
Stroke Survivor - female
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About redsonya

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  1. Happy Anniversary redsonya!

  2. Happy Anniversary redsonya!

  3. redsonya

    "Use it or Lose it"

    Thanks for the reminder Fred. You have come so far I pray that you can get some of it back again.
  4. Thanks Donna It helps a lot to know we are in this together.
  5. Hi Elondie, Tootie is blessed to have such a sweet mom. I love that you see each achievement as a mountain and celebrate it as such. God Bless, Lisa
  6. Donna sightings That is great!! That took a lot of courage to make that first trip. Now it sounds like there is no stopping you. :scooter:
  7. Thanks Joy, That is a good saying. This is a great place to truly find people who walk beside you. You all know just how I feel and you are pushing forward so that is so encouraging. God Bless you too! Lisa
  8. Thanks Asha. Being a mom I am so used to pushing past my limits. I just can't do that the way I use too. I can push a little and do a little more than before. Like you said when you compare from where you started it is amazing. It is just learning the balance of when to say enough you must rest now before I start tipping over would be good
  9. redsonya

    Morning Glory

    Thank you so much for your kind words Jan:) I clicked on the size to make it bigger but it wasn't responding. I fixed it with html code now. I know how that is I have problems with text to especailly moving text. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read.
  10. redsonya

    Morning Glory

    It's very nice to hear from you. I can tell you really get it and I can't describe what a gift that is. It is embarrasing how easy my PT would look to anyone else. There are only 8 exercises 6 1-2 X per day but the head turns are 3Xs per day. You described exactly what my PT said no head turns PT 1 hour before driving and do less on days I have to do more. It is just too easy to get out of the habit when they make me feel so bad. I just need to do it! It is the repetitive PT that is my only chance to retrain my brain. I was thinking of using the blog as an accountablity journal at some point?
  11. Thanks Pam. I'm sure I'm going to come back and read and reread this for encouragment. You made my day :kicking:
  12. redsonya

    Morning Glory

    You are welcome. Thanks for reading it :forgive_me?:
  13. redsonya

    Morning Glory

    Thanks for the warm welcome and the nice comment :big_grin:
  14. redsonya

    Morning Glory

    I double posted :big_grin: I just started my blog today. The poem was submitted earlier to the strokenetwork newletter so I just posted it here because I thought it might be double posted if I put it in the inspiration section? I haven't been on for awhile. Life gets so busy and it slowed down for me a little this weekend so I had a strokenetwork marathon. I love your comments post as much as you want :forgive_me?: