
Stroke Survivor - male
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About preluki

  • Birthday 07/25/1954

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  1. Happy Anniversary preluki!

  2. Happy Anniversary preluki!

  3. Hi Doug, just saw your post, miss your blogging and posting, welcome back.

  4. Happy Birthday preluki!

  5. preluki

    Been a while

    Oh yeah, Teddy is doing really good. He is loving the cool weather and just wanders around everywhere. He did get his nails clipped last Friday. It took 3 people to hold him down, but he needed it done. I am letting him go outside by himself when it is too cold or snowy for me. One evening he just did not want to come back in. i had to go out and literally had to drag him back in. He was really mad at me for 2 days. Yes, the research is very interesting. I traced my family back to the 1300's!h
  6. preluki

    Been a while

    I have not written in my blog for awhile because i have been pre-occupied. I have been doing a lot of geneaology research. To me it is really fascinating. I traced the Lyons Family back to at least pre American Revolution. I found at least 2 realatives that fought in the war. The most famous was Thomas Lyon (see picture in album). He was part of the Green Mountain Boys. I also found several realatives from the Civil War. Most fought for the South, most of my family were bfrom Arkansas and Tennessee. I even found thier regiments. I also found what had been a family 'mystery'. I heard of a realative that was wounded and was returning home. There were all kinds of wild stories about him. I found out his name was James Tollette. He was indeed wounded in Georgia in 1864, and was returning home. However what really happened was he died at Washington, Arkansas, just a few miles from home. I also learnded a little more about my great great uncle Joseph Reed. He was also wounded, but he lived, although he had his arm amputated. He died when my father was very young, but he knew him as a little boy. He was really scared of him. I quess that would only be natural. I have also have been spending time on Facebook, (Hi Lady K). I reacquainted with people I have not seen in many many years. However, Facebook does have some viruses that can screw up your computer. Finally, relations with my current 'family', it has really gone downhill fast. I do not speak to them at all. It has become like 2 sides entrenched waiting for the final confrontation. Late last week I read an article by an expert on Narcissism, and everything fell into place. The key part of the article is:" I described how such people form dangerous cults and end up ruining everything and everyone around them. " Even though that sounds really strange, but my brother has turned my family into his'cult' Although, that sounds really strange, it is the only explanation that makes sense. no matter what he does, or what I say he did, they just make excuses; no matter how illogocical the excuse.
  7. preluki

    Wet Teddy

    Teddy has his usual routes he likes to take when I take him for his walk. Actually, he has several routes he likes to take. Yesterday morning I took him for his morning walk and he took one of his regular, and favorite route. As he was walking along, the water sprinklers came on and he got soaked. He shook himself off, but still wanted to continue on his regular route, but he didn
  8. This week is a bit of a special week. Mainly because Saturday will not only be my birthday, but the 5th anniversary of my stroke. Really have no special plans. To me, it is really just another day. I will turn 55, which indicates I am really
  9. Teddy finally decided to get up in the bed with me Friday night, I am not sure why. It may have been the thunder, or maybe he was just mad at me for excluding him. He stayed with me all night long. Yesterday morning I woke up rather early, and decided to do a little cleaning up. I was empting some garbage cans, and just general cleaning. I went out to empty my last garbage can and when I opened the door, to my surprise, Teddy was somehow outside. He was really ready to come back in the house. I guess he managed to slip outside when I was empting one of my garbage cans. (My bad). Last night he went into the bed before I did, and like he used to do he parked his butt right where I like to sleep. I did manage to get him to move and he even didn
  10. LOL, You know Teddy very well
  11. After a couple of months trying to figure out a way to enable Teddy to get into bed with me, we finally found a solution. Teddy
  12. preluki

    Stormy weather

    For the last 10 days in a row we have had severe weather everyday. Hopefully, we may get a break today, but for sure in the next few days. As I have mentioned before, poor Teddy is terrified, not so much my the storms themselves, but mainly the sounds of the warnings on the TV. I got to the point where I just turn off the sound on the TV. I really like thunderstorms and would normally go outside and watch the storms, but since Teddy is so frighten, and I am still in a wheelchair, I just can
  13. TY for your support today by signing in. Hope we beat last year's record.

    Hugs, Jan

  14. As Snoopy would write
  15. I often go to bed pretty early and sometimes I will get a package from UPS, and they usually make their deliveries rather late. That really upsets Teddy, and he barks and tries to