
Stroke Survivor - male
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About dwight_andersen

  • Birthday 03/24/1954

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    Fighting this damn stroke in any and every way I can .I did not fight it by not having it , too late now for that . A t first I could not even stand to even look at the word stroke in print, let alone write or type it,it would make me cry. For over a year I could not stand to hear an ambulance go by ,it would stop me in my tracks. I still have a time with both of these issues. For a long time I felt like my chest was just cut open and I was exposed to all to see and take of me, I felt helpless and I was never like that before. I use to take on life and it's problems head on, chew them up and spit them out just like my work. I took a computer class just to learn how to use a computer so I could learn the hows and whys about stroke, this was after I did all the therapy they could give me . The doctors in this back woods hospital were of little or no help, if fact I hold the doctor I had for thirty years 1% at fault, I will swallow 99% of the fault myself. In March of 05 he sat in the exam. room and told me jokes he and his family tell at the dinner table instead of consulting and advising me as a doctor should do , hell I worked with concrete for thiry five years , what do I know about high blood pressure or strokes .I can never forget or forgive that, my neurologist did not even have an opinion when I asked him about stem cells. But. Now I am trying to learn as much as I can about stem cell treatment. It is another way to fight. I HATE this damn stroke and what it has done to me and my life and my families life. If stem cell resaerch, clinical trials and treatment holds this kind or hope and promise, why arent doctors and every one connected with stroke shouting it form the mountain tops? I would hate to think that it boils down to money when so many could be helped out of this living hell called stroke. There can be no sugar coating stroke.Without anger you might as well raise the white flag and accept the stroke and I will never accept the stroke.
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