
Stroke Survivor - female
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About dbars

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  1. Happy Anniversary dbars!

  2. Happy Anniversary dbars!

  3. Happy Anniversary dbars!

  4. dbars

    A HUGE Thank You!

    Hello everyone! First of all, thank you so much for your comments, care and concern! Hearing from all of you has shown me that I am not alone in this struggle to cope with stroke. Secondly, it has also shown me that I am lucky to be where I am. One of these days I will join you for a live chat and my coach will continue to harp on me to write something on my own....ha ha....coach is currently typing and thrilled to help but knows that Dale is a strong and determined guy who will overcome this barrier he currently faces. So, onward and upward........again everyone..........thanks! Dale
  5. that is easy, move it or lose it ,but do not over do it .I use to think that hard work was enough,Wrong,exercise is needed also. I use to think " do it till it hurts", Wrong ,I only learn things the hard way,I do not want you to make the same mistake.Keep at it.Take care.dwight_andersen

  6. dbars,Hello, I just wanted to say Hi and that I read your topic. I also have a confidence problem which is what can be part of depression. Some days I do not want to get out bed, but I some how make myself drag my butt out of that bed and put it in gear and get going. I hope you can do the same. We all need some purpose even if it is in your own head. The walking and your blood pressure,that is ea