
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About Elondie

  • Birthday September 27

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  1. Happy Birthday Elondie!

  2. Happy Anniversary Elondie!

  3. Happy Birthday Elondie!

  4. Happy Anniversary Elondie!

  5. Welcome back Fred; so glad your operation went well and you're getting therapy; will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
  6. Elondie


    Hi Brijay14 **hi** welcome to our wonderful site! My name is Yolanda; my granddaughter Tootie is a multiple stroke survivor (5 total); she is 11 years old.
  7. Thanks so much Steve!

  8. Happy Birthday Elondie!

  9. I agree Yvonne! Fred, hopefully you won't be hurting too much and we can read your posts weekly because you are needed here :hug: Sue, you are a valuable member of this community as well; thank you so much for all you do :thankyou:
  10. Yvonne, thank you for your prayers and best wishes. That hymn is one of my favorites; another favorite is The Old Rugged Cross. Nancy, thank you for your prayers. Fred, I not only hurt for Tootie, my granddaughter; I hurt for Tootie's mother, my child. I love Tootie with all my heart and promised her, as long as I'm alive, I will continue to advocate for her and help improve her quality of life. I will never give up! Just think, in a couple of months, you and Tootie will both be double digit survivors Asha, I do trust in God's goodness but admit, I do get discouraged. Thank you for keeping Tootie and me in your prayers; that means more than you'll ever know.
  11. Sandy, thank you for keeping Tootie and me in your prayers.
  12. Today marks the 10th anniversary of Tootie's initial strokes (5 total). When I think of the times we almost lost her and EVERYTHING she has been through, it hurts my heart. Shortly after the first 3 strokes, Tootie was diagnosed with Epilepsy. She had 2 brain surgeries last year in hopes of eliminating them but we were only seizure free for 43 days. She has seizures every day and every day I question, when are they going to stop, I question if everything we are doing to improve her quality of life is only delaying the inevitable. So when I feel discouraged, I think of the The hymn "His Eye Is on the Sparrow." I have to remind myself that everything happens for a reason; that my God has a greater plan for His Tootie. Happy 10th Year Anniversary Tootie; grandma loves you and needs to accept the fact that you are a borrowed angel :angel:
  13. Oh my gosh Katrina, I would have been so scared and angry! I hope you are feeling better; will keep you in my prayers.
  14. Elondie

    A Stroke Is No Joke!

    Fred, hope you are feeling better; will keep you in my prayers.
  15. Happy Birthday Elondie!

    1. Elondie


      Thanks so much Steve!!