
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by Dickons

  1. I love everyones comments, dogs truly bring out the best in people. I credit my two for keeping my spirits up through the ups and downs that go with being a survivor.


    Bill - your Bud sounds like he is well named and doubly loved.


    Bonnie - wow your days must be filled with pure joy watching them. I had a Blue Heeler X and if that is the Aussie mix they are totally amazing dogs in just about every way.


    Kalkring - you will get your dog when the right one is waiting for you to adopt - I truly believe that happens.




  2. Hi Bill,


    I would not have survived without my cardiac rehab group, somehow people of all walks seem to be able to provide unconscious support when faced with the same challenges. I am glad to see it works for you too.


    Have you asked/suggested you bring Bud? Your Bud sounds like he would enhance your group and create a stronger bond. Ask them if you can bring him to one class and then they can decide...



  3. Hi Zain,


    What an incredible journey and the progress Fahraan is making is amazing.


    I to would be optimistic based on progress and because he is so young. The brain can find ways to cope/fix what it can and young people believe wholeheartedly that anything is possible, (and they don't usually have the baggage adults carry around).


    I sounds like you have a wonderful relationship with your son.



    Take care,




  4. Hi Jean,


    I'm close to Vancouver British Columbia Canada. These birds are found from Mexico to Vancouver on the West Coast. Google the name BushTit (but add a space between the two words - I couldn't on the blog). The free encyclopedia Wiki... has a great picture of them on a suet feeder.


    Birds are amazing to me in how they survive at all.


    I get lots of birds - but not the pretty yellow finches, I get wrens, chickadees, towhees, both Downy and Norther Flickers from the woodpecker family, etc etc etc.


    I am now taking the time to learn how to identify the types.


    Thanks for commenting.


    Kind regards,
