
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by EvRi1

  1. I'm judging from the comments that I receive to decide if I should "blog" again or not. I joined this stroke group back in June 2007 and tried this all then, but gave up shortly thereafter after because I am not very good at communicating, I type with one finger and get frustrated when I can't find the words to say what I mean.


    I have been reading everyone else's comments on a somewhat regular basis but am leery of leaving comments of my own. Everything seems to come out wrong; I am a very happy person and want to share, but have trouble conveying that. I am also a very realistic person and sometimes hurt others at times without meaning to. I apologize, but by then it is too late.


    If I should ever offend you, please believe me when I say, "It is not intentional".


    Thank you for your input!




    P. S. I also tend to ramble