
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by gramma

  1. I got my test results from my dr. appt I had last week. I am doing good, my tests came back fine, along with my blood test and ultrasound of my stomache. I am so happy. Good news for a change, that is always nice.
  2. :cloud9: I havent seen her since before mothers day, spent a couple of hours with me. Amy is my youngest of 3, she is 20. It was so good to see her, I miss seeing her and I wish she would come and see me more. I haven't driven since I had my stroke so I can't go to see her. She was an unexpected surprise in my day. My cousin is doing good, she might get out of the hospital soon. My mom is going to give me her email address so I can email her.
  3. gramma

    First entry

    Hi. The husband and I are doing good, thanks for asking. My husband retired recently, a week or so ago, so it is an adjusting having him home all day. Used to it being just me and my animals. I have been unemployed since I had my stroke, on disability. He knows who rules the roost lol. I haven't had to put my foot up his hind end too much, lol.
  4. gramma

    First entry

    I have never had a blog before. I am hoping it helps with my stroke recovery. I am going to visit Chisty and Joey and Jack in Colorodo in a couple of weeks. I have missed them so much since I moved here shortly after my stroke. It will be good to see Jack, my grandson, I have misssed him sooooooo very much. I love talking to him on teh phone. He misses me so much. I am doing well in my stroke recovery, learning new things about myself all teh time. I just can;t wait to be able to dream again. I am usually pretty tired due to the stroke and my vasculitis and the meds that I have to take because of it. My headaches aren't so bad these days but I do still get them. I started taking two pain pills instead of one at a time and the is helping. Word search helps with my brain being foggy. I spend most of my days on the computer, doing quizes on facebook or doing my wordsearch. I am learning more about what I can expect with my sstroke recovery through a book my mom got me. I want to start crocheting again, but it is hard for me to get my fingers to work like they used to. I had started an afgan for Jack before I had my stroke and havent been able to crochet since. The last time I tried I got so frustrated with my self so I just gave up. My sisters fathernlaw had a stroke and Robin, my cousin, are in the hospital, they are doing better. From what my Mom said Robin almost didnt make it, we grew up together and I hope and pray she gets better soon. I worry about Aunt Joanie, I know she is worried about Robin. I hope and pray she improves more and more each day.
  5. interesting site, thanks for sharing.
  6. Thank you. I couldn't remember if I had already posted about this before, sorry if I have. Hubby will be retiring soon so I won't have to worry so much about being alone soon. I think it is the constant headaches that I have to deal with that bother me. My son said I called him and an online friend told me that I had complained of a really bad headache right before my first stroke. I will try not to worry so much, but it is in my nature to do it anyway. Hope everyone is doing well, hugs.
  7. I am by myself most days, which is not supposed to happen due to my being ill with vasculitis and another stroke is very likely to happen because of my condition. I try not to worry, but I can't help it. My mom is the manager of the apartments we live in and my husband calls often, but I just feel nervous sometimes, especially here lately. I have been having headaches a lot lately, probably because of my illness. I try to keep myself busy with games on the computer or with word search to keep my mind busy instead of worrying. Is there any advice anyone can give me, I have already had two strokes and one or two anerisms. Just scared. hope everyone is doing well.
  8. The only thing I can say is just love your wife, she didn't ask for all of this and it is really hard going through a stroke. My life has change so much because of mine. I used to be very independant and could do anything I set my mind to. Since my strokes, I am more needy and my feelings get hurt very easily. I always had a problem with depression, but I think it is worse now. Just try to let your wife know that you love her no matter what. Since my strokes I feel stupid, , not very in control of my emotions. Just be there for her and let her know that you love her, no matter. I hope this has helped and I hope things get better. Hugs, Diana
  9. Thank you for all the kind words. I try not to be so hard on myself, I was this way also pre stroke. I guess I was a profectionist even though I am far from perfect. I just get frustraged. I will try to be kinder to my self and take things much slower. My fiance is always telling me to slow down, lol, maybe I should listen to him and I wont be frustrated all the time. Thank you my friends. And I printed out the serenty prayers, it will help to read it often. hugs, diana
  10. It is hard for me to accept my limititions since I had my strokes. I often feel I am stupid, even though I know I am not. I make mistakes that I would't not have made pre-stroke. I am kinda off with my footing and balance. I know I am doing better than I was in the past. I just get so hard on myself. I used to love to read, not it just hurts my head because I can't remember what I have just read and I am bad with numbers or letters. If I am writing a number, I can get the number wrong, I know what the number or letter is I just cant get it to from my brain to my fingers. I used to really good with computer stuff, now I can't remember to do things I used to do. I know that I shouldn't be so hard on myself, but I am anyway. I have come a long way. I just need to be kinder to myself. Hope everyone is doing well. I guess I just need to know I am not the only one that is going through this.