AZ Leah

Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by AZ Leah

  1. AZ Leah

    Shari Bookstaff

    Shari: you are another miracle. AZ Leah
  2. Just a quick note to let you'all know I exercised 20 min on Sat and 25 min today (Wed). My trainer is taking is real slow and doesn't want me over-tired or over-doing. She is oncentrating on my arms and I will see a physical therapist before she will start with leg and ab exercises because she doesn't want to wake up my spinal stenosis. She has given me her recommendations of some good PTs in my area without me going back to out patient rehab which I would prefer not to do. We will see. Leah
  3. AZ Leah

    Surgery Canceled

    Thank you everyone for your words. We never know what God's will is for us or why things happen. This huge "backward" step and facing another disease is yet another layer of acceptance I've had to deal with. I had a 15 min "work-out" with 1# weights with my trainer on Sat and have scheduled 1/2 hours for this Wed. I hope I have as much left in me to get stronger as you all think I do. One thing for sure, I may be a little depressed but I AM NOT giving up. Hugs from Leah :friends:
  4. mcd and Sue- you know better than to fall after reading about all my falls. I'm glad you didn't end up breaking something. I haven't been the same since my last fall when I punctured my lung due to a broken rib. I need to blog a follow-up on that episode. Thx for sharing but PLEASE BE CAREFUL. Love, Leah
  5. way to go Dean. I've lost strenth because I didn't work out wheb I had a bad episode with spinal stenosis. Now back to my trainer. I hate working out. I wiah I could wave a magic want and get all better with no work!! Miracles don't happen that way. Keep it up You are inspiring me. Leah
  6. The surgery I was scheduled for today was canceled yesterday afternoon after seeing my pulmonolosist. I don't know why I didn't know this before but my lungs are in bad condition and I am a high risk for surgery. I have COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and emphysema even though I quit smoking 15 years ago. These conditions do not go away. Luckily I haven't had pain for almost 2 weeks so I hope it won't come back. He can't say why because my spinal cord was definitely narrowed; I saw the MRI myself. Pulmunology dropped the ball, as they should have told me to make an appt a couple months ago. Perhaps this is God's will and I certainly wouldn't be put on a ventilator. So now I need to start some sort of rehab to gain some of my strength back. My previous trainer is going to call me. Yesterday she said we will take it real slow just like when I was recovering from my stroke. I am ahead of the game a little as I can walk with a walker. I have a lot of faith and I'll be depending on my angels to help with this process. Thanks to all who prayed for me. I'll keep in touch. Hugs, Leah
  7. AZ Leah

    Leah's Update

    Thank you Sue, Asha and Karen for your words and prayers. They aspirated 750cc out of the plura of my right lung on Friday. Dr. said that was 1/3 of the size of my lung. Actually I had a compressed lung which wasn't able to work. When it fills back up with air the dr. said I should feel more energy. Of course, we know what stroke does to stamina. Tomorrow is pre-op. Then operation. I know everyone is praying and hopes it works and even helps my left (affected) leg. I AM READY!! Should only be in hospital 1-2 nights, then recup at home (slowly) til stitches come out in 5-6 weeks. I will life by the addage of one day at a time and commit yourself unto the Lord and miracles can happen. Hugs, Leah
  8. AZ Leah

    Leah's Update

    I wanted to give you a quick medical update on me. My last MRI showed increased pleua, the fluid lining the outside of the lungs and the chest wall. This is what most likely is causing my shortness of breath. Tomorrow I have an outpatient procedure at the hospital call a thoracentesis where they will aspirate the fluid guided by a sonagram and hopefull get it all. They go through the back and I hear it doesn't hurt; it's anethesized first. I have to have this done prior to my surgery on Jan 13 (for spinal stenosis) and I hope it will be a "go". I'll keep you posted. Mon. is my post-op. I hope this will rid the pain so I can get back to full exercise for my stroke. I've lost a lot of strength, but those who know me have faith and I have faith in the one who counts: G O D. Leah
  9. Sue: I am SO sorry to hear of Ray's recent "problems". This is a case of what else can happen. I agree with Asha - pray and given it to God. Worry won't help you; it will just make you more anxious, upset, etc. I say don't project; nothing has happened yet. God will give you the strength you need when you need it. I will keep you in my prayers. Bless You. Leah
  10. AZ Leah


    my 2010 was not the best so I am hoping 2011 looks up. Happy ne decade for everyone else too. Leah
  11. :happydance; HAPPY NEW YEAR :happydance: WE MADE IT THRU 2010 SO 2011 SHOULD (I HOPE BE BETTER FOR ALLL US. MANY WISHES FRO :cheer: LEAH
  12. AZ Leah

    Yvonne Honigsberg

    yvonne: I really admire your positive attitude and not "giving up", constanting trying new things and helping others with stroke. I was 4 1/2 years post stroke. I was really gun-ho the first couple of years and could even drive. Due to some unforseen envents I fell and punctured a lung. This is the middle of getting epidurals for spinal stenosos (we don't think it is stroke related). I will have surgery later this month which the neurosurgeon thinks will take away the pain in my right leg. After that recovery, I plan to get back on the horse with my stroke rehab. I pray a lot and hopt God has a positive plan for me. As for are another miracle. Leah (AZ_Leah)
  13. AZ Leah

    RIP little brother

    Marie: I am SO sorry for your loss. My father died 40 years ago today. It was much different because he was in death was expected due to illness and I was only 27. Time and memories do help but you will never forget. We are not meant to. 5 years ago my mom died and between that and my stroke I've leared a lot about grieving. Most important there is no right way to grieve or length of time. You can still make amends to your brother in the form of a letter which you save in a special place or burn. Your words were absolutely right...never go to bed feeling you need to set something right with someone. I can honestly say when I came out of my coma, that is one thing I thought of...I did not owe an amends discussion of things gone wrong to anyone. I made amends to my dad After he passed and it worked. God listens anywhere and anytime. Bless you. Your brother is now with the angels. I'll be glad to meet mine one day Hugs, Leah
  14. AZ Leah

    My surgery date

  15. Mc Dube - glad you are seeing your son; that is a BIG gift. As for the people you don't have gifts for and haven't heard from anyway, those people don't help our recovery in any way what so ever. I try to surround myself with positive energy. It works so much better. I have "cut off" a few people myself. Thank you for all the positive energy you have given me these last 5 1/2 Years. Hugs, Leah
  16. AZ Leah

    A Big Weekend

    Vi..congratulations! :Clap-Hands: The trip you took is a hugh accomplishment but you had a big reward at the end seeing your granddaughter graduate. I have a hard time traveling too and have missed 2 weddings but I know now what my limits are. I still hope after some surgery and brain re-arrangement (like fear), I can make some short trips. My caregiver is my husband who is great but sometimes I think it would be good to have someone with me who is a "real" caregiver. Is Misty a friend or did you find her through an agency. Glad to see you post. I was absent for quite a while myself. Hugs and another pat on the back from me. :hug: Leah
  17. I neglected to mention that I saw my neurosurgeon on Mon and my surgery date is set for Jan 13. I have an appt with my pulmonologist next week as they still saw some fluid on my rt. lung. I pray there is something they can do so they don't have to cancel the surgery. God is in charge, so I will rely on Him. I think you'll all agree that is a good choice (better than my pea-brain) :juggle: Hugs Leah
  18. AZ Leah


    Thank you so much for your words Karen. I really needed that today. You have been through a lot too and have a lot on your plate. Often I repeat "I am OK, "I am OK" if just for this moment, as that is all we have. One thing I know is that I AM a survivor, tho not easy I can always find the help I need and I know God is always with me. He is my rock and refuge from the storm. Bless you and I will try to stay in touch more often. I hope you find something good on this holiday ... if anything, we have received the best present we ever could get. Hugs from Leah :friends:
  19. :bouncing_off_wall: :Clap-Hands: :happydance: MERRY CHRISTMAS - HAPPY HOLIDAYS - ETC ETC ETC This is all I can do for blogging. My mother-in-law will be coming and spending 2 nights with us after all so I had to get on my ball (rolling). I feel awful. My leg is so painful I can hardly stand, let alone walk, and I have a headache since I woke up. Good thing I got a lot done yesterday. Presents (not many) are wrapped and under our undecorated artificial ficas tree!! We have a string of white lights on it...that's it for this year. I had my final MRI and EMG week before last, appt with surgeon Monday. Good new is surgery date is set for Jan 13...Questionable news is I have an appt next week with my pulmonologist who will tell me if my lung is okay for surgery. I'm praying like heck. There was (is) some fluid..I'm hoping if it's still here they can easily and not painfully draw it out. More later. I have enjoyed everyone's blog. It just isn't feasible for me to squeeze that into my not-so-busy, altho it is crazy :juggle: and not peaceful or restful at all.I'm not scared (thank you God for taking the fear away, but I am not looking forward to the unknown. SO HAPPY HOLIDAYS. I SURE HOPE 2011 WILL BE BETTER FOR ALL CONCERNED. Thanks for being here, whether I was or not. Hugs Hugs Leah :friends: :giggle:
  20. You are doing one of the most important things. Take one day at a time. God says not to worry; he'll do thaf for us. The first year was the worst for me, physically and emotionally. Don't be afraid to ask questions here. We are all experienced survivors.Til Later. Somewhere there a page of classic postings.If you cant find it email Maria or another senior mention. Hugs, Leah

  21. I'll write more later but the first year is the worst because you are getting used to physical and emotional changes. I made it thru the first day (a lot of PT and sleep) ONE DAY AT A TIME. God says not to worry about tomorrow so I pray to have the strength and courage to make it through TODAY. If you don't know the sereniy prayer let me know and I'll send it to you.

    Dont try ...

  22. have had a double whammy..good for you for going through this with courage. I have a secret--I think God and your assigned angels have helped you out. Leah

  23. AZ Leah


    Yes Mam!! I've missed you all too. I have dr. tests tomorrow and then will blob on Thurs to bring you'all up to date. Glad I was missed. It certainly wasn't anything anyone siad or did. I have had the most loving, caring support anyone could dream of. Love you, Leah