
Stroke Survivor - male
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Status Updates posted by AllanWilliams

  1. Happy Anniversary AllanW !

  2. Happy Anniversary AllanW !

  3. Happy Anniversary AllanW !

  4. Good to be back online again

  5. Just sayting Hi :)


  6. Hi Shirl

    Welcome to Strokenet, hope to see you in chat as soon as you feel ready to join


  7. Hi Trent

    Welcome to StrokeNet I hope you find this site as invaluable as I did, hope to see you in chat soon


  8. Hello and welcome to StrokeNet this is a fantastic place to meet friends and to explore the many articles about survivors and caregivers.


  9. Welcome to StrokeNet


    Glad you found us


  10. Hi Brenda

    Welcome to StrokeNet

    You will find lots of friendly and nice people here

    Wecome aboard


  11. Welcome to StrokeNet.

    You will find this site so good lots of helpfull and interesting people to meet hope to see you in chat soon


  12. Welcome to this fantastic place make sure you visit us in chat when you are ready, we are all a friendly group of people


  13. Hi. Glad you found us it is a great place to be, hope to see you often.


  14. Hi and welcome to StokeNet, you have found a place of friendship and helpfull advice.


  15. Hi Wanda, Welcome to Strokenet, you have found a good place to be hope to see you in chat

    Best Wishes


  16. Hi Barbie, Just found your post I was 60 when i had my stroke and like you i live in a wheelchair now, as long as your children have memories of you live your life in comfort Best wishes. Allan

  17. Hi and welcome to StrokeNet. Write a post and tel us a little about yourself, we are all a friendly bunch of people Allan

  18. Glad you have found us all here on StrokeNet Best Wishes Allan

  19. Hi tom

    Welcome from the land down under, you will find this site the best in the world for stroke survivors and there families


  20. Hi and welcome webshoes, hope to see you in chat when you are ready

    Best wishes


  21. Hi Fred

    Hope to see you in chat soon there is a lot of nice and considerate peole here to help in any way they can

    Best wishes


  22. Best wishes for your birthday

    From the land downunder

  23. one of my hopes in years to come is still having a positive outlook on lief as you do have a fantastic day

  24. Hi Johnash I know it is hard to do when money is tight but go and treat yourself to something special coffee with friendsa a newe item to make your home more friendly but do it for yourself , Have a great day Allan

  25. happy Birttyhday Daisy 79. No mattter what the reasons are for celebrating your birthday I hope your day is full of hapiness and suprises, maybe a big hug and a congratulations from your partner "saying I love you " Allan