
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Everything posted by amie_1

  1. amie_1

    paperwork... :)

    I am taking Dave to the VA tomorrow morning to try and get him VA benefits. He has no health insurance and it has been very hard. This may sound silly, but I've been drowning in paperwork all morning and loving it, getting together all the VA papers that are required and that I think might be required, lol. I've made a contact there with a very nice lady, (so far) she told me to bring all paperwork in to her and she would go through it all for us, just to make sure everything is done properly so it will save time with any potential errors. Please say your prayers and keep your fingers crossed that he gets accepted this time. I am very proud of Dave, he does come to work everyday with me (he owns his own business) He does have a couple of naps throughout the day though on an inflatable air bed we got for him, it is so cute espically when he starts to snore if there are clients nearby.... hahaha I just tell him i had to bring in my puppy cause it's sick. He doesn't feel like he is contributing much though, but like I say to him, just cause you get tired easily and take naps, doesn't mean you are any less smarter. Yeah okay so sometimes you have to think about somethings a bit longer but you still get the answer(s) that I need. I tell him that he is still much smarter than most people that I know, so his brain isn't the computer it used to be muli tasking in 10 different directions.. now I tell him that he is finally like us mortals only able to do maybe 2-3 things at a time.. It can get tough trying to keep the house up (ouuu all those leaves that have fallen), keep Daves spirits up, and his business intact, which is not doing so hot ...ahhhh but today is a good day anyway, nothing at the moment is bothering me, it feels like I have oodles of energy :happydance: Well better get back to work before boss comes in and tells me I'm slacking.. hahaha. thanks all.
  2. OK, (big breath) now that I am here, i don't know what to write or where to start. I am a caregiver for my husband who is a stroke survivor, he had a stroke Jan 14, 2007. It seems he is also suffering from Central Pain Syndrome. I can not imagine the extent of pain that he feels on a daily basis, and I feel very helpless cause there is nothing I can really do to help him with the pain. My instinct is to just hold him, but he says that just makes him hurt more!! My natural instinct is to care and nurture people, and it seems that is taken away from me in this case. I met Dave in May of 1998. It seems like we feel in love instantly our age difference didn't matter at all, he is 17 years older then I am. We dated/lived together for 8 years then got maried in March 2006, like I said he then had a stroke in Jan 2007. Lately all Dave is doing is complaining every 5 minutes of ALL aches and pains, I know that he hurts ALOT, and I feel bad for thinking /writing this but he has to stop! He still has to look at his cup as half full NOT half empty. The complaining is so constant that I find I am having a hard time sometimes showing him sympathy. I hate that feeling in me it is out of character for me. So i kekep reminding myself that he can not help how he feels, just like I can not help those inconsiderate thoughts of mine. If anyone reads this I am sorry for these feelings that I have.. try not to think badly of me. I do love Dave immensely and would do anything for him, just sometimes it gets a tad tough.