
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Everything posted by amie_1

  1. amie_1

    home and healing

    Good Morning, Watching the sunrise with a cup of coffee, and my dogs, lol. This is my favorite time of day, all is quiet and peaceful for a bit. Dave is home from the hospital and healing. The healing seems to be going slowly this time, but is going in the right direction, so I am happy. He has a nurse (I requested this) that comes in a couple times a week to make sure the pnemia is going and that we have no set backs, occupational therapy also comes in, physical therapy therapy came in once and pretty much told him, they couldn't help him, we had it under control and he was doing great with what we were doing, which made me feel really good. OH BUT, I AM SO TIRED, lol I think it has all caught up with me. Dave's illness, his daughters shanaganins, all the visits from friends and medical that have been coming and going. They have been a blessing, but, I am so tired, lol... His daughter "seems" to be behaving lately, buy that I mean her toxic mouth has not gotten back to us, so I pray our "talk" with her has changed her mind about saying damaging and hurtful things. I guess time will tell. I know that she and Dave have talked on the phone and it has been pleasant so that makes me very happy, they need to have a relationship with nice relationship with each other. Makes me sad though that the two people that he loves the most (other then me ) his son and daughter, have not come around to visit, his son has not even called since dave being home from the hospital . I don't say anything to dave I know it makes him sad. I have talked to his son to tell him to come and see his dad, but, he just says, yeah, I'm pretty busy, we'll see. I know he loves him, so I don't understand. He has time, since he hasn't had a job in 3 years... so I guess I will just leave it alone and focus all my energy on Dave and getting him stronger and healthier. I know with a tia and pneumia it will take a bit of time before he is back to where he was before. He is seems pretty content on the whole, a bit frustrated he is not stronger yet, but it is coming along. He had a friend stop by last evening, that we have not seen in about 3 years, it was nice for Dave to catch up with him... dave had talked to him the day he had the Tia, so the friend was surprised by the recent "events" . It is so important to still have friends that care, even if you don't see them everyday. Well time for a fresh cup of coffee and to let the dogs out again, looks like a beautiful morning, but calling for some storms a bit latter in the day, so better get outside stuff done shortly. hugs to all Anne
  2. Beautiful Jan, thank you so much for sharing.
  3. I didn't know that... it's WONDERFUL... thank you for sharing Anne
  4. amie_1

    The Power Of Prayer

    thank you Fred for the wonderful and beautiful post. It is something that I needed to be reminded of. Hugs and Love Anne
  5. amie_1

    Life is again Good!

    so glad that you are on the upside of the road. I will definately pray that hair comes quickly, like you said, curly or straight, and color is not necessairly important, lol.... Happy to hear the b-day party was a huge success, nothing like grilling outisde that is when you know that spring is here. hugs Anne
  6. amie_1

    What a Week!

    Stessie There is no doubt you are in my prayers... I am glad you listened to your body and got help. Positive thoughts, prayers and hugs are with you. Anne
  7. amie_1

    Chemo is Over!

    Hugs... so glad your chemo is over with.... you have been in my prayers. Now time for gardening... hugs Anne
  8. Jan, You, Wayne and Harley are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry for your heartbreak.... hugs and love Anne
  9. Merry Christmas... thank you for sharing this Fred.... I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas...
  10. All we can ever do is our best. I understand your feeling completely... I find when I get into that mode a good nights sleep a talk with God and then with myself helps me to get out of it... lol Sometimes I feel very selfish for my thoughts on those same lines.... then I look at Dave and know that he didn't ask for stroke and heart disease to come into his life either.... Hang in there, hugs and love Anne
  11. amie_1

    update on puppy

    ahhh.. can't wait to see some pics. Mya sounds darling and loving. Enjoy the love of all your fur babies. I understand how much these critters mean, we have a few of our own and some days I just don't know what I would ever do without them. My little girl is curled up on my lap napping as we "speak" lol. The little boy is upstairs in bed cuddling Dave. Hugs Anne
  12. amie_1

    Settling In

    good morning Bill glad you are settling in... the house-home looks beautiful... sounds like Bud is having a great time too.. lol.. hope he doesn't get to lost in the house. hugs Anne
  13. amie_1

    my poor jack

    Lots of fluids rest and yep love. Will keep Jack in my thoughts. hugs Anne
  14. amie_1

    Natural Reader

    sounds great Larry, can you please post the site, my husband Dave would be interested in this. thanks.... Anne
  15. so cute, I wanna hold one ....... they look like little grey mice... I love Leo's eyes.
  16. amie_1

    gypsy's surprise

    ahhh... poor Gypsy... lol... I can't wait to see some pics as well... that was a cute story... lol... still chuckling
  17. amie_1


    congratlations Bill..... enjoy and take comfort in your life... hugs Anne
  18. thanks Jan.... it certainly is something to absorb and "practice".... you are right, we waste so much energy worrying about what might and could happen that sometimes we miss the opportunity to "act" or appreciate the positiveness of what is happening.... lol.... Patience is definately a virtue.. hugs Anne Ps I have missed your posting lately, hope all is well.
  19. thank you Fred.... I "try" and stay positive, some days are better then others, lol..... I needed that reinforcement... hugs Anne
  20. amie_1

    3rd week of therapy

    congratulations!! Success is measured in small steps.... Keep up the good work.. hugs Anne
  21. Dave had his appt today with his primary care Dr. I have finally convinced Dave that a rolleraid with a seat would be a good thing for him since he can't walk all that far without having to sit down. THANK YOU JAN.. for your story, I read it to Dave and that was the final tipping in favor of it... so it's been ordered and it s hould be in withing the next week or so.... I'm so excited for him, now he can go out with more confidence! HE also got his flu shot, so that is covered for yet another year, they said if and when they get the swine flu serum in, Dave is on the list of people to get it, excited about that to. Gotta protect the love of my life. I did feel bad for him today at dinner, he's been asking for spaghetti for a while now, (whole wheat of course) so I finally made it for him and after he filled his plate he spilt it ALL on the floor... YUCK.... oh well accidents happen, good thing I had made extra in hopes of an easy lunch tomorrow, lol. Anyway, the dogs thought it was a free for all that poppa had blessed them with a whole floor full of food, it was so funny, I almost felt bad for cleaning it up on them and giving it to the outside dogs. My inside ones are only about 10 lbs, it would have made them sick, poor guys. But oh how they to love spaghetti. Oh well it got all cleaned up and I got a cold dinner... c'est la vie, he didn't mean to spill it. My car alarm keeps going off... which is making me quite put out, since it just got back from the garage, and I have NEVER had that problem before, they must have jiggled something while changing the radiator??? I called the neighbour and I think he figured it out for me... it was killing my battery... and somehow one of the alarm wires got disconnected... hmmmm wonder how that happened... to say the least it stressed me out, so I am now having a nice spiced rum and coke... it's my first drink in MONTHS... yummy, I think I'll sleep good tonite.
  22. Happy Birthday.... it certainly sounds like you, Ray and Trevor had a good and fulfilling day.... hugs Anne
  23. amie_1

    rolled in butter

    I had a bit of a flu bug yesterday and slept a good part of the day away.... Dave was really good about it. About 3:30pm yesterday he looks at me, like only Dave can all pouty and cute, lol. And, says he would like to go and see his mum in town. Ughhh... I love his mom dearly she is such a sweetie... but, I'm still not feeling 100% I am dressed in flannel pj pants and an old sweat shirt... clean but old.. lol.. So, I tell him okay, but, I am not changing my clothes.. Off we go to his mums for about an hour... had a great visit and on the way home he decides he would like a taco salad from taco bell... so we pull in and go inside, dressed as I am... (a bit embarassing, but at least my clothes are clean) we get our food and eat, Dave eats his and mine, since I am still not quite up to par, espically for mexican food.... as we are getting ready to go DAve stands up and his tummy has bits all over it, so I am brushing it off and there is an elderly couple standing there watching me... the lady is disabled, she is having problems walking and her husband is helping her. THey are both smiling as they are watching me clean Dave up.... she looks at me and winks... saying "that's what wives are for"... and she giggles. All four of us start chatting and laughing as we go out the door, he helping his wife and I helping Dave. Her husband has a huge smile on his face, he is so in love and happy, he states as he helps her get into the car... "it all comes back to you rolled in butter" and he winks... I stopped for a minute and digested his statement and said it sure does and wouldn't trade a day for anything. I thought about that couple (guess I still am) the rest of the evening.... even though I only had contact with them for maybe 10 minutes, they certainly left an impression on me..... Hugs Anne
  24. lol, well I say we start a club. The mad caregivers club.. lol... Yes, Sue, some days are definately better then others, but, on the whole it's fine. Other people truly don't understand what goes on-on a daily basis. I have found that out, espically with Dave's kids, they think that things should be done this way or that way! They "might" see their dad hmmm maybe an hour or two every couple weeks. It always gets me that they like to whirlwind in and tell me what to do and how to do it!! HUH, I want to say so bad, YOU stay here for a week 24-7 as I go on vacation and then we will talk!! oh well c'est la vie... I still wouldn't trade a day with Dave for anything, we stilll giggle each day at something. hugs from one mad caregiver to another Anne