AZ Leah

Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by AZ Leah

  1. AZ Leah

    I met Sarah!

    that was a special day for you - how cool is that! We never know what God has in store for us. Glad you could meet up with Sarah and Gary - a big world made small leah
  2. I join the others in praying for you, Fred. I feel for you and your pain and possibly facing the inability to walk. I'm going through another stage of acceptance myself but feel fortunate I can at least limp. I am glad you found a dr. who LISTENED - they are a rare breed now-a-days. I hope he finds a magic solution for your problems. I know you are a believer so hold on to God along this journey. He will also help in good times and bad. Leah
  3. Thank you Kimmie. Us Arizonans have to stick together! Thanks for your kind words. I get inspiration from everyone here. I think you were my first contact. I won't give up blogging but not too often. This summer's heat has really gotten to me this year. Last week I had to take a couple days completely doing nothing. I am changing my schedule so I have a day in between appts. I'll probably blog pretty soon on another layer of acceptance I am going through. Does it ever get better??? I hope so. Hugs, Leah
  4. AZ Leah

    Guess what?

    Way to go girl. You have taken another large step in your recovery and independence. I was thrilled and grateful when I started driving. It's somewhat hard to manuever in and out of the car but for small store I manage with a cane and then push a shopping cart. As far as other problems you are experiencing, it may not be the right time now even if you think it is. I let God be my guide and sometimes he says "wait" and sometimes he says "no" or "not yet". Your whole life is ahead of you. I didn't stroke until I was 62 and I so admire all you have done with a disability. You are a strong, courageous and determined beautiful young woman. It is great to see you grow. Leah
  5. Dreams can come true after stroke. Congratulations Lenny - that is just super and I love the bucket list idea. Most of my bucket list was done before stroke thank God. The things took took much walking which I can't do any more. Anyway since I stroked at 62 I had a lot of years to do things. I am sure you will have a ball (no pun intended). What a sweet wife and caregiver you have. Have a great time and report back. I hope your team wins for you. Leah
  6. Lorraine: I know first-hand the overwhelming feeling. I stroked 3 years ago and my family was told I would never walk or talk again. I was on life support. I proved all the doctors wrong and have exceeded all the therapists expectations. Today I am about 85%...I still need a cane or walker but I can drive, swallow, dress and shower myself...the list goes on and on. Your brother is doing wonderful at 8 weeks. I can identify with the rehab process. My left arm still doesn't have good range of motion and I think it was because they didn't work it for the first few months. After almost 3 months I came home and did grulling out-patient rehab 3x/week (3 hrs each time). At home I got a pulley system that you can attach to a door and I exercised my arms that way. I had a list of exercises I could do with no equipment. Denny's suggestions are very good. Reach out to whoever or wherever you can. I bet you can even get someone to built a ramp to the house. Through insurance rehab will gave me a walker and reaching tool. My husband got rails for the toilets, a shower chair and grab bar. I later bought a cane. There is free information through the Am. Stroke Association - 2 magazines, Stroke Smart and Stroke Connection. Also a free booklet on Stroke Recovery. The road is not easy but it is do-able ONE DAY AT A TIME. Make sure to take care of yourself and remember to breathe when you get frustrated or agitated - time for a pause. Your brother is fortunate to have a loving family. Love goes a long way in recovery and for me God has helped me on every step. Keep coming back and share with us. You never have to be alone with your thoughts. We're here. Leah
  7. AZ Leah


    I enjoy taking pictures, especially of flowers and landscapes and I can still do this. I took these pictures this year in our backyard and a couple last year in St. Lucia.
  8. AZ Leah

    So Many Colors

    From the album: Flowers

  9. From the album: Flowers

    After my stroke we had railings installed to make it easier and safer for me to get in and out of he pool. I still do it with Jerry at my side "just in case" .
  10. AZ Leah

    More Lillies

    From the album: Flowers

  11. AZ Leah


    From the album: Flowers

  12. AZ Leah

    Yellow Rose

    From the album: Flowers

  13. AZ Leah

    Orange Hibiscas

    From the album: Flowers

  14. From the album: Flowers

  15. AZ Leah

    "Use it or Lose it"

    Fred: I appreciate your honesty and glad you posted such a critical issue for all of us to remember. I'm 3 years post stroke and don't exercise as much as I used to/ I do so much more around the house and walk (with walker) but I do practice my gait (heal -toe bit) so hopefully my left leg will one day respond. I think I exercise when I do because I'm afraid not to. I've read articles that have stated stroke survivor recovery can go downhill after a few years and I don't want to be a statistic. It isn't easy - but that is why they call us survivors. I was able to get Medicare approve my botox injections last month. It has helped my shoulder and I'm beginning to feel it may be helping my leg also. Don't give up. Remember, God is with you and a positive attitude will help heal. My thoughts have been with you. Leah
  16. AZ Leah

    i'm back

    Hi Kimmie: I know what you mean about finally getting around to a blog update. I just did one this week. Glad you had a happy and rewarding trip and a chance to see your grandchild. You are a miracle too, Kim, don't forget that! Although making that trip was rewarding, I am sure it was tiring too. At least you didn't have to change planes. Hope you are rested up. You were missed and I'm sure hubby missed you bunches!! Leah
  17. Thanks Asha. OK, but I'm going to make my blogs shorter. Leah
  18. HI EVERYONE : :cheer: It seems impossible that our new carpet was completed almost a month ago. WHEW
  19. AZ Leah

    First One

    Hi Sheryl: You are doing very well with your recovery and, yes, Henry will reap a lot of the benefits. I too did not have children. Unfortunately all my nieces and nephews with the exception of one live far from our home in Arizona. But I recently found out my niece here is pregnant. Not due till fall, but I'm already knitting a baby blanket. It makes me feel good that I can still do things for others, even though I can walk worth a plug nickel!! Keep it up...good things will come if you work for them. Leah
  20. AZ Leah

    Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point) Mexico

    Mexico Trip - May 2009