AZ Leah

Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by AZ Leah

  1. HI EVERYONE, ESPECIALLY BLOGGERS.. :yadayada: I get my 2nd epidural today for my spinal stenosis
  2. Sheryl: Boy can I identify with your post. I have dealt with this since my stroke almost 4 years ago. I used to obsess about it and read book after book to try to help me (self-help) like "Letting Go of the Person You used to be" and "When Things Fall Apart", books authored by other stroke survivors to see how they dealt with "it". What is normal anyway? Maybe you are normal and they aren't? Ever think of that. You are a child of God and He is the only one you need to please. That is by doing the best you can (even if it doesn't meet other people's opinions.) I have dealt with getting rid of perfectionism, high expectations of myself and others. I know who my friends are and some have gotten "dumped". I am a lot more comfortable with my disabilities than the day I came home from the hospital. I have made a lot of progress and work damn hard - If someone criticizes me for that I think I'll punch them in the nose! I have a core of people who love me, support me, encourage me, help me, etc. It is still hard for me to ask for help but humility breeds happiness in God's eyes and makes me a better person ready to help someone else. We survivors are the strong ones...I doubt if most of the people we know could ever be in our shoes and do as well as we have. I hope you have a good therapist; I finally found one. The other day she asked my husband how he would feel if he situation was reversed and he paused before he answered he would be angry and impatient. I am neither. Frustrated, yes. I ask God every day for the strength and courage to do His will for that day. Don't give up. You don't have amends to make, but everyone who has said a cross word to you certainly do. I don't know how they live with themselves. God be with you. Feel free to email any time. Leah (AZ_Leah)
  3. AZ Leah


  4. I thought I was scheduled for April 9 but I had the epidural injection last Friday April 2. I can feel a difference already, although I'm still on pain meds. Before the injection the pain meds didn't cover the pain in my legs. Now they do. So progress, progress. I slept A LOT since Friday and Jerry said it was probably because my anxiety was gone now. I have to watch out for patience, high expectations and expecting too much too soon (as usual). Now I feel like I have gone over another hurdle. Sessie and Jan, I hope you two are doing okay, as well as everyone else I don't know about. I have busy week but hope to make chat at least once. Love you all...I think all your prayers have helped me. I pray every night for everyone on the website. Another example for me of working through the pain. Hugs, Leah :friends:
  5. AZ Leah

    What a Week!

    Stessie: Talk about brave - you are at the top of the list. Happy days will be coming soon. Leah
  6. AZ Leah

    5th Anniversay

    congratulations for 5 years of hard work. I'm glad it turned out well for you. Leah
  7. Kevin: PS...By The Way, God shows me what "phase" I am in and when it is time to change but I have to ask for daily help for this to happen and then follow through with the footwork. Lean
  8. I agree with Bonnie and I have a lot to do. I have decided to bring in a friend to help me. Physically I am not able to lift, reach, etc. plus someone else not attached to "things" will help me realize how silly it is to keep this or that. Good Luck Kevin. Leah
  9. AZ Leah

    Spring Transition

    Hi Debbie: You have certainly had your share of trauma caring for Bruce. Every situation is different depending on severity of stroke, age, relationship to survivor,etc and none of them are easy. I am able to help out somewhat, mainly anything financial, but I can't do the housework and cooking I have done for 25 years. This has put a large strain on Jerry (he does the evening meals and I eat enough to survive bkfst and lunch). I have been going to a neuropsychologist and Jerry agreed to be part of our session tomorrow. After 3 1/2 years, our communication is not good and we bicker a lot IF he understands what I am trying to convey. I hope my psychologist will help our relationship...we really love each other and this is why this situation has survived.
  10. Hi All: We aren't called survivors just for fun. The last blog about our Z3 car accident was lite-weight compared to my recent troubles. The hope-no-hope has been the merry-go-round I have been on lately. I recently had a MRI due to increasing pain in my legs much more severe than neuropathy. The MRI showed spinal stenosis which I knew absolutely nothing about. The short definition is there is a canal which houses the nerves which runs down your spinal cord. The canal splits in two at the base of the spinal cord with a group of nerves, each running down each leg. The canal can become narrow in places. This squeezes (compresses) the nerves which run from the spinal cord down to each leg thus causing the pain I have been suffering. Some days have been so bad I couldn
  11. My last blog ended with Jerry having a car accident. Things worked out well especially since Jerry wasn
  12. AZ Leah


    Dear Stessie: I am sorry you have to go thru chemo. I have a close friend here who is goin thru the same thing and I know he side affects are awful. I will pray for you that this won't be as bad as the first bout and he end result is good. Bless you; I often wonder why we have to go thru bad things...a stroke is bad enough. I only can thing that God knows we are strong enough to hinder in order to pass hope on to someone else. I will be praying for you. You a beautiful child of God and God takes care of His children. Love, Leah PS: The Lord is my shephard.
  13. you are so right Asha. I tend to dismiss the "small" things which now are big accomplishments. Fondly, Leah
  14. In my last blog I left off talking about going to my first appt. with my new neuropsychologist, Dr. Marion Seltz. :blah_blah: She is fantastic and better yet wants me as a client too YIPEE! What a difference talking to a therapist who knows neurology. She says she wants to see me 1x/week for 6 months unless one of us is sick or away from home. That
  15. AZ Leah

    Part 2 of 3

    I forgot to include these pictures in my last blog (already overwhelmed). The biggest gift to all of us is baby Peter who was only 3 weeks old on Christmas. We went out of dinner Christmas Eve and nobody even knew he was there; he was so quiet. I guess he is saving noise for his 2nd year birthday!! Leah
  16. First off I want to thank Asha, Maria, Bonnie, Sarah and all others who found a way to fool the system and let us post blogs. I had tried twice yesterday before I found the secret so here goes! First of all, I
  17. AZ Leah

    Christmas Pictures

    Christmas 2008 and 2009
  18. AZ Leah

    Trying this out.

    Bonnie: I don't know what you are trying but I got your message. Leah
  19. AZ Leah

    January 11,2010

    DITTO !! Your test worked. I too wish to say Happy New Year. I have a busy week so it won't be til Thursday that I'll have any time to blog or otherwise post. I keep forgetting that one major event a day is my limit. Boy do I learn the hard way. Leah
  20. From the album: Christmas Pictures

    Christmas Eve 2009 - Jerry and me, Jerry's 97 yr old mother, my niece Sabrina, boyfriend Peter and new baby Peter (3 weeks old), proud grandparent my brother Gary and his wife Susie
  21. Hi Kimmie: You expressed my sentiments in your blog. I've been able to get out a few decorations a little at a time to make the house look somewhat Christmasy. We have a 3' tree all decorated w/lights that a friend gave us the first Xmas after my stroke. I didn't know then what a great gift that would be. We have yet to get a tree big enough to hang some of our favorite ornaments on...maybe next year. I made a couple batches of cookies (thank you pillsbury refrigerated dough!) and brownies (from a giradelli choc. mix...most people think they are homemade they are so good. I became a new great-aunt on Dec. 3 and this time baby Peter is here in Tucson; I am so happy to have a baby in town. I thought 2009 would have to be better than 2008 - WRONG for me. So I'm hoping 2010 brings all of us a few more spots of joy. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and all that jazz!!!
  22. AZ Leah

    Knitting and Cross-Stitch

    Dayne and Grace showing off the scarves I knit them.
  23. AZ Leah

    For a Friend

    From the album: Knitting and Cross-Stitch

    A cross-stitch for a close friend