
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by CagedBird

  1. You will be in my prayers tonight at church. I hope you feel better. The meds and things can really make us feel bad all the stuff going through our bodies and the side effects. I havent been feeling good myself ever since my botox injections. Thank you for always reading and commenting my blogs and post. Once again, you are in my prayers

  2. I only recently started sitting down without reaching back for the chair first. I still lean my hand on a table or chair sometimes to get up since my vision loss scares me that I might lose balance and fall back down into the chair. You did help me realize though that my arm stays bent as I am sitting. I want to start straightening it out so it can just hang at my side while Im sitting. Hopefully it will stay at my side when I get up and begin to walk. Thanks your blog was very helpful

  3. I eat activia also and I drink miralax. I used to walk hunched over to keep my knee from popping back. Fortunately for me I had to start high school at one of the largest schools in my county just 2 years post stroke so I got used to walking far distances. My knee doesnt even pop back anymore. I got the right side of my brain removed but through practice and time, I can walk standing straight up without leaning or popping back my knee. I only lose balance when taking steps or not wearing my brace. I am 9 years post stroke. I believe you can get better. I am a witness :) btw, I know what you mean about the short PT sessions. by the time i check in, walk to the ot room, and the pt set up the cones and things were going to use thats already a good 15-20 minutes. I have medicaid so i think its an insurance rule.

  4. fking im here. I usually dont comment right away because I wait for everyone to finish commenting. but when its been a month and i only have 2 or 3 comments (which are probably saying some of the same things) i just make a new entry and address everyone at the beginning of the entry.

    but as i said before i appreciate those of you who leave words of inspiration even though i dont do my part in return. it means a lot to know there are people out there who care about me and appreciate me. sometimes i cry when reading your comments because it makes me feel so much better. but by the time i make a new entry way later, sometimes i forget to address your comments since its not relevant to the new entry. i do read them though and try to apply them to my situations

  5. I have the same pain. I think they are spasms from tight muscles in your affected limbs. My doctor gave me baclofen for spasticity and it losen the muscles but sometimes while stretching my leg I will get a bad spasm from my thigh to my foot and I cant move because it hurt so bad! My guess is it comes from lack of exercise and circulation.

  6. I have no left field vision so when I watch tv I dont see the left side unless I look over there. I also have the same problem as arogers husband. Its like whats on one side just isnt there or it can be there one minute then gone as soon as I look elsewhere. This is permanent. The problem is not in my eyes. It is in my brain where the stroke permanently damaged those nerves needed for the vision