AZ Leah

Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Entries posted by AZ Leah

  1. AZ Leah
    I feel very remiss not posting about Jerry but so much has been going on that I either don't have the time or I am crying. Jerry's chemo has taken a toll on him to the extent of loosing 40 lbs. I put in my long-term care insurance (altho' he now needs it more than me) and had a caregiver be with me and Jerry 2 nights in a row. He has continued to get weaker and cannot safely walk with a walker any mre. Tues he fell going to the bathroom, hit his head, luckily no blood, but he knocked out his other front teeth. Night before last he was really hot and the caregiver and I ran his temp and it was 102. I took his blood sugar and even tho it was ok before bed, it was only 49. I call 911 and the paramedics stabled him out. They left it up to me to take him to hosp or wait the few hours till morning to call his dr. His oncologist said to bring him right in and if needed they'd transfer him to the hospital right next door. They kept him on fluids and antibiotic and nausea and anxiety meds until a bed was ready (all due to the chemo and he has 2 sessions to go if he can make it). He fell again last night in the hospital thinking he could get up to go pee - the chemo brain they call it. The CT was clear--that's the only good thing that has happened except he is more comfortable now than he was before he went to hosp. plus I will have help round the clock when he comes hope. My crying has been as bad as when I first had my stroke although this afternoon it's been better. It is zapping all of my energy and on top of my love Jerry I am also afraid for myself. I hate to complain, as so many people are having severe problems right now. So I'll end so I have time for the Lord before bed. I know He is our refuge and shepherd and I send love and prayers to all those in need. Love, Leah
  2. AZ Leah
    Jerry has been so nausous the last few days, he hasn't been able to keep anything down in spite of pills for nausous. Today his oncologist admitted him to the hospital for IV fluids and nutrition. I hope and pray this will be the answer to a new start
    I keep you posted. I'm doing okay but I believe courage does not overcome fear. Prayer will and I still belive and hope that a miracle is on the way.. Hugs, Leah
  3. AZ Leah
    Hi fellow survivors and caregivers: Time to again bring you up to date with the goods and not-so-good happenings here at our Tucson abode. While I am grateful that I qualify for home health care, it takes up a few hours every day and is very tiring. That’s nothing compared to what Jerry is going through. I arrange for people to drive him for all of his appointments, including radiation and as of last Thursday chemo. Also grocery shopping and who is going to bring in our trash etc. Its hard being in a brace and not being able to BLT – bend, lift, twist, or I could damage the disc even more. Jerry needs a lot more help than I can give him but thank God home health was just arranged for him also although it will be more grooming than anything. He will have the same nurse which is very convenient, as she knows many of Jerry’s problems already. Meanwhile I have a long-term care policy and I haven’t had time to call them. There is a couple who works out where we do and she has got the ball rolling on that. She said it should cover a lot more than we have with home health including evening meals including.
    Everything I have been doing, including rehab for myself and financial and home care and appts and drivers have taken a lot of time. I have not faced the grief until this week when Jerry lost a bunch of hair due to radiation and what is left is thin and gray. He has lost 25 lbs and looks at least 10 years older. It was just 3 weeks ago that he was working out daily and had the body of a 50 year old (he is 74). I admitted to myself that I have escaped in reading, knitting and playing computer games. I spent about ½ hour a morning with God and I think that is what has kept me going.
    Jerry has been buried in TV moves except for the many dr. appts he has had and radiation. We just heard tonight that chemo start this week. I think Jerry is leaving denial and slowly facing reality, especially when he looks in the mirror. When we start my long term care, it will include house cleaning, taking our garbage, picking up our mail, doing wash, changing the bed, making sure our meals are prepare and they will do it if needed. Also grocery shopping, driving to dr. appts and they even wait with you. The will even take me to beauty shop to get my hair cut. We don’t pay anything except cost of items purchased and $1 /mile when transporting me. This is my policy (Jerry couldn’t get l/t insurance when he tried because he is diabetic; I don’t think they could refuse him now). However, the benefits I will get will also benefit him through me. I I’ve been paying on this policy since 1997 so I will probably have paid more than they will end up paying out. It starts tomorrow so we’ll see. I will report on the results when I know more.
    Jerry’s radiation ended after 10 work-day treatments. The dr. was pleased because he said the tumors in his head have shrunk and chemo should take care of the rest of them. He has had a rough time with nausea, thus eating has been almost impossible. He had his first chemo treatment Thur., will have blood work-up this Thurs. then 2 more weeks before another chemo treatment then do it all over again. I am going to call his oncologist tomorrow and tell him about the extent of his nausea. Today he would have opted for an IV or feeding tube but they say DO NOT go to the hospital because germs lurk all over and he is very vulnerable.
    Prayers of course are welcomed. I hope this week I can make a chat but my schedule has been more hectic than before I had home health and it always leaves me ready for a nap.
    I miss all of your guys and girls. People here have helped me immensely but now my long-term will really help. Bye for now until sometime in the future. I still have faith and hope. After all, love is the most important thing and Jerry and I sure have that. Hugs from Leah
  4. AZ Leah
    What a week. Having one person in the household who is ill is one thing, but two is hardly do-able.
    Jerry had an MRI last Monday to find out if all was a go-ahead for chemo to start on Wednesday. The oncologist called within a couple hours to tell him the MRI showed quite a few “spots” in his brain. That is not what we wanted to hear. So they switched immediately to radiation to hopefully kill the brain tumors. Dr. Brooks said the good thing is the tumors are very small and they caught it very early. He will have 10 radiation sessions every day but weekends; he had 4 last week. He also now has problem swallowing; he was nauseous early in week but some medication has taken that away. His pain is also worse so his PCP prescribed stronger medication to go along with in-between Vicodan. Tomorrow at his session, he is going to ask if there is any way to know how much the lung cancer is spreading. We are both fearful but will not discuss the “what ifs” yet.
    As for me, I’m still in a brace – very uncomfortable but I hope helping the fracture heal. I have an appt with my primary care a week from Wed. My discharge papers say I need to make an appt with my neurosurgeon within 2 wks…don’t know why, he opted not to do surgery and then didn’t see me at all after the first 4 days in the hospital. I plan to call the head of the hospital rehab to find out why he put that in my discharge papers. Also discuss it with my PCP. My home health girls have been great. Last week was mainly shower, wash hair and evaluate. This week will probably be more moving around. I hope to get back into Chat when my fatigue and healing improves. I miss you all.
    I am so frustrated because of what I cannot do with this fracture and now Jerry can’t do what he normally did due mainly to pain, fatigue and mood. One friend has really stepped up to the plate. I know it is up to us (me) to call if we need help – sometimes that is hard, but I’m going to have to start doing it.
    I will keep you posted. Thanks for your comments and prayers; keep them coming, we are just one couple who need them. My prayers go out to everybody having a hard time right now. Hugs, Leah
  5. AZ Leah
    I haven’t updated my blog in a while because I was in the hospital. Both Jerry and I are having severe health problems. Leah fell backwards and hit something resulting in a compressed fracture of L-1. The pain has been excruciating. I went to the hospital and they started a pain management program then rehab for a week so I can walk with a walker, get in and out of bed and go to the bathroom by myself, all of which still hurts even with pain meds. They are not doing surgery due to my stroke (plavix and anesthesia) and so my neurosurgeon’s advice is to be patient and let it slowly heal. I am in an abdomen brace except while in bed when I can loosen it. I came home yesterday, July 29.
    What is worse, is that Jerry has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. The CT showed he probably had it but a biopsy of a lump on his back and a petscan showed the diagnosis was correct. He has been chosen for a clinical drug trial we hope will put it in remission. He has had numerous tests the last of which is a MRI on Monday and another blood draw to make sure is kidney level is where they want it. Either way he should start Chemo next week. He is in constant pain. We have help from some friends plus home health will be coming in to help but I’m not sure how long. They will help with my showers, wash hair and mositurize my dry skin since I can’t bend. They will also send in OT. PT and a nurse. I think I will have I for 17 weeks.
    I CANNOT drive (which I can’t now anywyay. That is one of the stipulations of Medicare.
    We are praying and literally taking it a day at a time. Neither one of us can even talk about what the future might bring. We are trying to remain positive; Jerry is amazingly positive which is what we both need right now.
    I won’t be posting often, my office chair isn’t good on my back. We had just picked one out put didn’t have time to look at it before my fall.I will try to post major happenings but now I need to get his pain under control. I am still not beyond researching vertebroplasty but my current neurosurgeon was afraid to put me under and I would still have go go off plavix. Please pray for both of us. I still believe prayer saved me from death when I had my stroke so let’s hope it will work on Jerry’s cancer.
    Love and Hugs, Leah
  6. AZ Leah
    Tomorrow Jerry goes to the hospital (out-patient) to have the lump removed from his upper back. Then they can do a complete biopsy to see if it is malignent. He has to be there at noon and surgery isn't till 3:30 (and of course no food after midnight tonight - rather tricky for a diabetic). I've been anxious and finally figured it is because I really am completely powerless - over Jerry, his diagnosis, me and what I can and can't do making me a less than desirable caregiver. Along with that comes some guilt which I can dismiss rather rapidly because the rational part of my brain matter knows I would if I could but it is what it is and I can't. I have been trying to help a little more around the house, thus making me more fatigued but the afternoon naps give me a second wind. A lot of people were concerned when they heard I wanted to drive Jerry to the hospital and bring him home when he was dischared. I had a CT yesterday of my lungs (requested by my new pulmonologist) and was exhausted and shakey when I got home. One of our friends offered to pick him up, take him to the hospital and bring him home when he is ready. I'm not even going to go; I have given him to God. What better hands could he be in.
    Jerry also had a PET scan yesterday but we won't know the results until our appt with the oncologist next Monday. So another almost week of waiting. I know prayers help and miracles can happen so I pray my earthly angel and caregiver will still be here to help me. I have to admit I am scared but living in the NOW is a habit I have learned that is helping my emotions tremendously. I will keep you posted.
    PS I'm taking care of myself and had my friend over Sunday to give me a manicure and take a load of wash from me. I've scheduled a work-out for me for Friday and have dinners all planned for the few days Jerry should be out of commission.
    I have tomorrow "off" so will try to make chat. I know it will do me good. Hugs from Leah
  7. AZ Leah
    I have depended on Jerry so much for his strength that it is hard to kinda' take the lead..but I'm doing a little more than usual and not bugging him for things not done.
    Yesterday we met with Jerry’s oncologist, Dr. Richard Brooks. He has a wonderful bedside manner and is calm and patient and uses words we can understand. After a consultation and review of medical records, he examined Jerry adding that he was in real good shape which should help matters no matter what happens He than called the hospital next door and was able to get a dr. to come over to his office do a biopsy of the “ bump” on his shoulder blade. It is about the size of a grape and moves around. It is not in a place where there are any lymph nodes. Next they drew blood. They are scheduling a PET SCAN to get more complete, precise data. Dr. Brooks said there is definitely something going on in the bottom part of his left lung, but he will not say positively it is lung cancer (he is acting on the cautious side). They will call when they get the results from the biopsy and blood tests.
    This morning Dr. Brooks called and said the biopsy shows some malignant cells but he isn’t sure if they are cancerous or related to the lung problem. He is scheduling surgery to remove the “lump” at a nearby hospital so then it can be dissected. We haven’t heard more.
    So we now sit and wait again, although I am a lot calmer than I was before. Jerry worked out with his trainer (one of his best friends) and I went to have my hair done. So we are taking care of ourselves, physically and emotionally, and it goes to say – spiritually. Hugs, Leah
  8. AZ Leah
    Hi all: I again was reminded of why it is good to take everything a day at a time and enjoy each minute of each day. The week started out good. Tuesday Jerry had a CT for a lump on his shoulder blade which was getting bigger and started to be painful. He was already driving home when they called him back for another CT of the front and back of his chest. After the 2nd CT and again in the car he had a call to go to his doctor's office immediately. We were skeptical of the lump on his back but in shock when we found out she thinks he has lung cancer. She said there is a lump the size of a plum in his lung and it was like everything exploded. Well, right then everything exploded for us too. He was fortunate because of someone we know to get into a top urologist on Tuesday. They say they'll do a biopsy before they have detailed information. The rest of this week has been trying to stay in the NOW. We been nausaus and not eating well, but at least we are ingesting something (like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches). So far we have kept our emotions under control mainly because we are saying the serenity prayer about once an hour. It is easy for the mind to wander into the "what-ifs" and project different scenerios but that is not productive, physically or emotionally for either one of us. We are not telling anyone except our sisters until after the biopsy. So I'll ask for prays and hope I have some good news next week. Our weather is HOT but at least the AZ wildfires are finally under control. Hugs and prayers to everyone, Leah
  9. AZ Leah
    Today is the 5 year anniversary of my brain stem stroke. Looking back I am as amazed as my husband, doctors, trainer and friends of my progress. I have had a lot of ups and downs and have bounced back with God’s help for strength and courage. Last August when I fell, broke 3 ribs, punctured my lung resulting in various procedures and COPD, I didn’t think I was going to rally. I was discouraged and disappointed. I worked hard but the progress was so slow that I didn’t see it. I have been so upbeat and positive but this time it has been hard returning to that spot.
    About a week ago, I had an appointment with a new pulmonologist. To make a long story short I was late and the doctor wouldn’t take me. They rescheduled me for June 28 – another month of waiting and I already waited 6 weeks for that appt. I lost it and broke down and cried right in the dr. office. I now think this was a bottom I had to reach because it was a few days afterwards that I had an ah-ha moment and all of a sudden saw the progress I had made since last August. Yes, it was true; I was bouncing back once again. It was like my angels reached out to me and showed me the light – I was truly living in a stroke survivor mode again and had joy in my heart again. What a journey this is. It reminds me of the saying “you can’t get here from there”. I am now noticing “little” things which really aren’t so little. I can turn over in bed after trying for 5 years different ways to maneuver to a different position!! Wow, now I don’t have to always sleep on my back. I hope I can give others the hope that you have all given me. StrokeNet rocks!! :You-Rock: This now gives me an inspiration to try harder and try to do more “normal” things in my new world. I truly believe God and his angels have held me up through all of this but I have done the footwork. :happydance:
    Hugs to you all, Leah :giggle:
  10. AZ Leah
    Hi fellow bloggers: I haven’t blogged in quite a while and realize blogging encourages me to look at changes and/or progress I have made in my stroke recovery. Sometimes they are so small I don’t notice until someone points it out to me. My husband, trainer, primary care physician and close friends are good gauges for me.
    There are physical, emotional and spiritual changes which I like to look at and which I think are moving me to a deeper level of acceptance. One big improvement I have made is that I don’t live my life in a perpetual state of “before stroke” and “after” as much anymore. I am better living in the NOW, although I still think I can do more than my body will allow. Obviously my stroke changed my life, but I don’t let it define me anymore. My strong type “A” personality is starting to soften.
    Like Asha says, every day we have a choice of being discouraged or to have hope and do something good or helpful. A positive attitude encourages this hope and courage and God gives me the ability to practice it. I ask for His help daily. Without this spiritual connection which I didn’t think was possible, I don’t believe I would have improved as much as I have.
    My arm weights are increased to 3 lbs, 3 reps, and I did l7 minutes on the recumbent bike, facts of progress. I’m more independent and can drive again for short distances as long as I know I can get back home! I drove to our stroke support group 2 weeks ago, took the rollator walker out of the car and reversed the process 1 ½ hours later. I’ve gone for work-outs, hair style, nails and plan on going solo to a couple dr. appts soon. This gives Jerry a lot more freedom although he’ll drive me if I feel too tired. I even re-upholstered a cedar chest cushion – one step at a time** This month the Stroke Book Club discussed “Why Bad Things Happen to Good People” by Harold Kushner. Unfortunately I went to that chat on the wrong day! I loved the book and believe wholeheartedly that God does not cause bad things to happen, but He will give us what we need to help us get through them. I spend time reading, meditating, making CDs from ITunes, knitting and doing our home office finances. I give away CDs and knitting to relatives, friends and the humane society (small animal blankets). I feel all this is a type of therapy and I am so thankful for what I can do. Amazingly, my brain still works!!
    My main complaint, besides left leg and knee spasticity, is fatigue. I don’t think it will change and I don't want to try any more meds for it. I’m trying to adjust my day and limit my “to do’s”. Little by little I’m learning how to do things in a new way and throw away my perfectionism. Our spring has been wonderful and even though I can’t work in the garden, I can look at all the colors and flowers from the porch. I can handle planting flowers for our screened porch and I hope to get some done tomorrow.
    I enjoy Strokenet chat and the blogs and forums; you all have taught me so much and I am thankful I found you.
    Till later…Hugs from Leah :giggle:
  11. AZ Leah
    Time for an update. My spinal stenosis pain is miraculously still gone (I hope for good) plus I am off my regular doses of pain meds. The doctors said this just doesn’t happen! No doubt guardian angel is at work! So except for neuropathy in my hands and feet which I’ve had since the stroke, I’m pain free for the first time in a looong time. My husband says I look better and my eyes and mind are clearer. :bouncing_off_wall:
    Now I have to deal with COPD. :yeahrite: I think it is from being on a ventilator for so long after my stroke which was acerbated when I fell and broke some ribs which punctured my lung. This resulted in “restricted pulmonary lung”. I’ve had a full lung function test and have a RX for an inhaler with albuterol. Don’t know how well this is working yet; I don’t want to use it as often as they say I can because the albuterol causes me to be shaky.
    Meanwhile, I am continuing with 1# weights for my arms. :Clap-Hands: My trainer gave me the exercises, 5 of them, and I’m up to 12 reps. 3 set too times a week. I hope to be up to 2# weights within a couple weeks. My trainer recommended a physical therapist who she has known a long time. I have an appt. tomorrow with him tomorrow. He will evaluate me and advise me what leg exercises, abs, etc. I can do so we don’t “wake up” my stenosis.
    I still have faith that I will be back to driving before too long especially because “with faith, all things are possible.”
    Bye for now, Leah :hiya:
  12. AZ Leah
    Just a quick note to let you'all know I exercised 20 min on Sat and 25 min today (Wed). My trainer is taking is real slow and doesn't want me over-tired or over-doing. She is oncentrating on my arms and I will see a physical therapist before she will start with leg and ab exercises because she doesn't want to wake up my spinal stenosis. She has given me her recommendations of some good PTs in my area without me going back to out patient rehab which I would prefer not to do. We will see. Leah
  13. AZ Leah
    The surgery I was scheduled for today was canceled yesterday afternoon after seeing my pulmonolosist. I don't know why I didn't know this before but my lungs are in bad condition and I am a high risk for surgery. I have COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and emphysema even though I quit smoking 15 years ago. These conditions do not go away. Luckily I haven't had pain for almost 2 weeks so I hope it won't come back. He can't say why because my spinal cord was definitely narrowed; I saw the MRI myself. Pulmunology dropped the ball, as they should have told me to make an appt a couple months ago. Perhaps this is God's will and I certainly wouldn't be put on a ventilator. So now I need to start some sort of rehab to gain some of my strength back. My previous trainer is going to call me. Yesterday she said we will take it real slow just like when I was recovering from my stroke. I am ahead of the game a little as I can walk with a walker. I have a lot of faith and I'll be depending on my angels to help with this process. Thanks to all who prayed for me. I'll keep in touch. Hugs, Leah
  14. AZ Leah
    I wanted to give you a quick medical update on me. My last MRI showed increased pleua, the fluid lining the outside of the lungs and the chest wall. This is what most likely is causing my shortness of breath. Tomorrow I have an outpatient procedure at the hospital call a thoracentesis where they will aspirate the fluid guided by a sonagram and hopefull get it all. They go through the back and I hear it doesn't hurt; it's anethesized first. I have to have this done prior to my surgery on Jan 13 (for spinal stenosis) and I hope it will be a "go".
    I'll keep you posted. Mon. is my post-op. I hope this will rid the pain so I can get back to full exercise for my stroke. I've lost a lot of strength, but those who know me have faith and I have faith in the one who counts: G O D. Leah
  15. AZ Leah
    I neglected to mention that I saw my neurosurgeon on Mon and my surgery date is set for Jan 13. I have an appt with my pulmonologist next week as they still saw some fluid on my rt. lung. I pray there is something they can do so they don't have to cancel the surgery. God is in charge, so I will rely on Him. I think you'll all agree that is a good choice (better than my pea-brain) :juggle: Hugs Leah
  16. AZ Leah
    Very clever, Sue. I just got through emailing Lin to get a copy of the Nov. newsletter which I missed reading. I told her I wanted to get back into strokenet and seem to be at a loss of words as to what my problem is. It seems that since I was diagnosed early in 2010 with spinal stenosis I feel I don't belong in "stroke" anymore. That is very irrational thinking. I stroked in June 2006, almost died and know I have a lot to share. Tomorrow I have 2 tests at my dr.s clinic and another dr. appt Fri, but I am now going to do my "homework" per teacher Sue and read all the blogs since Dec. 12 and blog back comments plus some of my original thoughts. I've always said God works in mysterious ways! Hugs to all. Leah
  17. AZ Leah
    :bouncing_off_wall: :Clap-Hands: :happydance: MERRY CHRISTMAS - HAPPY HOLIDAYS - ETC ETC ETC
    This is all I can do for blogging. My mother-in-law will be coming and spending 2 nights with us after all so I had to get on my ball (rolling). I feel awful. My leg is so painful I can hardly stand, let alone walk, and I have a headache since I woke up. Good thing I got a lot done yesterday. Presents (not many) are wrapped and under our undecorated artificial ficas tree!! We have a string of white lights on it...that's it for this year.
    I had my final MRI and EMG week before last, appt with surgeon Monday. Good new is surgery date is set for Jan 13...Questionable news is I have an appt next week with my pulmonologist who will tell me if my lung is okay for surgery. I'm praying like heck. There was (is) some fluid..I'm hoping if it's still here they can easily and not painfully draw it out.
    More later. I have enjoyed everyone's blog. It just isn't feasible for me to squeeze that into my not-so-busy, altho it is crazy :juggle: and not peaceful or restful at all.I'm not scared (thank you God for taking the fear away, but I am not looking forward to the unknown.
    SO HAPPY HOLIDAYS. I SURE HOPE 2011 WILL BE BETTER FOR ALL CONCERNED. Thanks for being here, whether I was or not. Hugs Hugs Leah :friends: :giggle:
  18. AZ Leah
    Hi all: Wanted to check in to let you know I'm still trying. My 3rd epidural didn't work and the pain in my right leg is really bad in spite of pain pils. I have a condult Nov. 1 with the M.D. who has done my epidurals. I am not willing to go on for a year with this pain. Epidurals are hit and miss. I called my Primary care (neurologist wouldn't get back to me) and asked about a small increase in dose and he wants to see me tomorrow "about the epidural" whatever that means. I hope he is an advocate of surgery. I found a good neurosurgeon who has helped a friend of mine immensely - pain gone. I realize nothing is for sure. So my stroke rehab has gone slow and slower with this other problem. Darn, it sure doesn't help my positive attitude. So I continue to pray and read spiritual books and look in strokenet. DONATE DONATE DONATE. My motto, Steve. Leah
  19. AZ Leah
    I know there are a lot of wonderful books which address stroke or related feelings or life in general. A friend of mine recently gave me "I will not die an unlived life - Reclaiming Purpose and Passion"by Dawna Markova. It addresses many areas of reminding you of who you are and healing your life. It teaches how to navigate our lives rom the inside out rather than being at the mercy of life's changes and also deals with negative emotions of years gone by. It certainly has helped me when I am in a negative, despondent place that we all face from time to time after a stroke. Another little useful book is "Attitudes of Gratitude" - I read a passage every night and it puts my mind right where is is supposed to be. Yeh for gratitude altho' I don't feel that way every day. There is always tomorrow. I also learned I can start my day over at any time ! Hugs to you all, Leah
  20. AZ Leah
    Hi all: :cheer: After my fall and hospitalization we looked to see how we could have prevented it (it happened in the middle the night…we do have a nightlight). The bed we have is one of those high pillow-top mattresses. We had it rigged it so I could get in and out with a railing to help pull me up and my walker right by the edge of the bed. However, If I sat on the edge of the bed, my feet didn’t reach the floor so I kinda’ had to slide down.. We should have paid attention to this before; in fact
    after my stroke a person from out-patient therapy came over to check out the safety of the house and she should have remarked on the height of the bed. It has worked for 4 years, but it really was an accident waiting to happen.
    To solve this problem between Jerry and our trusty handiman, we removed the boxsprings. Then a platform was built to put the mattress on. I can now sit on the edge of the bed and my feet touch the floor which enables my walker to be an inch away. We also had 3 more grab bars installed (we already had them around the toilets, the shower, and going into the garage). I will continue to look for areas in the house where grab bars are needed. When in the hospital I had a yellow wrist band that said “fall risk”. I now had it on my walker! My balance is a little better since I’ve been home but I am taking nothing for granted. In 15 minutes we are off to the pain clinic for my epidural. I pray it works. God is in charge. Hugs, Leah :giggle:
  21. AZ Leah
    HI FELLOW SURVIVORS: After quite a while, I finally got it “together” enough for a biog entry to let you know where I’ve been. On August 3 in the middle of the night I got up to go to the bathroom. I don’t know what I hit on the way down but I broke 3 ribs one of which punctured my right lung. After an ambulance ride and many tests, the dr. said I had pneumothorax (i.e. collapsed lung which created air between the lung and chest wall. He inserted a chest tube in my lung to drain out the air and fluid. This also had caused pneumonia. I was placed on antibiotics, monitored, x-rayed daily, and the chest tube came out in about a week (I have a lot of memory blocks during that week due to meds).
    My next stop was rehab to get me breathing better and walking again with my walker. I arrived home Thurs Aug 26 - tired, sore and in need of much rehab to get back to where I was even a year ago. I don't know if I can do it so...back to one day @ a time. To top it off my spinal stenosis has crept back in. I’ve been in quite a bit of pain but being careful not to overdue any pain meds. (My 3rd epidural was supposed to be the day after I ended up in the hospital.) I need to remember not to have high expectations, try to stay positive and pray that God will give me a sign for when and what the next step will be. As I was drafting this bog I received a call from the pain clinic for my next epidural (a sign from God?) which is Sept 9. I hope it relieves the pain this time and then I will get back to my two trainers. Till then I’m trying to do some at-home exercises. I can only pray and do the best I can do each day. The following was in my reading for today:
    “I have been through the valley of weeping, the valley of sorrow and pain;
    But the God of all comfort” was with me, at hand to uphold and sustain.
    As the earth needs the clouds and the sunshine, our souls need both sorrow and joy;
    So He Places us oft in the furnace, the dross from the gold to destroy.
    When He leads thro’ some valley of trouble, His omnipotent hand we trace;
    For the trials and sorrows He sends us are part of His lessons in grace.”
    I miss you all and am looking forward to joining chat on occasion. Hugs Leah
    PS: A "new" Strokenet member "Grumpy" is my ex-husband's ex-son-in-law!! Small world, huh.
  22. AZ Leah
    :Tantrum: THIS MAKES ME SICK. I HAD A WHOLE POST WRITTTEN. AND I TRIED TO PUT IN A PICTURE AND I LOT EVERYTHING. WELL, The crux of the matter is we leave Sat for Phoenix for a week and I plan to meet Kimmie Anderson. Hopefully she can re-introduced me to the "new"
    stroke website. New things are hard for old birds like me to learn. Move later. Love ya all , Leah :friends: