
Stroke Survivor - male
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About JStalks

  • Birthday 09/22/1954

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  • Yahoo

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  • Interests
    rowing, faith, art, fitness

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  1. Happy Anniversary JStalks!

  2. Happy Anniversary JStalks!

  3. Happy Birthday JStalks!

  4. Happy Birthday JStalks!

  5. Happy Birthday JStalks!

  6. JStalks


    Photos from my rowingpre and post stroke
  7. JStalks

    Me, post stroke

    Cathy, I was sad to hear of your TIA. Sorry about not sending a note earlier. You'll be in my prayers. Hang in there. Jeff
  8. Dora,

    Read your posts and I tend to agree that being around people can be a drag, especially answering the same questions over and over. I am also angry at God questioning why this happened. I'll put you and your family on my prayer list. Best regards.

    Jeff Stalker

  9. Cheryl,Happy Birthday,

    I hope your day is a special one.

    Best Regards,

    Jeff Stalker

  10. Kim,

    Happy Birthday,

    I hope you have a happy day, that you can enjoy.I pray your mom's recovery is going well also,

    Warmest Regards,

    Jeff Stalker

  11. Heidi,

    Good luck in your recovery. Join us in the chat room to share your story and get encouragement from other survivors.

    Best wishes.

    Jeff Stalker

  12. Cathy,

    Congratulations on your recovery, and best wishes for the future.

    Jeff Stalker

  13. Mom,

    hope you had a happy birthday.

    Jeff Stalker

  14. mac.

    Hope you had a happy nirthday.

    Jeff Stalker

  15. Kim,

    Happy Birthday!!!Hope you have the opportunity to cerlebrate.

    Jeff Stalker