
Stroke Survivor - female
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Status Updates posted by CagedBird

  1. Happy Anniversary CagedBird!

  2. Happy Anniversary CagedBird!

  3. i slept so good lastnight. Looking forward to another night of peaceful uninterrupted sleep

  4. did my 2 hours wearing the splint. time for e-stim

  5. trying to keep the splint on. 40 more minutes :/

  6. Today is the big day! My first day using bioness

    1. Kris5193


      Which unit? Hand or foot? You are lucky, we couldn't get our insurance company to cover for my husband to use it. I've heard great things about Bioness - GOOD LUCK!

    2. CagedBird


      it was for my hand. my insurance wouldnt cover it either. i had to pay out of pocket

  7. Thank you everyone!