AZ Leah

Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by AZ Leah

  1. AZ Leah

    Low Tide

    From the album: Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point) Mexico

    The tide in Puerto Penasco Mexico varied many feet per day
  2. AZ Leah


    Good post Wesley - I know what you mean. It reminds me of the classic post "You Look Okay" from this site some time back. It tells it all. Nobody can feel the nerve pains inside our body or fatigue or the loss of memory or the fact that my emotional center is broke. I have improved SO much and am very very grateful, but,yes, things still bother me. I will not give up but sometimes I want to give in. Your vacation looked fabulous. We've gone to St. Lucia in caribbean since my stroke and the plane ride was just too long and hideous from no more. We are staying closer to home. Leah
  3. Hi Donna: I think you are still alone. I had my first time alone earlier this year - yep, a testiment of total independence - and I surv ived as I am sure you will. You are an inspiration to me. Hope you had some fun while your daughter is away. Leah
  4. AZ Leah

    Got me a cane

    Diana: Glad you "gave in" to a cane. I couldn't do without mine. I also use a walker in the house, especially at night when I am more tired. I agree with Fred. At first my cane was too short (per the medical store I bought it from) and then my doctor told me that I had it at the wrong height. It does make a difference. I can only walk short distances and outside of the house not unassisted so the cane has been wonderful. We went on vacation last month and I took my cane, walker and transit wheel chair. When I was in the hospital I thought I would walk out...NOT. So I guess I have come farther in acceptance than I think sometimes. Leah from Arizona
  5. Thank you my friends for your posts. It always helps to know that what I am feeling is "normal" with stroke recovery and I realize everyone reacts differently. Today I am trying to just live in today. BTW I really don't like my picture but that's my vanity acting up!! Leah
  6. AZ Leah

    Jan Johnson

    Hi Jan: I've been meaning to comment on your story. I just re-read it and am again amazed at what you have been through but most of all your always upbeat attitude. You are an inspiration to all of us who are survivors of every chronic disease. I know you have God to help you as I do. Without His help, I would not be where I am today. Have you ever read the book "Strong at the Broken Places" by Richard M. Cohen. It is a testiment to others with chronic illness. Mr. Cohen has MS himself and in his book he features 5 others with different illnesses and what they do to keep a positive attitue. Keep smiling and I know you believe in miracles...I do too. God Bless, Leah
  7. AZ Leah

    my vacation

    Kimmie: yes, that's great news. so happy for you. enjoy every minutes and savor the time with Jake. be safe. hugs from Leah
  8. AZ Leah

    Summer Break

    Katrina: Way to go girl!!! :Clever: You have gone way beyond most people who have gone to college. I am awed by your accomplishments. You are an example to all tha with God all things are possible. Keep going ... your life has just begun ... and you are beautiful, inside and out. Hugs, Leah PS I went to college in what you would call the dark ages !! graduated in 1965 and also was a do-it-all girl. That was way before my stroke; I don't think I could have done it if I had stroked young. But.., again, as I said, with God all things are possible
  9. AZ Leah

    My Loss and My Gain

    Fred: Sorry for the bad news; but glad there was some good with it. I am fortunate (at least today) to be able to use both hands and arms. I still exercise but not daily like I did in the beginning. My left leg is not good nor is my balance and I need a cane or walker and wheelchair for longer distances. I would love to walk unassisted. I continue to work toward that goal. I know your faith is very strong and hope God blesses you with good things. I've said thank God I have God in my life. I don't know how people can do without Him. Best to you, Leah
  10. I don't have time to blog or blwag :yadayada: 'cause the car is packed. One week of complete R&R which I need after an icky week. Reaction to muscle relaxer - drowsy, out of balance, week, slurred speaking...took me 5 days to recoup and I still am not as strong. But things are looking up and up and up. Like Jan says...SOAR. So off we go to Rocky Pt, the serenity of the ocean and beach and lots of God moments. Only thing I'm missing is a laptop so I could read everyone's blogs and all the forums but... no dice, not yet...and anyway it would just be another item for my husband to carry. He needs a break too!! Adios amigos til later, Leah :cloud9:
  11. What a big, bad hunk!!!! Easy Rider here we come! :cheer: Leah
  12. oh Wesley what a frustrating experience. I'm sorry for you and can identify. But I certainly give you an A for the effort in getting Deb Mother's Day cards. I am sure she will appreciate it. Unfortunately our spouses can never feel the frustration we go through because of our loss of control. I made a card for my mother-in-law this year. Printed a picture of a flower I took in our garden, wrote on the inside and that was that. I am learning to make things easier for me and learn to pick my battles. Bless you. Leah
  13. AZ Leah

    no magic cure

    Sue, I can tell God is giving you strength on a daily basis. I have a friend who went through something similar to you with her husband after his stroke. We truly learn the meaning of one day at a time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Ray. Leah
  14. Thanks everyone for your comments, comfort and support. It is SO good to know I am not alone. Leah
  15. Hugs back @ you Donna. You have been a big inspiration for me. It is so wonderful to know that we are not alone. Tonight I kinda felt like it and was sad but when I saw your reply it gave me a BIG life and put me right back to where I need to the moment.
  16. Hi Karen: Welcome to the blog world. I didn't know what a blog was or how to do "IT" when I first posted but now just let the words come. This is where we can be honest and I really feel the strokeboard is a safe and trusting venue. I feel I am still a "newbie" being just shy of three years post-stroke. My serenity is much too precious and important to me to get muddied up in another's "issues". I know I need to step back from anything negative. I pray for God's grace in doing so. I don't think God creates evil or pain; I think He will give us the strength and courage to get through it if we ask Him. I say the serenity prayer A LOT and even have it framed next to my computer monitor. My feelings were raw after my stroke. Although a little better, I am still sensitive so I try to surround myself with kind words and kind people. Hugs from Leah :friends:
  17. AZ Leah

    things looking up

    Hi Kimmie: I glad you had good news to go with the bad. I know if I think long enough, I will always find good news. We lost Scooter (a cat) after my stroke and it hit us both real hard. It isn't ever easy to lose a pet because they become family, that's why we are pet people . Glad to hear things are working well with your dad. My mom was in assisted living for 4 years before she passed away and had some fun there before she started going downhill. Exercise is indeed important. If you don't use it, you lose it ! Glad too that your new meds are working for you and that you have a good neuro. I like mine also altho' he doesn't suggest anything new for me - I see him 2x/year for follow-ups. We haven't tried botox but I don't think it would work for my lame left leg. And good news on your son and Baby Jake so all-in-all I think the good new outweighed the bad. Keep smiling. Hugs from Leah :friends: