
Stroke Survivor - male
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About chofvander

  • Birthday 12/10/1951

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  • Interests
    Rock music, blue grass music. opera, bicycling, exercising, reading, watching movies
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  1. Happy Anniversary chofvander!

  2. Happy Anniversary chofvander!

  3. Happy Birthday chofvander!

  4. Happy Anniversary chofvander!

  5. Hello Ladi, You've put my emotions down in writing. It's exactly how I feel. Congratulations you've written an epic!
  6. Thanks for all you're support. I've tried different pedals and I've returned to the clipless type as mcsaul suggested. I went for a ride over the last week end and rode 15 miles. It was great!
  7. Hi Shirley When I get depressed, frustrated, and feeling sorry for myself I try to remember that I was one of the lucky ones. Sure, my right leg is about 50% of what it was and my arm is about 10% of what it was and I have aphasia but there are those much worse off than me. One was a woman who had severe aphasia, so severe she could only say "OK" and was wheelchair bound but she had such a positive outlook on life even though she was more disabled than I. When I think of her, think of all the mountians she had to climb I don't feel so bad about my condition. So try to take heart and remember "OK".
  8. I've done up to 30 miles on the trike but I was SO TIRED afterward that I took a nap for six hours. It was two years ago, we were in Door County Wi. and I took a ride with my son Brad and I was so happy to see the house we were staying in that I cried.
  9. Thanks for all your encouragement. I got on the trike again today and my foot didn't fall off. I rode for 10 miles and at first I was scared sh-tless. I kept my eye on my right foot just to be careful but my foot didn't come out. I am more careful now and I changed pedals. Once again thanks. This board is a great place for support!
  10. I rode a bicycle for years before my stroke that left me paralyzed on my right side. Then my cycling friends bought me a tri-cycle and I felt free again. But last year I broke my right ankle while riding but after six weeks I got right on the trike again. Last week, while riding, I thought I broke the same ankle again. It was only a sprain but now I am scared to ride again. I