
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by stessie

  1. Stessie, you are a miracle woman for sure. I am so glad to be in contact with you and so many other wonderful people from Strokenet on Facebook. It is like a mini notice board, I can say Stessie is doing this, Sarah is doing that...someone else...Thank you for the update. I am so glad you recovered from all of this, and that you have come back to my Blog Community to check in with us all.Sue.

  2. Hi, Kimmie

    It is alright to vent and it's healthy, too. This may be the only resource where you have to vent and you are among friends.


    We have in common things we cannot do with our grandchildren. You know what...I made up my mind early on there were things I knew I could do and things I knew my body would not allow me to do. Sure, I watch his other grandparents take him places during the day but I can't (my husband still works) so I read to him. He loves our reading time so it works out great. When he gets a little older and won't run on his own, I am sure his parents will let me take him places.


    I can't do the things my sisters can do now but there are things I can do that they cannot. I decided long ago I couldn't be jealous...takes too much time and breath. I love them both.


    This time a year ago I had gone through two surgeries, radiation, chemo, had no hair, broke my right wrist and had another surgery, broke two fingers on my right hand, cracked my elbow, and still walked like a penguin from my stroke. There is hope...a year later things are looking up. My cancer meds give me some challenges but I am still above ground. Hey, I just vented,too.


    Is there any way you can volunteer? I do so for four groups and being around others helps me realize there are others out there far worse than me. Plus, it makes me happy to be around other people during the day.


    Love you, Kimmie. You have had an incredibly challenging past year and you are a survivor!

  3. Leah, I am so happy you are now living in the "now." I think it comes with time and realizing there are some changes and improvements we can make but there are some that cannot be undone. When you take each day at a time and get out as much as you are able, you interact with others and this is so important. I am so proud of you for getting out to get your nails done, going to your stylist, and etc. This is independence any way you look at it. I enjoy your blogs!

  4. Fred, you are so wise and your words spoke to me of the truth I now know...without my brace on my left leg, I will still probably walk like a penquin the rest of my life. But, that's okay because I have never quit trying and there just might be something that comes along in my lifetime that will help. I exercise every day and keep that "mind of its own" leg on its toes.


    Love you, Fred, and enjoy and welcome your blogs.

  5. What a year you had, Kimmie! Thank goodness most of those don't happen too often. Life is all about change and there are no guarantees. While a lot of what happens doesn't seem "fair", no one knows why the load of one is often greater than that of another. I have found that time seems to have a way of don't ever get over it...but the pain lessens somewhat and your heart begins to heal. Andy's body was a casement for his spirit and his spirit still lives on. You have that with you each and every day even though he is not here in body.


    Kimmie, you and Donna S. were there for me when I stroked...I think of you as a friend who helped me through my crisis. I am still on my stroke recovery journey and I know today it will never end. When I was diagnosed with cancer after the stroke, I had a huge pity party the day I found out and some so not very flattering words came out of my mouth that I never use..and thank goodness only one person heard me say them. The next day I moved on and knew that chemo was my only hope and it needed to be my friend as I wanted it to enter every part of my body in case there were still cancer cells floating around. I took the OncoType Test and it showed I had a high reocurrence rate.


    I know it is not for everyone but volunteering can be a wonderful opportunity. Think of the love and compassion you have for animals...there are animal shelters that could use your love and skill set. There are ways to get transportation if you do not have it.


    Most importantly, Kimmie, we love you here at SN. Keep on reaching out and getting those feelings out were there for us...let us be there for you.

  6. It is so good to hear from you. It sounds as though you have experienced some challenging days this year. We live with never ending change and really never know what the next day will bring. I wish you peace in your decisions and continued health improvement.

  7. Brian, you are moving on with life. I am Stephanie and like to be known as Logan's "G." I am a two-time survivor of both stroke and breast cancer but that doesn't defne who I really am. Sure, my life changed but I choose to live in the present I am happy for you, my friend, that you are refocusing and moving on.

  8. Hi Stessie - I voted today and will every day until the voting ends. You are definitely an inspiration for me. It is terrible dealing with another illness - stroke can be a full-time job. I know mine is (May & June 2006). I feel I keep going backwards because of falls but each time I learn something and have gain spirituality along the way. Earlier this year I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis and the pain in my legs- has made it impossible to keep up my therapy the way I had. Had 3rd epidural this week. In case you didn't read it my last fall (and I hope LAST) was Aug 3 and I cracked 3 ribs one of which punctured my lung, collapsing it and I had to have a chest tube put in. My breathing is still shallow ... but I've been there before when I first had my stroke. So one day @ a time and I do the footwork and let God do the rest. I HOPE YOU WIN. I love your picture and your video. :You-Rock: Hugs, Leah

  9. Hi Stessie - I voted today and will every day until the voting ends. You are definitely an inspiration for me. It is terrible dealing with another illness - stroke can be a full-time job. I know mine is (May & June 2006). I feel I keep going backwards because of falls but each time I learn something and have gain spirituality along the way. Earlier this year I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis and the pain in my legs- has made it impossible to keep up my therapy the way I had. Had 3rd epidural this week. In case you didn't read it my last fall (and I hope LAST) was Aug 3 and I cracked 3 ribs one of which punctured my lung, collapsing it and I had to have a chest tube put in. My breathing is still shallow ... but I've been there before when I first had my stroke. So one day @ a time and I do the footwork and let God do the rest. I HOPE YOU WIN. I love your picture and your video. :You-Rock: Hugs, Leah

  10. Hi Stessie - I voted today and will every day until the voting ends. You are definitely an inspiration for me. It is terrible dealing with another illness - stroke can be a full-time job. I know mine is (May & June 2006). I feel I keep going backwards because of falls but each time I learn something and have gain spirituality along the way. Earlier this year I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis and the pain in my legs- has made it impossible to keep up my therapy the way I had. Had 3rd epidural this week. In case you didn't read it my last fall (and I hope LAST) was Aug 3 and I cracked 3 ribs one of which punctured my lung, collapsing it and I had to have a chest tube put in. My breathing is still shallow ... but I've been there before when I first had my stroke. So one day @ a time and I do the footwork and let God do the rest. I HOPE YOU WIN. I love your picture and your video. :You-Rock: Hugs, Leah