
Stroke Survivor - male
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About idbl_fanatic

  • Birthday 03/27/1972

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  1. Happy Anniversary idbl_fanatic!

  2. Happy Birthday idbl_fanatic!

  3. Happy Anniversary idbl_fanatic!

  4. Happy Birthday idbl_fanatic!

  5. Hi, Welcome to the forum, I Stroked in Feb 07, and I too, have noticed that I now have a VERY short fuse now, to what I refer to as "stupid people" People that don't use common sense, people that I feel should know what they are asking me, or know certain things. There are just certain things that annoy me all to hell, and the thing is, is that I work in IT, and deal with people all day long, I just vent after talking to the people, and move on, sometime I need to get up and go for a walk, and get away from my desk. Driving................that's another place that I have REALLY noticed it, as well has my wife, other drivers really get to me now, you know the one's that get on a freeway at 15 MPH, drive in the fast lane at 30, etc. Just things that I used to just say "eh, whatever............." Hang in there.
  6. I'm doing ok, still, I dunno................can't really put it into words. But I will be ok I guess, I got outside this past weekend and did some work.
  7. Well.....................I'm still here......................... :happy new yea: LOL It went ok, just tried to stay busy to keep my mind off of it, we took our daughter to her gymnastics class like a normal Tuesday, and then we went out for dinner.
  8. Well, thank you all for the support, and I think that I probably SHOULD have taken today off from work............but here I am...............on the way in, I started thinking about it, and broke down and started crying, luckily I commute with my wife, and we talked about it, but I am still scared, I know that this is a great milestone, but it is still hard. Like others have said, it is just full of memories, that I would rather forget. I have a feeling that this whole week will be this way for me, as I was in the hospital for a week. I dunno.......I would much rather just be at home.
  9. Well, Tuesday, the 12th will be one year for me since my stroke, and with it coming up, I dunno, I just feel, I dunno, scared, confused, afraid. Anyone else feel this way?
  10. My name is Rick, 34, stroke survivor, 2/12/07 I am in Stockton, work in Sacramento