
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by AllanWilliams

  1. Hi Wanda, Welcome to Strokenet, you have found a good place to be hope to see you in chat

    Best Wishes


  2. Hi Barbie, Just found your post I was 60 when i had my stroke and like you i live in a wheelchair now, as long as your children have memories of you live your life in comfort Best wishes. Allan

  3. Hi and welcome to StrokeNet. Write a post and tel us a little about yourself, we are all a friendly bunch of people Allan

  4. Glad you have found us all here on StrokeNet Best Wishes Allan

  5. Hi tom

    Welcome from the land down under, you will find this site the best in the world for stroke survivors and there families


  6. Hi and welcome webshoes, hope to see you in chat when you are ready

    Best wishes


  7. Hi Fred

    Hope to see you in chat soon there is a lot of nice and considerate peole here to help in any way they can

    Best wishes


  8. Thank you Jan Your insight means a lot to me (You have inspired me when I needed it the most ) Allan
  9. Best wishes for your birthday

    From the land downunder

  10. Hi Louis First a big Welcome to this site of wonderful survivors and caregivers, You will find lots of support and from everybody here they will answer any question to the best of there ability ,like it has been said before nobody knows the path you are walking unless they have done the same beefer. hoping your path in the future is better than the past since your stroke i cant add much that already has been said but try and get your family to join or come and visit this site and read some of the stories of survivors and how caregivers should react and help you . Best wishes Allan
  11. Katrina To start with great post. Myself you can only be optimistic Survived a stroke last year after surgery recovered 95% I thought to myself not bad done quite well after a while had a heart attack had a few stents put in and back on the road to recovery with a positive outlook, a little bit further down the track had both legs amputated That set me back on my A---! but with a little bit of optimism not realy a lot of optimism I got over that and accepted my new way of life. I wake up each morning if a nice morning make a cup of coffee and go sit outside in the sun looking around I can smell all the flowers in bloom the birds chirping away and wave good bye as my grandsons go to school. I have so much to be optimistic about. Allan PS As far as i'm concearned I got better
  12. Hi Kathy We all have our own comfort zones and I enjoy mine, If you feel up to a challenge then do it otherwise do what your body says, (I will not be forced into doing something i will feel uncomfortable with unless it is going to do me some good) but thats me and everybody is different, maybe that is just a way of saying do not be pushed into doing something that you will be unhappy with you have to bear the consequences. Like what has been said on this site numerous times, others have not walked in our steps and until they do they should be more tolerant of our feelings Best wishes Allan
  13. Hi Leah No matter what anybody says you are not the same after you have a stroke, you might get back to close pre stroke but never 100%. All you can do is go at your own pace do not try to rush it, slow down and enjoy what you are doing, take time out to rest or just sit and read etc. Believe me at first i thought i was ok but you soon come to relize that is not the case. Best wishes Allan
  14. one of my hopes in years to come is still having a positive outlook on lief as you do have a fantastic day

  15. Hi Johnash I know it is hard to do when money is tight but go and treat yourself to something special coffee with friendsa a newe item to make your home more friendly but do it for yourself , Have a great day Allan

  16. happy Birttyhday Daisy 79. No mattter what the reasons are for celebrating your birthday I hope your day is full of hapiness and suprises, maybe a big hug and a congratulations from your partner "saying I love you " Allan