
Stroke Survivor - male
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Posts posted by jdoole

  1. The feelings of guilt are less and less as the days go by. When I first came here I didn't really know if I would "fit in" because I am young (30) and I don't have physical impairments. I joined in March but then didn't come back for a while because I didn't want to talk about my problems with stroke because they would seem so small compared to what others have gone through. Now I see the problem isn't all physical but emotional as well. I very much underestimated the emotional toll that it takes on you. I know feel much more comfortable coming to this site to see that others have similar feelings.





  2. thanks these words have been very helpful. I am realizing how lucky I have been. SO SO lucky. I have started a garden and tried to remain active. I am still terrified of having another stroke but I am trying to focus on living a "normal" life. I really want to start dating again and take advantage of the fact that I don't have any limitations and do something positive with that. I refuse to lay in bed any longer complacent with the idea of "hanging around"


    thanks so much



  3. Thanks,


    I am on an antidepressant. It helped out a lot and I have found myself doing many more things lately, But I have been through some weird times and have been experiencing that a lot of my "friends" and others have abandonded me since I have changed a lot since the stroke. I still have some friends around but I get angry that some of the people I would never have stopped being my friend have not been my friend in a time when I need them the most. It's extremely frustrating.


    I don't find myself having a pity party anymore. I did for about 3 or 4 months. I became so unstable after the stroke and became delusional that many people thought that I was lieing to them on purpose, but they weren't lies but they were a reality to me. I've told people this and it seems to push them away even further.


    - frustrated :Tantrum:



  4. After reading and hearing about how people have recovered from their stroke and the physical problems people face, I find myself feeling guilty. Guilty because I don't have any physical limitations after a cerebelar stroke and have been very unmotivated to do anything since I have been battleing depression. I recently have begun to accept that I had a stroke and want to move on but have feelings of guilt. I guess it is "normal" but wanted to see if others have experienced this?


    Also when does this emotional whirlwind stop? It seems just as soon as I start to feel better and back to "normal" I start to feel liike I am going crazy again.



