. ann, i too offer my condolences to you and your family for your loss of choe. i was praying the surgery would have fixed her problem but i guess god had other plans for this kind and sweet woman. she will now be watching over all of her family. we never know the amount of time we have on this earth but the time she had, she was loved by many and a friend to many as well. she left her mark on so many others while she was with you. keep your memories alive in your heart, she will always be with you. i pray your family finds comfort in the many days ahead to get through, that she is now with god.

  13. marie, i'm sorry more members and other hosts didn't show up yesterday for your 1st chat. you did a great job. your idea of a theme would be a good idea i think. once approved by donna i will put it on the chat calender.maria's idea of what's hot is a good idea too. i will do whatever i can to help you out. i will see you next sunday and kathy was to funny yesterday, but she usually is. i'm glad she joined us.

  14. cathy. everyone can gain weight, but not always lose it. especially after a stroke, dont be to hard on yourself. the ultimate bottom line is its mind over matter. you dont have to eat the bad things and can stop yourself. maria is right, it is a vicious cycle. just accept the fact that you cant exercise it off like you used to, i have gained also since my stroke but i also lose it according to my doctors scales. i just try to be more active. i don't thinks drugs or surgery are a quick fix either. the surgery is so extreme and usually only done on morbidly obese people. whatever you decide just remember to research it very well before doing it. i wish you the best in whatever you do. remember you have had a stroke and surgery may not be a good option due to blood clots. i too will be a first time grandmother in 3 weeks, i can't wait. congrats to you also.

  15. kathy, you are stronger than you think and do so many wonderful things for others, be it birds, family, or friends, this website. the cupcakes were adorable i bet the kids will love them. yes i think post stroke we have to do things differently now with our bodies. go on a outing and rest up for a day or two to recuperate from it. but thats ok, then you can enjoy your birds more that way. i'm sure they love you for their warm bath spot. alot of hummingbirds come to arizona too for the warm winters we have here, i love watching them. the point is to make yourself happy for the time we are on this earth. i am so proud of you for all that you do and how well you do them. just believe in yourself sweetheart in all you do. you are my dear kathy. you will suceed, i never had any doubts about you. i'm glad i was able to help you, but i dont know what i did, other than just talking to you which i am always here for you as you have been for me. i bet connor was so happy about the cupcakes too. hes proud of his grandma. i hope i can be as good of 1 as you are. i'll be looking to you for advice i bet,LOL.

  16. katrina, i too have you in my thoughts and prayers, i often think about you and how you are doing. donna is right and sometimes the connections in our brains don't always connect properly after a stroke. but it will someday, so NEVER GIVE UP HOPE. i find that when i am tired my affected leg does not take a step and follow through correctly either and i have caught myself many times from falling. so its just not you sweetheart. you are doing so much right now, maybe you were just extra tired. i'm glad your boyfriend was there to catch you. i hope your test goes well, those aren't the most appealing test but obviously it is needed. the prep is the worst of it. please keep those grades up too katrina, you have come so far. i understand the teacher part too, they can make or break you in a class. i wish you the best in all you do. stay safe and let us know how the test goes.

  17. donna, thankyou for your post about your world the past few days, so others can understand your absence lately. i have you and your family in my heart, thoughts and prayers, i was happy to help you all any way i could to ease your burden. you are under enough stress and worry. you and kristi are very important to me. and i know you would do the same for me, if i needed you too. your mother is your angel now and will watch over her family and angel her dog . sometimes things happen between mothers and daughters but please know in your heart you were good to your mom when you were still here with her. she made her decisions about her health care issues, you were not the fault of her passing and you got to tell her what was in your heart before she died which i'm sure meant alot to each of you. i pray you hold on to the good memories you have of her and find comfort in the coming days. she is no longer in pain and angel we hope will be home with you soon. she needs her family now too. you know how much you are loved by all of us. thankyou for all you do for us here too.




  18. katrina, its great u have gotten happier in your thoughts about your life, as donna said you are loved very much by all of us.

    we hate to see you so down on yourself. congrats on the driving too. that is a great accomplishment. i too hope you do well on your tests and you finish out the year with great results. i am very proud of you. lots of ((((hugs)))) coming your way.

  19. katrina, i am surprised at you. god never gives us more than we can handle. you have come so far, you cant throw in the towel and give up on your life now. suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. i think you need to go sit in a pretty place like a park or garden and just take in the beauty of it and relax for awhile. can you talk to a pastor from your church or another family member for help with your problems. we all have our problems in life to deal with. stay focused in school. find an inspirational book to read like mema suggested. to show you life is not as bleak as you think it is. thousands of people are worse off than we are and they are struggling too but they are dealing with hardtimes also. you do have a gift of poetry. write your frustrations on paper. we care about you very much and are always here to talk to you if you need us. just talking about it can help you alot. can you talk to your doctor? maybe he can offer you some solutions. you have alot on your plate right now. just go slow and deal with what you can in spurts. don't overwhelm yourself. i send you lots of ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))). you are stronger than you think.