AZ Leah

Stroke Survivor - female
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Posts posted by AZ Leah

  1. I can identify, in one way or the other, with what everyone has said. I had quit smoking and drinking (completely) 10 years before my stroke, was in good physical condition, low BP, decent CHL and boom - my life changed. The drs and me don't know why but it happened. I try daily to have a positive outlook but some days or worse than others. I'm here today, cried a lot last night and this morning but it has disappaited now . My emotional lability stinks and "normal" people don't get it. I reach to God for strength and courage to go on and just maybe I have some more recovery in me


    Is it Fair - probably not. But instead of why me?, why not me? If God thinks I am strong enough to get through this, I guess I should be honored. Sound nuts? yep I am!! My brain is injured and I had to remember that. Leah

  2. Lots of good information, Donna. For me I was home from the hospital only a few months before Xmas. I would have cried just reading your suggestions! In fact, I cried Xmas day because everything was SO different for me and it was just me, my husband and my mother-in-law at our house. That was 2 years ago and I have learned a lot since then. Realistically looking at what I can do and letting others do everything else. We do not put up a tree which in itself was hard - the first xmas in 63 years without a tree and no gifts.

    I now keep things very simple and was able to put up a few decorations last year. We invited my brother and his family last year and everything was planned well in advance food-wise. I did some organizing but no cooking. Again no gift, no tree, but lots of love and no crying on my part. Like they say, you've come a long way baby!



  3. Dear Ladi: Your poem is beautiful and puts into words my feelings. Only survivors like us can share and feel your words. Thank you so much. Every day I try to do some good for myself and for someone else. Today I cried but then it stopped. So I am grateful to read your beautiful words.
