
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by preluki

  1. Oh yeah, Teddy is doing really good. He is loving the cool weather and just wanders around everywhere. He did get his nails clipped last Friday. It took 3 people to hold him down, but he needed it done.

    I am letting him go outside by himself when it is too cold or snowy for me. One evening he just did not want to come back in. i had to go out and literally had to drag him back in. He was really mad at me for 2 days.

    Yes, the research is very interesting. I traced my family back to the 1300's!h

  2. Doug,

    Why do I somehow get the sense that the next leg of this journey may be to move onto the floor with Teddy? Pretty soon you may be sleeping on the floor and Teddy on the bed.

    Hopefully this weather will dry out a bit for all of us and we can finally get out and enjoy the outdoors without getting soaked.

    LOL, You know Teddy very well

  3. Doug I am sending you my condolences because someone precious has left your life. Not the person you think of your mother being now, who has maybe dropped out of your affections for what others have done to you, but for the mother who loved you as a baby, a toddler etc.


    If you don't go to the funeral you will find it hard to have closure, I know that sounds like phsyco babble but I did do chaplaincy so I do know how rites and rituals free you up to move on in life. Maybe just sit down at the time the funeral is happening and do your own meditation and remember the good times you shared.


    You probably won't publish this reply but I wanted to tell you I am praying for you, and hope you will be freed up from whatever is keeping you from feeling the emotions we all feel at the loss of a parent.


    (((Hugs))) from Sue.

    Actually, I do not have a choice. The only way I can be accepted by my family is if I accept my brother. I have been advised by all my counselors, and my own judgement, that will never happen.

  4. Doug, as the former owner of a dog called Dale who had a great personality I know that feling of being the lady/man who owns the dog who.... You just have to get used to it. At least people talk to you because they like your dog.


    Glad you are getting around okay now. The motorized chair sounds great.



    Actually, Sue it really doesn't bother me at all, mainly, because at the end of the day I get to keep him. Teddy is such a wonderful dog, I enjoy him getting all of the attention. He deserves it; he saved my life.


  5. Actually, there is much more than this. How did a debit card from a cancelled bank account show up in my cell phone account, that is actually paid by my father, and then a forged check happen. Really, look into the Personality Disorder of Narcissism.

  6. Teddy's no fool he wants to hibernate for the winter like the rest of us. Good that Auntie Nora takes him out, be careful if it gets slippery out there. has Teddy given up his towel yet and resigned to the comfort of his new bed?

    For some reason, Teddy still doesn't want anything to do with his bed, he still prefers the towell.


  7. Glad you and Teddy were able to enjoy the break in the weather. It won't last unfortunately. Now Doug, how do you think your expression would be if you had a thermometer up your bottom? It is comical as their eyes get SOOOOOOOOOO big. Talk about being violated lol.


    At least Teddy can get mad at the vet for toenail clipping rather than you. He might hesitate the next time his aunties want to take him out for a ride. They may need to bribe him into the car.


    Glad your room is getting back in order. Hope the chance for another flood has been addressed.


    Actually, the Vet is only about 2 blocks away so his aunties walked him over. I think someone came in yesterday to check the plumming. I hope we have no more problems.

    ail wags from Teddy

  8. Re: Teddy getting blessed and your doubts about a blessing or exorcism. What God doesn't know won't hurt Him!


    Its amazing about getting the picture of Pope John Paul II. You are right, he was an amazing person. WOW! Take Care. LK


    :hehehe: Thanks, you are right. What God doesn't know won't hurt Him. But I am glad Teddy got blessed all the same. I can't hurt. Doug

  9. Donna,

    I agree with all the above. As far as your family, I do understand. You have made a great choice, you are making an effort to understand and make sure you don't make the same mistakes. Trying to understand and make corrections is great. I too have family problems, but many in my family just can't see beyond the end of thier nose. They see only what they want to see. Good luck to you and your daughter. You are doing what you can.


  10. Doug there should be a vacuum seal on the side of the package just press that and it will release the pressure and not explode... that's what they do here to sell their coffee at a discount in the wholesale store..It just means it's very fresh!! Now add some cinnamon and a bit of nutmeg if you like, also some sugar to taste and instant coffee whitener or the real thing" cream".. I call it fireside coffee, it would be good cold... Let me know how you like it...


    Thanks Deenie.

    I actually bought another jar of coffee and was careful to try and poke a very small in it, and no explosion. :Clap-Hands:

  11. :Argh: I know exactly how you feel, my blog is for members only. It does seem to me there are two kinds of people. Those who knew me before my stroke and then those that only know me after my stroke. Frankly, I have found most of those who knew me before my stroke are carrying baggage I really don't need. Almost everyone that only know me since after my stroke, I get along with great. Oh well, stuff happens. All I can do is keep on keeping on.

  12. well you certainly weathered your fair share Doug! :cold: :badmood:

    Lol :lightning: Very true Phoenix. Actually, their is one thing I forgot to mention, is the cold. The lowest temperature. I was -25, once in Omaha and once here in Denver. Really, once it gets to -6 it doesn't feel any colder. Also, jet aircraft have a very muffled sound. It is very strange. I always like to live close to work, so if necessary I can walk to work. That paid off because one day my car would not start and so I had to walk to work when it was -10, I was too cheap to call a cab. :insane:

  13. Karina

    You are a beautiful young lady, and I am so sorry you have to bear this burden at such a young age. I have heard of infants in the womb having a stroke. For me, one of my biggest joys is my dog Teddy. He is a wonderful friend, and taking care of him is a great distraction for me. I celibrated my 3rd anniversary yesterdy (it was also my birthday), I say celibrate because I too am a survivor. Last year I just wanted to be alone, but that isn't good. I had a very good friend come over and she nd my Teddy just had a good time.

    I had a friend who had polio as a child many years ago, it was very difficult for him. He would spend months away at St Jude's. At times he had a very bulky brace, but he hung in there. I haven't seen him in years. My foundest memory of him is he beat me at tennis :Argh:

    I too have lost friends, as many others have. But I don't want to be around anyone who tells me can't. That is a word I try to avoid.

    Take care, you have found the best site for support and friendship. BTW, keep a good sense of humor!
