
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by Dickons

  1. Hi Katrina,


    I haven't been here much as I was away getting married, thank you notes, etc. so I have just read your recent entries. YOU are totally amazing. YOU are going somewhere. YOU have it in you to succeed. YOU are doing it. Congratulations!


    I always have to give advice...try centering all the objects on your tray and then open your hand wide and palm side up slide it under the tray to the middle. Smoothly lift the tray to where your elbow is bent and you feel comfortable. Do not look at the tray, look ahead and walk. I waitressed for 16 years so give it a try.


    Last piece of advice. Keep a set of silverware with you, you can wash it later. I always kept my own set of silverware at my desk at work.


    Kind regards,


  2. Hi Katrina,


    My stroke issues are not the same as yours but I have my own why nots. You do have a future, you are smart, get a good education and a great job and have a personal driver. Could you imagine? How much fun that would be riding around with your own driver. I think I would make that one of my goals.


    Kind regards,


  3. Hi George,


    People sometimes only hear what they want to, I know I am one of them but...I hate pain and if there is something other than more meds I listen. I tried accupunture for my pain across my shoulder and it did help break the cycle so that now I am recognising the signs before it gets too bad.


    Next week I will be almost due north of you (Chapleau, Ontario) getting ready to get married. My fiance will be out fishing for pike and pickeral at least a couple of times - he can hardly wait as we do not have them out west.


    Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me that it will be nice the 4th of August - get Tippy to cross her toes too.






  4. Very good, well written. Two comments to consider.


    I would put the word "community" or "local" or "get together'' type of word in the first sentence before the word group. Something to describe the benefit and type of group to get them to continue to read - you have 7 seconds to grab their attention. None of the words above may be quite right but they may trigger the one you need.


    I would also add a sentence like:If you know of anyone who would be interested please tell them about us. Most people do know others that would be interested but if you don't ask they may not think of it.




  5. Katrina we all have days where we need to vent and it's okay to do it.


    I am pleased that you are active and working on everything. Congrats on that because you are learning what works and doesn't and that will help you achieve other goals in life.


    Check out the stores on line that are in your area. Do the window shopping on line and you will then know just what you want to get so you will be ahead of the game.


    Kind regards,


  6. Hi Fred,


    Thanks for the note. Procrastination on filling out and submitting the application is why it took so long. I was a landed immigrant/permanent resident and just kept putting it off for no good reason, time just slipped by with the ups and downs of life.


    I wish I had done it sooner but...




  7. Hi Katrina,


    First off - really glad you are still blogging and listening to others advice, even if you choose not to take it - you read it and thought it through, and made your own decision...How many other young adults would? Kudo's to a young adult who uses her brain.


    Everyone's ideas are great, if you like them but cannot implement them bring the reason why back here: Can't find it? Someone will know where to look. Can't afford it? Someone will know how to get a grant or discount, etc.


    Too scared or shy to be different and stand out? Everyone is different and whether or not you can pull it off with style and grace is all in the attitude. Don't believe me? Try it the next time you go out - look a person straight in the eye, when they make eye contact back, smile a bit to acknowledge them - what happened next? The next person you see keep your eyes down but watch them, they will not initiate contact because your attitude told them not too. Everything in life works the same way - you will get back what you give.


    What I do to have a life, is to find the short cuts to keep the fatigue at bay. Consider a scooter, make it unique so it becomes intriguing to others. Make people interested in the girl with the scooter. You have a chance most of us do not. The chance to teach other young adults that just because we are different we are not scary or strange, just different. You can show them that stereotypes are wrong. Imagine a world without stereotypes, you can make a difference.


    Manage the fatigue, everyone has to manage something, asthma, diabetes, deafness, not as smart, too shy, too fat, too thin, too tall, too short, etc, etc. Save the energy you spend walking for life, be open, make eye contact, smile. Try it for a week.


    You have the ability, find a way to make it happen.


    Kind regards,




  8. Congratulations Kim!


    Setting the goal is the first step to accomplishing it. 110 degrees would have made me melt...I like the Pacific Northwest's weather, something around 70 degrees is more my style.


    Way to go and doesn't it feel great at the end to have accomplished so much.




  9. Morning George,


    I see Tippy is being loved more and more by you each day and becoming a true sidekick. Keep on teaching Tippy the ways of the nature and how to react and you will end up with a incredible buddy, one willing to watch, wait and react to your subtle signs.


    You are a true survivor and someone who shows us what plain old hard work and dedication to a goal can achieve.


    Really having trouble with my words today so will end for now.


    Kind regards,


  10. Hi George,


    Seems like I have a story for everthing... Mom and I were going through the house last week looking at stuff as she is downsizing to a condo. As we went through the rooms we came to her flour mill. All my life I had home baked bread. Mom would start out by filling the grinder with wheat and then by the late afternoon we had bread that would melt in your mouth. Mom's bread was the best and she said it was because she ground the flour just before she used it.




  11. George,


    I've been absent for a couple of weeks and you are one of the reasons I am back. This board and the people in it help me - you especially. Next time I am blue I will not avoid the board because it just makes being blue worse with no one to talk to.


    How is Tippy other than being perfect in the boat? Are you still laughing at the antics the two puppies get into?


    Kind regards,


  12. HI George,


    Over training is the side effect of trying too hard too fast. I'm glad you recognised it, I have a tendancy to do this too with my arms and pay the price.


    Love my picture of Tippy, such a cutie - thank you again for sending it. My one suggestion for training Tippy is that you always use a specific hand signal at the same time as the command.


    I was lucky to be able to put another Buddy through Wonder Dog school and hand signals were mandatory and a key to successful training. I have taught Gem and Punk this way too, and if I have another stroke and lose my speech again they will still obey me with just a hand signal.


    Kind regards,


  13. You go Bud! I knew he would get better - how could he not with 24/7 care from his best friend. I often wonder how my little Gem would do on a treadmill - probably love it like Bud.


    Gem and I did a 5K Walk together on Sunday for the annual Healthy Heart Fundraising Walk, Gem set the pace and I followed, watching her enjoyment checking out new trails was a lot of fun. Pretty tired the next day but it was worth it so see Gem have such fun.


    Keep up the excellent rehab you are doing for Bud.




  14. Hi Bill,


    Bud is certainly one tough puppy dog - staples and no reaction. I do agree with Donna - dogs have a very keep sense of what you are thinking (i.e. typing) so watch out as he may laugh right back at the next hair cut you get.


    Enjoy this long weekend even if it isn't the warmest outside.




  15. Hi George,


    Awesome post. Getting outside and doing something you love is priceless. You and Lesley must be so happy.


    Big feet on a little puppy is so cute, I imagine she has - tipped - over them a couple of times. It would be cute to do a foot print in paint.


    I am very pleased the fire has backed off in your area but now it is Thunder Bay and area that are in trouble, I heard that fire fighters from BC have gone to help.


    Take care and have a great weekend enjoying the great outdoors.


    Kind regards,


  16. Hi Bill,


    Happy Dance! Bud is on the mend good thing the winter is over so only sunny days for Bud to rehab his leg and get his strength back. Hiding his face when the ice shows up is cute - I can imagine him saying - no - no ice Dad and then being the good boy he is accepting it as something he has to do.




  17. George,


    I am so sorry to hear this news, the stress must be overwhelming. Glad you are taking all precautions so life and precious items are protected.


    Please keep us apprised as well as the others in this community impacted by fire. We are preparing for major spring flooding here - I wish I could direct it your way.


    Really glad to hear that Tippy is settling in and winning all hearts.


    Kind regards,


  18. Morning George,


    Tippy is so cute, (Jasmine is a doll too). By the size of Tippy I think Jasmine better make friends pretty quick, as Tippy is going to be bigger than her very soon. I do not envy the night calls but I sure do wish I had a little puppy to play with - everything is new to them and they enjoy everything.


    My little girl Gem sleeps in her bed until everyone is asleep and then sneaks up and lays down back to back with me and I find her there every morning. I think it is her way of being able to monitor me through the night while she is asleep as she was with me when I was sick.


    Enjoy every moment and laugh at the antics.




  19. Hi George,


    Tippy's Home! I can just imagine how much fun you, Lesley, and Jasmine are going to have this summer watching, teaching and playing. This is the ultimate therapy in my opinion.


    George I agree with you on your thoughts on therapy. Especially about timing of when something works for you or not. I also believe you or your caregiver must be in command of your treatment. That has been hard for me to do at times but I am getting better at it.


    Tippy's home - can't wait to see pictures.




  20. Hi George,


    I can't wait to see the new puppy either! Sooner is always better than waiting too.


    I go to a cardiac rehab class and the kinestiologist (sp) told us that if we slow each rep down it helps build more muscle regardless of the weight - perhaps that would help now without hurting (hard to put in words), if you know what I mean.


    Take care,


  21. Hi CagedBird,


    Wow - I was impressed in first your post now I am amazed. At 17 you are far older in wisdom than most people achieve in their whole life.


    You are going places - You will get there when others drop out of the race - You are strong.


    I want to get to know you better - I believe in the end you will give us more than you will ever know.


    Kind regards,
