
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by ksaul

  1. hi kimmie.....like bonnie, my last blog and strokenet visit is lost in the cobwebs of the dark ages.

    sounds to me like texas is the place for you to go! having moved before (as you may remember) from fl back to our real home of mass i suggest a pre-move trip to the part of texas you want to move to. we moved and did not have a place to move to....and with 2 cats and a dog it was stressful. if your hubby can job hunt and then find a house near his work would be ideal!

    the actual packing is something i would rather forget but...my mottowas "when in doubt throw it out".....lol...or sell it.

    i so, so, so want things to work out for you...keep us posted. and congrats to matt! hugs! kathy

  2. stu,

    sounds to me like your doctor is right on the ball and taking all precautions with your health care. please try not to worry. i just got called back from my annual mammogram and had to have a recheck and an ultrasound. all turned out well....i am glad i did not waste time with worry. follow-up, get the test and go from there. it sounds, from other posts, that this is not uncommon. i will be sending you positive thoughts.....keep us posted! hugs! kathy

  3. donna,

    yeah for you! rah! rah! rah! and another yeah! keep up the great work. i know it's hard (i am back doing pt for my good shoulder) it is tough but so worth it. glad to hear the botox is kicking in........think about making notes regarding when, how long you have results from the shots...the more specific you are the better the doctor can plan for your next botox series. i am so proud of you! hugs! kathy

  4. donna,

    independence sounds like another word for peace and quiet! enjoy yours. ... you deserve a break. you are a good and strong parent....too many parents want to be friends with their children these days.....kids need boundries not chums. i do hope kristi'sthe senior year will be less of a trauma....maria is right....it is the last year before real life takes the helm!

    i think lights and such are a good idea for your road trips...it must feel great to be out and about. by the way, i love your new picture....your new, shorter and darker hair is very attractive. :friends: kathy

  5. hi leah,

    glad you had a good and relaxing vacation! i think it is great you are going to talk with someone about the issues of loss and grief around your stroke. it will more than likely help you move to another level in the acceptance journey. it is hard for people to realize what is lost when a stroke occurs and i think it must be different for each survivor. i know i was never great with dealing with my feelings and when i was seeing someone post stroke he reminded me that feelings ....when felt...will not hurt me. they are just feeling...not good or bad but just part of me. big lesson for this girl.

    i spent sometime trying to figure out "why" i had my stroke. how could i have hooked up with such a moron for a doctor? this was not energy well spent and i realized i needed to forgive the stupid doctor and move on. the stroke happened and why does not change it.....like donna says, all we have is today....really, this very moment.

    keep on your recovery path, you are doing great! keep us posted on how you are doing. by the way...great picture! :hug: kathy

  6. kimmie,

    RELAX! and let the pilot do the flying and your son run interference at the airport. you need all that energy to enjoy your baby jake......take many pictures so we can enjoy and coo how cute he is. have fun and enjoy your sons and grandson...hugs...kathy

  7. Maria,

    ]cosmetic karma? OMG! now i really have to start to worry cause i am a true sinner. wonder if there are socks that sport french manicure toes on them? i will have to research this.....lol. i bet your toes look awesome. so, in the meantime, enjoy those wonderfuil "girl" shoes and have a great time at your son's banquet. :friends: kathy

  8. katrina,

    well, according to you the As, the china program acceptance and the hope of new boxtox treatment relief means nothing. your existence and success in life is defined by the C in a class. I am very sorry for your unhappiness and inability to enjoy your spring break. i hope with time you can come to understand that your school grades do not define you. kathy

  9. beth,

    i am so sorry! be sure to nix the cigs now. have you considered botox right into the scalp area......i had horrible head-aches and my neurologist did the botox about three different times and i have never had another migraine.

    on another note, let your hubby help and cook. you need time to let your brain heal. you are so in my thoughts.......be kind and patient with yourself. big hugs, kathy

  10. katrina,

    your school adviser is RIGHT! school is about learning...not about a grade number. also, no one in my years in the workforce..ever asked me for my GPA.....and i have held some very responsible jobs...... you are putting pressure on yourself....there is nothing wrong with getting Bs or even a C if it is a difficult subject. do your best....learn all you can....if you continue to beat yourself up over grades you are going to continue to be disappointed and unhappy. kathy

  11. hi sue,

    i can only say, that for myself, my life before my stroke grows more distant each day. i have spent time mourning who i was and what i have lost....i have also worked hard to move on and enjoy each day and the small gifts it may bring. i do not, for a single minute believe that i had a stroke to make me a better person or a stronger person......i had spent my pre stroke years caring about and working on behalf of other people.

    we can all say the words be happy and accept.....but the reality is we are human and have emotions. no one does life perfectly...whether they are a stroke survivor, caregiver, cancer patient or lucky enough to be healthy. all we can do, in my opinion, is try our best each day, treat others as we want to be treated and enjoy the moment. kathy

  12. mc,

    ya know that old saying you can choose your friends but not your family? well, tough toe nail on them for not being thrilled for you. the choice is yours to let them bring you down or ignore their negativity. of course that is easy for me to say...we all want approval and acceptance.

    i just hope you can take this step with total joy in your heart and share a wonderful life with andre and let the rest of them go! i too think we need a party! :friends: kathy

  13. hi fred,

    well, something had to be done. i think this is geared more towards families and tax cuts. i am still steaming over the bailout package that the bush admin passed...that has literally no way of accounting for the use of our tax dollars. now, it is up to our current president to monitor that whole mess and still get our economy going. i have read some of the highlights and don't see any big help for folks on ssdi like myself. there is mention of a one time $260 payment for social security receipents....that is all i saw. i don't even pretend to understand how this package will work. i trust our president but am throughly *beep* off by the partisan politics that are going on when our nation is in crisis.

    my blood pressure is going up.....lol kathy

  14. donna!


    well done! i put one of those kitty shelf window thingies together a few years ago pre-stroke. it took thought, time and two hands back then....it is great you did it on your own. big question...any parts left over? i always find these types of projects leave me with extra thingies.

    glad crystal is into her new perch and glad you accomplished your mission solo! :Clap-Hands: yeah for you!....kathy

  15. leah,

    i am revisiting your blog....what maria said is true, don't give up on the therapy as it takes time. therapists guide us not tell us. i did therapy for a year and a half after my stroke. be up front with your therapist about your goals and fears to make sure you are on the same page. also, maria is right to say never take beauty tips from me....waxing or otherwise. i am a disaster in the girlie girl department :rolleyes: kathy

  16. hey leah,

    great blog. like donna, i am sending you a big hug. now stop and take a deep breath. our blogs are quite similar this week in searching for balance. stessie reminded me that fatigue and stroke go hand in hand and yet we wonder why we are so tired.

    i know i do too much, exercises and classes and errands...blah blah. maybe there is still a part of us that refuses to give up our old busy multi -tasking selves. my psychologist used to tell me that when a person is in enough pain they will either change the painful behavior or continue to be miserable. i believe we both may be at that watershed.....it is not like the stroke patrol is out in full force seeing if we are overdoing or not doing...it all comes down to our decision. i guess giving ourselves a break is just plain human kindness.. how come it is so difficult? like donna sai, sometimes it is just taking life a minute at a time! :friends: kathy p.s. you are NOT wacko!

  17. donna,

    welcome back! cool that you decided to get cable for yourself.....there is nothing like a a really good show to take you away at times. a person can only read so much!

    now that you are back to work just remember to pace yourself....you are not getting overtime pay. LOL cheers! kathy

  18. Kathy

    I understand your blog. I watch our nearly seven month old grandson each Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 am until 6 pm. I do go to my daughter's house as she just lives several miles away and that way he doesn't need to go out everyday. I thoroughly enjoy caring for him and it brings joy to me. However, when I get home I just crash and it usually takes the next day for me to catch up. I was Director of Trade Shows/Meetings/Special Events for many, many years so you know that at one time I had a high energy level. Several of our friends ask us to join them for dinner on Thursday once or twice a month but I am too exhausted to do so.


    The fatigue associated with stroke is real. This is one thing exercise and even a good attitude cannot undo.


    stessie, such words of wisdom regarding fatigue and stroke.....i need to remember this! thanks, kathy